, . THEA~ORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Honorable J. N. Nutt Opinion No. C-287 Commissioner of Insurance State Board of Insurance Re: Whether County Austin, Texas 78701 Mutual Insurance Companies organ- ized and operating under Chapter 17 of the Texas Insur- ance Code and quali- fied to write casualty lines for state wide operation may write all lines of automo- bile insurance on all motor vehicles in addition to those enumerated In Art. 17.01, Texas Insur- Dear Sir: ante Code. You have requested our answer to the following question: "Are County Mutual Insurance Companies which are organized and operated under Chapter 17 of the Insurance Code, quallfled to write casualty lines for state wide operation, authorlzed to write all lines of automobile Insurance only on those vehicles defined, enumerated or listed in Article 17.01 of the Code, or may such companies write all lines of automobile Insurance on all motor vehicles as that term is used or defined in Article 5.01 of the Code, specifically includ- ing taxicabs, long haul trucks and other motor vehicles used for commercial purposes or for hire?" Your request noted certain prior Attorney General's opinions which dealt with various facets of this general problem and are of assistance in answering this question. Attorney General's Opinion S-168, held that, by meeting the requirements of Art0 17.25, of the Texas Insurance Code, as amended, a County Mutual Insurance Company could write liability insurance on automobiles. This opinion dealt with the amendment found In Acts 1955, 54th Leg., Chap 117, -1374- Honorable J, N. Nutt, page 2 (c-287 ) . APPROVED FOR TKE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: Stanton Stone L,1377