AUSTXX, TEXAS xonoubloB. mpe sattelflelb FlWWU’8Pee'" CoE8tuloner P. 0.B6x Him.8. Beyna8atterfXeld - Page 2 xnwbershaU-f&elt85* ,Pi&t to partlU%gMte la sny of the b0nbtltS Re- from sati FLr%wbncs lief8IljRetlrewat'Fund. If any 8uah amber shellele&w3ttopmtW5pste lamwahFuncl, he ahell not betlleblefastany rule= de&mtion nor to py ea harminpso$lded.' St ls qn?fme& frau 8 readbig of tht~ aaction of the Aat that pmtlul.pmntawho deatx-4ehell~ e . . authoriw ~aldoltyartownorthegowrn.irrgbal~ themof to dedwt not lur then ow psr ceutw aor more tlum three (3) qer aentw . . . from hl8 roleq or a-- paaetton . . . Xn e.$eotiag to pnrtlalpete In theVlrewn*e ttQa*hel'lberrdb.