MEX GENERAL F XAS Honorable Robert S. Calvert Opinion No. MA15 Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas 78711 Re: Effective date of Senate Bill 8, Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Ses- sion, 1969, an Act pro- viding for the implementa- tion of a program of Dear Mr. Calvert: student teaching. Your request for an opinion reads as follows: "I have attached the following Items for legal interpretation In regard to the effective date for S.B. 8, 61st Legislature, R.S.: 1. S.B. 8, 61st Legislature, R.S. 2. S.B. 58, 61st Legislature, R.S., pages 5 and 6 of Article IV , . . (Central Education Agency, Item 21) . . . as contained in the Gen- era1 Appropriations Bill for fiscal year beginning September 1, 1969. 3. Attorney General's Opinion ww-102. "Does the langua e In S.B. 58 as contained in pages IV-5 and IV-2 create an effective date for S.B. 8 earlier than September 1, 19701 "The effective date for S.B. 8 must be determined to establish the cost of such legls- lation for certification purposes as required by State's Constitution, Article III, Section 49a." Senate Bill 8, Acts of the 6lst Legislature, Regular Session, 1969, provides for a program of student teaching and appropriates mon$y for the program "for the biennium ending August 31, 1971. - 2065 - Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (m-415) The effective date of Senate Bill 8, Acts of the 61st Legislature is prescribed in Section 5. Section 5 provides: 'Section 5. This Act shall take effect when Senate Bill 8 has been cited in a General Appropriations Bill, but in no event shall the Act become effective later than September 1, 1970." In view of the provisions of Section 5 of Senate Bill 8 above quoted, the effective date of Senate Bill 8 is dependent upon whether Senate Bill 8 has been cited in the General Appro- priations Bill for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1969. You have enclosed with your request that portion of Article IV of Senate Bill No. 58, Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 1969 (General Appro rlations Bill for the fis- cal year beginning September 1, 1969P relating to the allocation of the Foundation School Fund in the appropriation to the Central Education Agency which lists the following statutory citations: 'Senate Bill No. 117, Chapter 335, Acts of the Fifty-first Legislature, Regular Session, 1949 (Article 7083a, Section 2 (4-a), Vernon's Civil Statutes), as amended, and any balances remaining in the Foundation School Fund at the end of such year, to pay the State's partof the Foundation School Program as provided for in Senate Bill No. 116, Chapter 334, Acts of the Fifty-first Legislature, Regular Session, 1949 (Articles 2922-11 to 2922-22, Vernon's Civil Statutes), as amended, and Senate Bill No. 355, Chapter 215, Acts of Fifty-second Legislature, Regular Session, 1951; House Bill No. 51, Chapter 481, and House Bill No. 612, Chapter 430, Acts of the Fifty-sixth Legisla- ture, Regular Session, 1959; House Bill NO. 479, Chapter 468, Senate Bill No. 22, Chapter 372, as amended, Senate Bill No. 80, Chapter 260, as amended, Senate Bill No. 51, Chapter 374, and Senate Bill No. 178, Chapter 12, Acts of the Fifty-seventh Legislature, Regular Session, 1961; Senate Bill No. 18, Chapter 40, Acts of the Fifty-seventh Legislature, Third called Session, 1962; House Bill No. 167, Chapter 106, as amended, and House Bill No. 87, Chapter 361, Acts of the - 2066- . Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page~3 (m-415) Fifty-eighth Legislature, Regular Session, 1963, as amended; Senate Bill No. 149, Chapter 545, Senate Bill No. 408, Chapter 448, Senate Bill No. 4, Chapter 438, and Senate Bill 575, Chapter 563, as amended, Acts of the Fifty-ninth Legislature, Regular Session, 1965; House Bill 156, Chapter 451, and House Bill No. 1020, Chapter 706, Acts of the 60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967." Senate Bill 8, Acts of the 6lst Legislature, Regular Session, 1969, Is not Included in the list of statutes cited in the language above quoted from the General Appropriations Bill. You are therefore advised that the language in Senate Bill 58 (General Appropriations Bill for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1969) as contained on pages IV-5 and IV-~ does not create an effective date for Senate Bill 8 earlier than September 1, 1970. SUMMARY In view of the language of Section 5 of Senate Bill No. 8, Acts of the 6lst Legislature, Regular Session, 1969, providing that "the Act shall take effect when Senate Bill No. 8 has been cited in a General Appropriations Bill but In no event shall it become effective later than September 1, 1970," and in view of the fact that the provisions of Senate Bill No. 58 as contained in the appropriation to the Central Education Agency for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1969, do not cite said Senate Bill No. 8, Senate Bill No. 58 does not create an effective date for Senate Bill No. 8 earlier than September 1, 1970. Your+7very truly, ORB C. MARTIN General of Texas Frepared by John Reeves Assistant Attorney General -2067- Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 4 (M-415) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman George Kelton, Vice-Chairman Bill Allen Sarah E. Phillips James Quick Harold Kennedy W. V. Geppert Staff Legal Assistant Hawthorne Phillips Executive Assistant - 2068 -