OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AVSTIN~ TEXAS PRICE DASIEL ,,TT”HXEY GEXERAL Xorlor~& Tom nwtin, chalrmul oeae and ? cO1IPitt.w xouou~*orReReeeutwe # Dow blrl opinionv-75 I& I ConetltutionelV8lldi~ or xoueoBillIO. 330, 50thx0gleletu?e. roiu rrqueet for en opS.nlon this Dapwtment up- en the villditr of Xouee Bill Xc. 30 CU % presentLag1el*tume, and the Bill itself bccai!aj%nlee your request. Ye hwa u4mlwd tb Bill -- title end body-endmake tlm to11ovingcwwnte and luggeetlone: go bill say contain more then one subject,en4 ve firmithat thle bill does conbln dual subjects,thrt is to say, on tlae vhole it lppeure to be l bill to regulatehunting of quail upon prlvaolq ovm18we ~nVall8andtCow~, uadllk8vleeio suc- t1on 5 or t& 3ll.l then is oontalwdthe rollwing: "&KlChBter43l,laveor the47th tigirlatw,L gular8eeeion191, 18 tire- & y lp ec i.tlor up e.lQ eEled. ” chapter431 er the 47thLegieletw, x e g u lu 8eeelo lpnp ewe to be tholly vlthout the scope oi tba real subjectof the Bill, ud owea entirely bqyond the d&ails of thetone lubj~tupnee- od in the title. Chaptar 43 nl8ke to Btate Perks Boerd'eoon- ooeelone and has no nlerewzy vhetever to huntingqukll In VW zmdt CountJ* Obvlouely,there has been scumcler.ioel error in this nepact. T& qUObd lU1g~ag0 8hOtid be liirniIIakd &aE tb Bllluitziov?eede. The bill is a looal OGI applying 01'14to VW Zaudt Cotuttr, but 8uch l loml or special lw is en exaeptionto the germrsl provlrlou oontalned in the lut prqpaph of &ctlon 56,Artlola XII, QolulBgr b%ll / _.-