R-56 .~ OAICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Avssmv. TEXAS ., February 11, 1947 Hon. Willis F. Jetton Opinion No. V-13 .CountyAttorney Goliad County Re: Maximum compensationthat Goliad,,Texas may be allowed county off- icials Of Goliad County. Dear Sir: : .~ ,Your letter requesting.an~opinionfrom this De- partment on the above.subjectmatter reads in part as fol- lows: ... ' .'*I would appreciate having the opinion of your office as to the maximum compensational- lowed by law to the following county officials ~1r.1 counties.containing25000 or less inhabitants: . ~"Countyjudge, county clerk;,county attorney,J ,districtclerk, county treasurer.andsheriff-tax : collector and assessor (the office'of sheriff-tax collector and.assessorbeing combined in Goliad County as the population is less than 10000.) ., We have been unable to fully agree on the constructionto be given Articles 3883, 3891, including paragraph 'a' thereof, 3895 and 3941 governing this question, and the County Judge ha;i;zquestedthat I obtain an opinion from your ,_*n Goliad County has a population of 6,798 inhab- itants according to the 1940 Federal Census, and its of- ficials are compensated,-ona fee basis. Therefore, the compensationof said officials is governed by Articles 3883 and 3891, V.A.C.S. Article 3883 reads in part as follows: "Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the annual fees that may be retained by precinct, county and district officers mentioned in this Article shall be as follows: Hon. Willis F. Jetton - Page 2 . , In counties containingtwenty-five (25,Oi~Ajthousand or less inhabitants:County Judge, District or Criminal District Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, County Attorney, District Clerk, Tax Collector,Tax Assessor, or the Ass- essor and Collector of ~Taxes,Twenty-fourHundred ($2400,00)Dollars'each; . .. . .n Article 3891 provides:. ,"Eachofficer named in this Chapter shall first out of~the current fees of his office pay -or be paid the amount allowed him under the pro- yisions of Article 3883, together with the sala- ries of his assistants and deputies, and author- ized expenses under Article 3899, and the amount necessaryto coeer.costs0s premium on whatever .surety.,.bondmay be required by law. ,,Ifthe cur- rent fees of such office collected in any year be more than the amount needed to pay the amounts .above specified,same~shallb& deemed excess fees, and.shallbe disposed ,ofin the manner hereinaf- '.ter provided. '. *In counties containingtwenty-five thousand (25,000.)or less inhabitants,Distriot and County orricers.namedhereinshall retainone-third of such excessfees until such bone-third,:together with the amounts.specified in Article..3883, amounts to Three Thousand D011ars~($3,000):~ .1 ~. .. Subdivision (a)~of Article 3891 (S.B. 123,Acts of the 49th Legislature,R..S., 1945) provides: "The CommissionersCourtis hereby author- ized, when in their ,judgmentthe financial condi- tion of the county and the needs of the officers justify the increase, to enter an order increas- ing the compensation-ofthe precinct, county and district officers in an additional amount not to exceed twentv-five (2%) per cent of the sum al- lowed utierthe law for~the fiscal yearof 1944, provided the total compensationauthorized under the law for the,fiscalyear of 1944 did not exceed the sum of Thirty-sixHundred ($3600.00)Dollars." The above quoted provisions of Article 3883 au- thorize the county and district officials named therein to retain from the fees of office collected by them the Hon. Willis F. Jetton - Page 3 sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred($2,400)Dollars as their annual compensation. The quoted provisions of Article,3891 authorize said oounty and district offi- cials to.retain from one-thinl (l/3) of the excess fees collectedby them an additional sum until such sum added to. the amount s eciried in Article 3883 a- mounts to Three Thousand(13 000) Dollars, which would be the sum of Six Hundred,($600) Dollars.' Subdivision (a) of Article 3891 authorizesthe Commiss1oners'Coux-t in their discretionand when in their .judgmentthe fi- nancial condition of the county and the needs of the officers justify the increase, to enter an order increas- ing their annual compensationin an additional amount not to exceed twenty-five (2%) per cent of the mm al- lo.wedunder the law for the fiscal year 1944, provided the total compe~nsation.authorized under the law for the fiscal year 1944 did~not exceed the sum of Three Thou& and Six Hundred ($3,600)Dollars. This increase, how- ever, if authorized by the Commissioners'Court, would have to be paid from that portion of the one-third (l/3) or the excess fees of office over and above the portion. thereof necessary to authorize the compensationof Three Thousand ($3,000)Dollars. In other words, the base pay or the officials~coveredby the foregoingArticles is Two Thousand Four Hundred ($2',4GO.) Dollars, and the Corn- missioners'~ Court is authorized to allow them as much as Three Thousand.SevenHundred Fifty ( 3,750) Dollars un- der the provisions of Subdivision (a7 , Article 3891, but the compensationover and above Two Thousand Four Hundred ($2,400)Dollars must be paid from the one-third (l/3) of the excess fees, as no change was made in the original provisionsof Articles 3883 and 3891. \ Therefore,the maximum compensationthat may be allowed the county judge, county clerk, district clerk, and sheriff-taxassessor collector of Coliad County is Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty ($3,750)~ Dollars. ($3,000 plus $750.00) The county treasurer of Goliad County re- ceives his compensationby virtue of Article 3943. The provisions of said Article applicable to Goliad County read as follows: The commissionsallowed to any County Treas- urer shall not exceed Two Thousand Dollars($2,000) annually; . . . ." In Opinion Wo. O-6588, this Department held Hon. Willis F. Jetton - Page 4 the following: "As the County Treasurer in these counties where the county officials are compensatedOn a fee'basis receives his compensationby virtue of Arts. 3941, 3942 and 3943;which are not amended by said Senate Bill No. 123, said Act would not be applicableto the County Treasurer." .Therefore,the maximum compensationallowed the county treasurer of Goliad County is Two Thousand ($2,000)Dollars. 1. Maximum compensationthat .may be'al- lowed the county judge, county clerk, district clerk and sheriff-taxassessor collector of Goliad County is $3,750.00. Articles 3883, 3891,~and Subdivision (a) of Article 3891, V.A.C.S. 2. Maximum compensationthat may be al- plowed the,countgtreasurer of Goliad County is / $2~000.00. Article 3943, V.A.C.S* Yotirsvery truly ATTORREYGRRFRAL OFTRXAS BP-PROVEDFRB. 11, 1947 JR:djm* Approved Opinion Comzittse By BWS Chairran