DocketNumber: C-297
Judges: Waggoner Carr
Filed Date: 7/2/1964
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
THEATTORNICYGENERAI. OIF %-EXAS August 24, 1964 Honorable 3esae James Opinion No. C- 297 State Treasurer Austin, Texas Re: Where the special trust fund created by Section 9 of Article 4.08, Texas Insurance Code, contains insufficient funds to pay for publication of notices required under Section 5 of such Article, may the cost of such publication be paid out of the general appropriation to the State Treasurer’s office, and If not, may the expense of publication be incurred and paid from the special trust fu’uiTas money accrues to such Dear Mr. James: You have requested an opinion of this office Involving the following questions: Where the special trust fund created by Section 9 of Article 4.08, Texas Insurance Code, contains insufficient funds to pay for publication of notices required under Section 5 of, such Article: “(1) Whether the cost of such publications can be ~pald from regular appropriations from the Qeneral Revenue Pund made to this office for gen- eral operating expenses. ?(2) If we are prohibited from paying the expense of such publication from the above referred to General Revenue Fund appropriations, is there any prohibition against Incurring the expenses of publica- tion as required by Section 5 and later making payment from the special trust fund provided for In Section 9 of said Article 4.08, Texas Insurance Code.” -1418- Hon. Jesse Jamear page 2 (C-297) Texas Insurance Code (Vernon’s 1948) Article 4.08, Section 5 reads In part: .The axpense8 of publication shall be cha$d against the special trust fund pro- vided for in Section 9.” Article 4.08, Section 9 reads in part: .The remaining one-fourth shall be admlni&ked by him as a special trust fund for the purposea of this Article, and deposited in the manner provided by law for the deposit of said funds. . . .” The ordinary meaning of the word “shall” is mandatory and equivalent to “must. ” Also, when the intent clearlp Indicates that the word “shall” as uaed In a statute Is Intended to be manda- tory, it is inconsistent with any idea of discretion and is manda- t``orel14c;aren v. St92 Tex. Crim. 449
,199 S.W. 811
(1917); v Hancoclc1 S.W. 694
, 700 (Tex.Clv.App. 1917); Jaynes 306 S W 2d i Tex.Clv.App. 1957) No cases have Involved 8 of Ariicle 8 or the intent of-the Lenlslature within this Article. Initiated hereuMer Is a new and separate admlnls- tlration of funds subject to escheat held by life insurance companlet The Auatln.Court of Civil Appeals in the case of Lawson v. Baker,220 S.W. 260
(Tex.Clv.App. 1920, error ref.) cona- a specla’l state revolving fund and the intent of the Le lslature In administration of that fund. The Court saidsat page 26if t “It is a paramount rule of statutory con- struction that in case of doubt, the intention of the Legislature is to be ascertained If pos- sible. . . . “The emergency clause of a statute Is often an Important ala In detemainlng the legislative purpose; 3d in,thls case we think it peaullarly ao. . . . The Emergenoy Clause, $eotion 3 o? Article 4.08, reads in part: “The fact that the pre8ent laws provld-ing toti the escheat OS abandoned fundo held by life . insurance companies and due and plyrble under any life or endowment Insurance policy or annuity -1419, Hon. Jesse James, page 3 (C-297) contract which has matured or terminated are indefinite, lnadequftte and confusing, creates an amergenoy . . . Article 4.08, Section 9 creates a special trust fpnd from specific unclaimed finds of life insurance companies. To provide expenses of publication and administration of the act is the specific purpose of the special trust find of Section 9. The Emergency Clause clearly states that the Legislature intended to eliminate indefinite and confusing laws applicable to~llfe in- surance companies. Interpretation of mandatory language in Section 5 should resolve doubt or confusion as to the fund from which money originates in Article 4.08 for expenses of publication. The Legis- lature intended to eliminate confusion through mandatory deslgnatlo~ In Section 5 of the Section 9 $pectal trust fund as the only fund to be charged with expenses of publication. We are of the opinion that the cost of publication may not be paid out of the general appropriation to the State Treasurer’s office. Your second question Is whether the expense of publica- tion may be Incurred and paid from the special trust fund as money accrues to such fund. Section 6 of Article VIII of the Constitution of Texas provides that no money may be drawn from ;;; treasury unless a specific appropriation has been made there- . Article 4.08, Section 9 reads in part: “Upon receipt of any unclaimed funds from such life insurance companies by the State Treas- urer, he shall pay forthwith three-fourths of the amount thereof into the general funds of the state for the use of the state. The remaining one-fourth shall be administered by him as a special trust fund for the purposes of this Article, and deposited in the m$nner provided by law for deposit of said funds. . . . Essential elementa required in a valid appropriation were dlscueaed in Atkins v. State Highway Department,201 S.W. 226
(Tex.Clv.App. IVIB). Th C t Id d tingent amounts to be deposited to a specialefu~drinc%s,e~&hc``gislature. Ch. 190, B 23 which read In part: “All funds coming Into the hands of the highway commission, derived from the registration fees herein before provided for, or from other sources, as collected, shall be deposited with the state treasurer to the credit of a special fund - 14to- . Hon. Jesse James, Pat50 4 (C-297) designated ept).the ‘state hlghway fund’ and shall “,;,pz @ ~, only ‘In the maper provided In the %.wposes stated. The Courts held that this provlsl@n allocating con- tingent amounts to a speolal fund oonatltuted a valid appro- priation within the moaning ot Artlole VIII, Section 6 of the Constitution of Texas. An appmrlation Occurs when an act of the Legislature sets apart,shd s~eolally designates the mone derived from a particular sour00 OS revenue to a partlcu I-9ar ``ct5~‘~d````:``````*``’ ti??%la~%~nds &II life ins&& oompanie~ whlohj’as collected, are deposited with the State Treaenmer to the credit of a special trust fund to administer the purposes of the Aot. A valid appro r;;t;;z of money within the meaning of Article VIII, Section Ii Constitution of Texas wao made by the Legislature in Article 4.08, Seotion 9 for the purpose8 stated in the Act. After the Legislature has appropriated money for a state agency to Its use and maintenance, that agency may Incur debts and pay thos!? debts a8 money accrues to the administering fund. See our Opinion No. o-1544. In the oaee of Ferguson v. Johnr@n, 57 S.W.28 372 (Tex.Clv.App. 1933, error diem.), contractual power of a state agency to bZnd a apeolal f’und containing lnsuffiolent funds was corisidered. The Court said at pages 378 and 379: . .A11 general leglsl~tlve ,approprlations for the support of the &ate government and its various departments and aotlvltles are made for a future biennium, the revenues to meet which are prospective and poese6s an element of uncertainty equally as great as that incident to those we are considering. We know of no instance in which the accumulation of such revenues In the treasury is a prerequisite to Incurring govdrllaent llablllty. The Legislature Itself creates such llablllty in advance of covering treasury receipts in cases of specific appropriations, and authorizes creation of such llabllity by Its oontraotlng agencies. ‘The departmental constructlqn evidenced by the uniform practice of contracting against .anticlRated revenues stands unchallenged in the record. . . . We are of the opinion that the appropriation by the Legislature for funds collected through esoheat procedures from -1421- Hon. Jesse James, page 5 (C- a71 life insurance companies allows expenses of publication to be inqurred and paid from the special trust fund a8 mopey accrues ,, to auc~ fund. SUMMARY Where the special trust fund created by Section 9 of Article 4.08, Texas Insurance Code, contains insufficient funds to pay for publlca- tion of notices required under Section 5 of such Article,, the coat of such publication may not be paid qut of the general appropriation to the State Treasurer’s office, but the expense of publication may be Incurred and paid from the special trust fund a8 money accrues to such fund. Very truly your8, WAGOONER CARR Attorney General By: Gordon Rouser Assistant (tH:mlrmkh APPROVEDI OPlyIOH COHNITTEE W. V. Qeppert , Chairman Pat Bailey Gordon Case R,Iou;gler EPROVRD FOR THE ATTORWRY IEWERAL : Stanton Stone -1422-