R-115 . OPPICE OP THE Ar~0Rm GENERAL PRICE DANIEL AITORNBY GENrm.4L March 6, 1947 Bon, Cecil Storey, Cheirman Crimlual Jurisprudence Committee House of Representatives Austin, Texas Opinion Ho. V-72 Re: Validity of House Bill to.,220 50th Legiala- Dear Sir: . You request au offiuial .opinlon on the con-~ atltutiouallty of Bouse,Blll lo. 220, wblch bill %t- self Is attached to your request. This bill is short, and we reproduce it in full aa follows: "A BIIL * "TO BE EIVTITIED ', "AH ACT to amend Title 5, Chapter 1, of the Penal Code of Texas by adding thereto another article to be kuoun a8 Art- icle 178b, and meking bribery of officials, players and participants in athletic con- tests a crime. %E IT REACTEDBY TRE LEQISLATDRE OF TgE STATR OF TEXAS: "Section 1. That Title 5, Chapter 1, of the Penal Code of Texas, be amended by adding thereto another ertlcle to be known as Article 178b, eud to'read as follows: "'Article 178b. Whoever shell bribe or attempt to bribe any player or partioi- pant in any athletic contest, or any of- ficial in any athletic coutest, whose ac- tion or nonaction might affect the result of such contest, with the intent to lnflu- 'ence or change the result or outcome of such sthletic contest, shall be confined ln the penitentiary for not less than two nor more than five years,'" . Hon. Cecil Storey - Page 2,,V-72 We think there is great doubt as to the vali- dity of House Bill Ro. 220 in its present form for the Pollowlng rea s on9 . The bill although creating the offense of bribery, does not define the term “bribe” or “bribery,” but makes the same a part of Title 5, Chspter 1, deal- ing with bribery. In this chapter, the term “bribe,” is defined, but the definition there as given would’ not include the Persons mentioned In your bill, that Is, the. “officials, Players and particlpitants” In athletic contests; be- cause such personsdo not perform “any duty, publlo or official,” as do the persons specifically named in Art- icle 177 of’that ohapt,er. The bill, therefore, if en- acted into law, might be stricken down for want of de- finitenes,s. ., ;;.- s We s’uggest that’.the, preferable. ,way would be tb amend the bill - body and title - and create a new offense in which the word “bribe” Is specifically de- fined. Such a bill aa is suggested, if passed, would in our opinion be a valid law. We. return tee bill herewith. j.. ; SUMMARY .: 1. House .Bill Ro. 220 of the 50th Legislature proposing a new Article to be added to Title 5, Chapter I, of the Penal Code to be numbered Article 178b, deallng with officials, players, and Y participants in athletic contests is’ probably uncoustitutiona 1. 2.’ such’ a bill proposing a new aud independent act defining the word “bribe, ‘” would be constitutiousl, and if passed would be valid law. Yours very truly ‘ATTORNEY CRRRRALOF OS/jbc /lh