DocketNumber: JM-180
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1984
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
The Attorney General of Texas Lily 5, 1984 JIM MATTOX Attorney General Suprem cwrl SulldlnQ Booorable Fred M. Ba,xker opinion, no. ``-180 P. 0. Box 11548 Parker county Attorcey Auslln. TX. 7S71I. 2!m 512l4752661 County Courthouse Be: Whether an auxiliary county Telex 81a674.1367 Weatherford. Texar 76086 courthoure 10 subject to city telecopier 612l476.0266 zoning ordinances 714 Jackson.Sulle 700 Dear Mr. Barker: Dallas. TX. 75202ao6 214i742+.Q44 You ask whether Parker County’s uee of a tract of land for an auxiliary courthoum! within the city limits of the county seat la eubject to ,the city’s ‘zoning ordinancea and building codes. We 924 AIberIa Ave.. Sullr 160 ‘aso. TX. 76Wt279.3 conclude that the ccunty’a use of land for an auxiliary courthouse is 3Iol5353464 subject ~to the munic:ipality’e zoning ordinances only tom the extent that nuch ordinancmt ‘do not prevent the county from reasonably locating its auxilicuy courthoucle within the municipal limits of the 1001Texas.sqite 7w county seat. Addit:looally, ve conclude that the county muat comply Houslon. TX. 770023111 with the munfcipalitp’e building and fire coder. 713i223.6666 Texas courte have yet to determine the acope of a municlpality’e 606 Broadway.Suite 312 zoning power over county property located within municipal llmita. We Lubbock.TX. 794014472 recently held that buildinge, structures. and laod controlled by 6ow747-6236 federal or etate aga!c,ciem ari ixeapt from municipal ronlug. Attorney General Opinion m-117 (1983). Bowever. a political rubdivision’o 4366N. Tenlh. Sull. S property Is not lta teproperty for purpoaea of resolving conflict8 MCAIIen.TX. 76601-1666 with another politiml rubdivirion. Port Arthur Independent School 5w662-4647 Dlatrfct v. City of Grovea.376 S.W.2d 330
, 333 (Tex. 1964); Attorney General Opinion lN-Gi)(1982). 200 Mel mua. Slme UK) Sm Antonlo. TX. 762OW767 A municipal acnln8 ordinance which conflict8 vith or is 512/2264161 inconsistent with e’tate legislation 1~ invalid. City of Brookside Village v. Comeau, liZI S.W.2d 790. 796 (Tex. 1982). However, state legislation In e particular field does not automatlcally preempt that ,field from amicipal regulation; local regulation ancillary to and in harmony with the purpose of the state leginlation is acceptable.Id. Thur, whether
a municipality may exercise zoning paver over a count- auxiliary courthoure: located vlthln the municipality depend6 upon reconciliation of two different, potentially conflicting legislatively created powerr. The coumieefone:rtl court of a county ha6 the authority to provide auxiliary courthouse8 in the county seat. V.T.C.S. art. 1605a-5. Honorable Fred M. Barker - Page 2 (JM-180) 51(a)(l); V.T.C.S. art. 23753’5, Il. Subsection l(a) (1) of article 1605a-5 specifically authorizea the comissionera court to provide auxiliary courthousea in any part of the city, town, or village designated a8 the comty eeat, including a part of the municipality atlcled to the municipelity after it became the cow&p rut. but not including a part of the munic:ipality that la outside the county. (Emphasis mlded) . liowever. the legfrlative history does not indicate that “in any part” was intended to address a c:onflict with city zoning ordinances; rather. it wan intended to indicate that the county la not limited to the “town center . ” Additionally, counties hwe the right of eminent domain four the purpose of condemning and acquiring land, right of way or tuhaement in land, private or public . . . whew said laod. right of vay ‘or .caeement ie neceeaal)m in the construction of . . . courthouses . . . . V.T.C.S. art. 3264a. Article 6702-l. section 4.302. grants counties the right of eminent domain for road construction and maintenance purposes within the bouadazles of ounicipalltlcs and expressly raquircs the prior,consent of r:he municipality. No similar statutory requirement for a muaicirv~lity’a : consent amlies tom county co~dexmations pursuant to, .art&le :3264& Cf. Cir;-of fpler v. Smitir ~County, 246 S.l?.2d.601~(Tex. 1952); El Pasoaty v. City of El Peso, 357 &U.2d 783 (Tex.. Civ. ,App. - 81 Paeo 1962, no writ) (resolution of conflict over condemnation by one political subdivieion of property belonging to an equally empour~‘cd subdivision ultimately reste on the paramount use and best interests of the public). Zoning regulation io a recognired tool of cowaunity planning vhich allova a municipality, in .itm legislative dircretion, to restrict the use of property fc,c the protection of the general health, safety, and velfare of the public. City of Broobide Village v. Comeau. a; see V.T.C.S. nrts., 1011a through 10113 (the zoning enebllng act ofzas which lu,thorixes building and zoning regulation by municipalities). Became a municipal roalng ordinance vhich conflicts with or lo inconrlrtturt with lta te lenjslation cannot stand, City of Brookside Village v. Ctmeau, a , an orditica which defeata the legislative authorization ``countica to ertabliah courthoueer ia Invalid. Honorable Fred M. Barker - P#ll;e 3 (JM-180) Texas courts dealing with conflicts .betwean municipslitiea and school districts employ thicl reasoning to hold that municipalities cannot use their zoning po!n,ra totally to exclude the reasonable location of achoo~.facilitic~ within municipal boundaries. Austin Independent School Dietrict o,, City of Sunset Valley, 502 S.W.Zd (Tex. 197,3); Port -Arthur Independent ,School District v. City of Crivea , 376 S.W.2d, .330:. (Tt;:. 1964); City of Addison v. Dallas Independent School, District, (132 S.W.2d 771
.(Tex. Civ. App. ‘- Dallas 1982. .writ ref’d n.r.c.). AlLn&~g such an exclusion would defeat the school district’s power of end,nent domain. Austin Independent School District v. City of Sunset Valley, B; City of Addison v. Dallas Independent School District, eupra, Nor can the zoning ordinances of municipalities override the eminent domain powers granted by the legislature to other types of cntitiea. Sea Gulf, C. 6 S.P. Ry. Co. v. m, 281, S;W.Zd 441 (Tex. Civ. App. Dallas 1955, writ ref’d n.r.e.); Fort Worth 6 O.C. Ay. Co. v. Auunons. 215 S.W.Zd 407 (Tex. Civ. App. -. Amarillo 1948; writ ref’d 0.r.e.). As a practical matter, a political subdiviaion’a “immunity” from rC munidipal zotilng ‘is limited by a rule of reasonableneaa. For example, despite language ,in~ the -- Sunset Valle case that school districts are absolutely immune from a city 4’ s zoning power, the supreme court emphasized that its holding was not that the Sch,,l District can act with impunity . ~. . . (Yhia immunity is absolute unless the City in #: given instance can show that its exercise is unreasonable or arbitrary.’ 502 S.W.2d ,.at ,674:; (quoting ,ulth epproval from City of Nevark v. University of Delaware, .,3D4 -A.,:!d 347. ,349 (Del. Ch. 1973)); see City of Addison -v. Dallas Indepe``lant School District, 632 S.w.?d at 772-773. ‘. Similarly. in Porter v. Southwestern Public Service Co.,489 S.W.2d 361
(Tex. Civ. App. - &rillo 1972, writ ref’d n.r.e.3. the court held that,, absent i --- su&lined challenge, a city did not usurp the eminent domain power of a public utility by requiring it to meet certain standards under tit:? zoning ordinances. Therefore, ve conclude that Parker County’s IMC of land for an auxiliary courthouse is subject to the city’s zoning ordinances only to the extent that such ordinances do not prevent the county from reasonably locating its auxiliary courthouse within the municipal limits of the county seat. r However, the county must comply with city regulations regarding the construction of its rcxiliary courthouse. Texas courts distinguish between municipal :#,ntrol over the location of buildings of another political subdiviair~c and control over the construction of such buildin8a. See, e.g., %eet Valley, m, at 673. The supreme Honorable Fred M. Barker - Pr,fe 4 (JM-180) court in Port Arthur fndeperdent School Oiatrict v. City ofGroves, supra
, held that a school district must comply with the city's building regulations. The legislature, .by l uthoriainS the ,achool district to locate a school Sacility vithin a ~nicipality. did~not preempt the city's police povcc to enforce necessary health and aafety regulatione. Port Arthur I!dependent School ~Diatrict v. City ~of Groves, B, et 334. ~Lo Attorney General Opiuim~M~l-508.(1982), ~-office ~extended~thia"~ratlonele to counties end detelrined -.thet couuty buildings within munic:~.palitfes are subject to municipal-fire codes. See al~eo Attorney Geno::al Opinion WV-218 (1957). Although particular "poli:e power" regulations vhich. in effect, prevent the location of another political subdivision's fecilitiea may be invalid, see. e.g., Cit of Addison v. Dallas Independent School .Ofstrict, supra
, +- the county II authority to locate buildings in a municipality does not municipal authority to protect the public health, safety, and veXare. See City of Fargo, Case County v. ~ Harwood Township, 256 N.W.2'1 694 (N.O. 1977); Lincoln County v. Johnson, 257 N.W.Zd 453 (S.11, 1977); Wilkinsburg-Peaa Joint Water Authority v. Borough of ChurclG,417 Pa. 93
,207 A.2d 905
(1965); Pal-Uar Water Hanagement Oia~rict v. Martin County,377 So. 2d 752
(Fla. Diet. Ct. App. 1979). &II M M A R Y Parker County's ure of land for sn auxiliary courthouse within the municipal limita of the county seat ,ia subject to the munlcipality'e zoning ordinances only to the extent that such ordinances do not prrrent the county from loceting its auxiliary courthcuae within the municipality. l'he county must comply vith municipal regulations regardinS the couw:ruction of its auxiliary courthouse. LJ!!!k Very truly JIM m MATTOX yo 8 Attorney General of Texas TOMGREEN First Assistant Attorney Genera,] DAVID IL RICHARDS Executive Assistant Attorney General . - Honorable Fred M. Barker - Pa&c 5 (JM-180) Prepared by Rick Gilpin Aaeiatent Attorney General APPROVZD: OPINIONCQEMITTEE Rick Gilpin, Ghairman Go1111 Carl Susan Gerriaon Jim Moellinger Nancy Sutton