DocketNumber: DM-248
Judges: Dan Morales
Filed Date: 7/2/1993
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
@ffice oftf-Je IBttornep &ma1 iibtatt of 7arxae DAN MORALES Al-rORSLY GESERAL septemba3.1993 HonorableFredHiG OpinionNo. DM-248 cbldr committee on urban Affairs Rc: wlletk, under chapter 143 of the Local TexasHouseofReprsentativa GovunmatCode,rpoliceo5certill8s StateCapiiolExtauion, Room2.704 resigned his commission rmy rescind his Austiq Texas 78768-2910 msigMtionMdkninrtusd,Mdrd8ted questions (RQ-532) Yw6nluLwhethertllispoGce~ar,uDdachrpta143oftheLocrl OovanmentCode,mryrerciadbis~onmdk``bytheDeSotochiefof poGce.cbapter143cmtaimtbertrMesthatngulrtemunici~civiiraviceryrtansfor poGcedepmmauMd!iredcportmentr. TkJeino9fovihiachnpter143tht involvesr&nation by poGa oilicersand6m 6gbta-saccpt for section143.088,wbicb definesmoffawforgivingorlcccptinerbribeiantumf~ntiriagorrrsigning~r civil service position. PoGce05~ are publicofficers,so it is appropriateto consult the generalrules regardingresignationsofpublic officers. Sawyerv. City ojSan Antonio,234 S.W.2d 398
.401 (Tcx. 1950).’ The stated purpose of chapter 143 “is to secure eflkient fire and police departmentscomposed of capablepersonnelwho are 6ee hm politicalinthence andwho p. 1288 HoDonbleFr&W--2 (DM-248) hwepamMaltcnrplaymenralure8spubGc-: LoalGov?ckde~143.001. ThegenaJrulcirthttheknefhofpamu~ntanployment~rppGar~onlyto pelXMUWbtClIUiDinUUpl~UKlUranployeeWbotigOSbrllt&bURfitS pmvidal by the civil smite rd. 1% AM.luk 2d Civil Sewice 0 58 (1976); see, e.g.. Nebmrkarel. Sctmubv. C&qA%ut&b~, lOON.W.2d202,205 (Neb. 1960). It also isthegeaalrulethtoncetberrsignrtionofrpolice``hsbecomeefliaiveby 8rqtmceby8n8utbo~power~tberesign8tioncannotkwitbdr8wnevalwitbtb8t powds commt. See Adews v. hb, 57 A2d 365,367 (N.J. 1948); 67 C.J.S. Q@ers andpUblic Enplopes 4 104 (1978); c/. Cnwch v. Civil Serv. Cbmwh,459 S.W.2d 491
. 494 (Ta Civ. App.-Houston [14tb Dial 1970, wit rtfd UC.) (wbcre poGce05&s . . rwgnMonludbecolne~by~sroaptMce WitbWtkWWl~CfOf6CCfS dCSiEtOWitb&8Wf+SgdOQdvil#vicecommirrion’S8CtiWtbaerAaiD~ tkIMttWW8SWitbCUtkg8l&~). YOlKSCCOlldquestion8SkSWbdKXtkD&OtOpdiceCbi~llUynhirrtbe*CCt poGceo5~bymymahodoshrthnrppoimmead````lidforpoG~ 05Mccrl5edbytbccivil`` A.tigll8thfi.Olllcivilravicc cONtitutes8cOmpletebre8kblaervice8nd8rOf8ll~8ad~. Lbwing v. Hiwick, 43 N.B.2d 709, 710 (N.Y. 1942); 1M AM. iuR 2d Cid snvicr Q 58; 3 E. MCQULLw,MuNlclp~t COwoit``1o~8 0 12.122 (3d d. rev. 1990). Reentryinto theCiV9ravia8tkd@UtiOlli&fCW~OfIdOXi@dpnwasios8aeW b+lil@OfdtXb8SGdOOttEWrppointwrrs,tba?ghcl~8’rdnrtrtaMa’ DoerIng v.Hinricbs, 43 N.E.2d at 711
. We have foundno uatutov provisionthatwould changetheregmeralrules;thadon,wedethathepoGeeoffi~murtbebeatad 8s 8n applicantfor 8 begin&g position and may be appointedand eventwGypromoted only by the methods applicableto aG 11ppGc3ntsfor begim1in8positions, as provided in suwta B of chapter 143, LaxI Gov’t Code 08 143.0211.038. and, to the extent applicable,subchapterG of cbpta 143. ti $8 143.101- .134 (most of subchqtex G :;;!T, :, Z+X!itiS of 1.5 malionpersonsor more).’ p. 1289 HonombleFredHiG - Pw 3 (DH-248) YOWtbifdCp&0”89lSWhUhWthGD&tOCiVtlSWiCC-Ollh8S ~dktion``$e~muterofthepmPc!&+auamlt0fthesobject05cu. conlauwwdashwrmcb~oe gection143.009- tbecivilselvice wmmissionto%vestig8te8ndfeporton8Gm8tta%rrlrtingtothe enforcanentmd``of...chpta[143]udrayruler``sduadatbir`` [to] determineifthe chqter end rulesUCbeingobeyed.’ The r&statement of the subject police 05cer relates to the enforcementof ch8pter 143. so the commission does have jurisfGctionof the m8tter. The1TiVkViCecommiSSidw’r8Utholityto``dirmirc8poliCeO5~ derives solely from dmpter 143. Section 143.052 of the Local Gowment Code provides that the bead of 8 police deprrtmentmry upend 8 police 05cer for 8 nuonrblepaiodofnomorrthnlS&yror~torviottionof8civilravice ~k811d~t8testht8t1b~k&~itG``pe1~ionirequivrlent~8~.’ &&nl43.051 rpedfiacthepamisPiblCgrwnbfortkdvilrervicecownirrionto~inpromulgating rulesp``~uuKtorrrmonlornupauionoffirrfightarradpoG~o5casmd rtltesthrtm,nJepr``rucbcuueirnlidunlaric~aaeormorrofthpa- missiile grounds. Sections 143.052 8nd 143.053 at8bGshtk pro&me tar 8 rmspaded Ike fighter or police officer to 8ppead8 supension to the civil raviu: commission. Section 143.053, subsection(e), quires the commissionin its decision of the rp@ to state whether the 6re fighter or poGcc 05cer is permWltly dismissed, teanpomrily suspended,or restoredto his or her formerpositionor status. Nowhere in chapter143 is the civil service commission urthorizedto suspend or dismiss 8 police 05cu or Gre fighter except on 8ppeai from 8 auspaion or dismkd by the de head. we conclude that the following language from Civil Service Commksiun v. Gmer, 344 ;;.:.‘.zd 225 (Tex. Cii. App.-Texarka~ 1960. no writ) (per auiam), c.onau@ the 8t8tutorypredecessor :0``143,irtillcomcturppG~tothewrarokw: [O]nly the Chief or Hud of the Police w m8y suspend8 poticemaniqddkitdy, 8nd ody the cii &fVhX(hIUdiW, 8s 8 p. 1290 HonombleFredHiG - Prge 4 (DM-248) hurdof&pe&m8yorder8poGcem8udkh8r@~mthe ravia8ftOrfilldhGthC~liamrn@li@‘ofthCVbkiOnOf8CiVG 8wvicendespec5edint&deprrlmmt’rHe8d[sic]orChiePstimdy . Underchpter 143, only the police chiefhas the authorityto inithte the process of remcvhg 8 police 05cef hm his or ha position. See Arm&f v. Ci@ ofXhwmar1,222 S.W.2d 314,317 (Ta Cii. App.-D&s 1949). reVdan ofher-, q S.W.2d 620 (Ta 1950) (a8mtory predecessorof bpter 143 %upefsed~ 8Gpowar of the chukr Biviagunhoritytormayor,citycouncil,orcitymanrga.tonwmrtwinganplayas of tid Cii Senice dep8ttmcms”). The police ddefs 8hority to dismiss the police otsar,~irbrordathnthtprovidsdiachrpa143pdiraot~in~aK merelybecwenoneoftbegroundsfbr#lspe&normnonl~edinDec6on 143.0518pplytotbesul&ctofGcer.’ Ilrweh8ve88id$iftheofGcer,wbosetign8tion hdbecome&ctive,w8snotrappohtedtohispositioninsubstmMcolllpliur;ewith tbe``for~inrmenttorbeeinnineporitiW~inchrpta143,thcn hk~pOiBtmaIt~8Idky. Hehrnorighttoo5aradbnocivGaenkeprotection Ida Ch8pta 143. &d.ocd &v? code 0 143.003 (‘ToGce~flicd mews 8 mcmbcTof 8poG~depamneatorothcrpaceo5``wurppoinstdin``~ p. 1291 HoaombleFredW - F%ge5 (DM-248) IftbereisnogeacnltamimtioneutMtyiot&~sdurtathuwouldbe rppliabletothc~ar,or~tbedulyruthorizsdparonwpaMnr¬wirhto adlie such mholity, the commiuionm8yrequatthsttherttonraygena8lorthe owntyor``m~redLautaOfthcofScabywryor8procesdiaginquo lbwT@lfO.see cii. Pmt. & Ran. code 0 66.002 (8tIomey galelal or wunty or district momymaypuitionanlltf~kJvctofikQuitionbqJ/o~); se also, eg., Lewis v. hake,641 S.W.2d 392
.394 (Ta App.-Ddl8s 1982, no writ) (quo wmranto gcnarllyicacckuive~to``ewtborityofparontoretuo5~&lda). Quo worrwro is rv8il8bleto RQOVe”8parOn[WhO]USlUpS,iOtNd~intO,OrUld8~y boldsorexecutm...mo5ce.g Cii.Pmc.&Ran.CodeQ66.001. Altbougbwelme fbuUdru,TexUcuS lOCO@&thU~8procadineiSnniLMc~fw8 police offica who unh’t%y holds 8 civil service posit&-d the 8uthoritk we founj ftom other states hold or imply th8t police oBccrs of my mk hold %n oi3ke” and thereforeM occupantof such M office could be subjectto remov8lby quo IV-ro. Set Civilsent. Cmm’n v. Pebd, 571 AZd 715, 719 (Corm.Supa. 1989) (police officers, witbout regardto rank,are public05cers whose title to their office may be cbaGengedby quo worranto proceedi&; Cooper v. Tomr OfBelkviile,118 A. 332
, 333 (NJ. 1921) (pa curiam)(action for certiwmi cbaGenging&ry 8w8rdedto city police patrohn on --**-d Y - ---- :%I he w&sneitherdrjure nor &f4co patrolmanWLPimpropa es 8ttackon title topubGco5ce,whichcuIbebroughtonlybyquo -)~;cj.CXcXl..MV. Ci@ ojChil/icoU~, 601 N.E.2d 612,614 (Ohio &p. 1991) (wbae court hnd enjoined $ilGng0ff&lrth0ffW ~esinpoGcedeprrtmenfno&ionrdionfbr~owiGGe p. 1292 nonor8o1ema mu - r8ge 0 hrtrvorofrinslerrLtorto~iadividualsfrommyofoshathntpodtionsbsuuse removalnot necesuy to put rektor in potice05ca position).’ Youri?dquedtion8&swhoh8stbewthorhytowfbrcednpta143. We 8ssumeyourefbrtothe~contextyouh8vepm8mtedtow. Aswes8id8bo-& da clmpta 143 of the Locdl W CodethepoGceddefhastheauthMyto ``8~nwhounlawfUnyholdrrpoliceofficerpositiWmdthe~ravioe commissionhas only 8ppeG8tejurisdiction to remove such 8a 05cq while underch8pta 66 of the Cii Pm&e 8nd RemediesCode the 8ttomey gened or the districtor anmty 8ttomey ia 8uthoriz.dto initi8te8 quo wtzmmto proceedmgto oust the officer. Another -Of8UthOli~tOdidl8f&tbeSUbjectO5C!Gl~CXiStSill8citycbrrta provisionPrthoridnethcitycounrilorthedty’rcbidac~to``1~. undadupta143oftheLoal GovanmcntCodc,~8 pOGceO5cefsre&n8tiOn~8civil~cepOsitiOn- effectivebyproper`` theresigMtionm8ynotbe- evalwiththeconsMtofthepasonwho8cwptedthemsign8tion. TIlatf~8pOGaO5~inRlcb-m8ynOtbc fht8tdtOhiS~sitiOilbecrwc8UCh808CtiOtliS-tO8 8bWmw8lofthem8ign8tion chpta 143 mquires 8 police o&a seeking mppobmm 8fta 8 ~0ht8ry 8d dfbctive r&~tiw born 8 poGa depmnat to&tre8t~888n8ppGantf6r8begin8@position. m 8uch8no5c8rlll8ybe8ppointed8devaWGypmmotedonlyby themethodsappGcabletoallappGcantsfbrbqhingpositions,Is providedi11a1bdqtaBofctqta143,LoalGov’tCodc8ections 143.021 throua 143.038,8nd, to the extent 8ppGdle, subch8pta G of chapter143. Locd Gov’tCode 5s 143.101- .134. The DeSoto Civil Savlce Commission ha9 jurisdiction to investigate the matta of the purportedrebsbtement of 8n 05cer who has voluntarilyandeEectivelyresigned. p. 1293 HonombleFredHill - Pege 7 (DIG248) ApoGceo5cawhowuaoteppointedtohiscommisionin ~rdencewithchapta143isnotentitledtocivGaavicestetus. Undaehepta143oftheLucdGwaunent codethepoGcechief h86 the 8UthOIityto remove 8 personwho ud8wfully holds 8 police 05cer pitioq 8nd the civil serviceammissionh8sonly 8ppeG8te jurisdictionto remove such 8 person,while under chapter66 of the CivilPruzticeend RemediesCode the ettomey g&ml or thedistrict or county utomey is ulthorized to initiete 8 quo worru?lro procding to oust the person. Anotha source of Who* to dkchargethe subject05cer perhapsexists in 8 city charta provision 8uthorizingthecitywuncilorthecity’schiefexecutiveto~e -Pw=. DAN MORALES AttorneyGenad of Taps wlu PRYOR FirstAadantAttomeyGeneml MARYKELLER Deputy AttorneyGenu8l for Litigation RENEAHlcKs State Solicitor MADELElNEB. JOHNSON Chif, OpinionCommittee Preparedby JamesB. Piin A^r:“^-1:!.%mey Galad p. 1294