November ::, 1961 Konorablo Henry ';:a& O;8fnion No. !f/i-l.19C District A?torney records Buildins Re : 'Questions reiatin;, to corpora- Dallas 2, Texas 'iion aad application o_C Article 21~68, V.,.P.C. (Sun&.;- Blue Dear Yr. Wade: Law). You have requested the oijinion of this office on ti:e following c:uestions set out: "Question No. I: Is a corporation onerating ,more than one store or businex esxikisiment sellin those certain articles specified in Art. 2 5 6a, V.A.P.C., after having sold and offered for sale such articles in one of its stores on a Saturday, proMGited i'rom selling or offering for sale any of such articles on the following Sunday in any and aL1 of its other stores, irrespective of \lhet::er such other stores are located in the same or dif- ferent cities and are separately managed and operated by different employees, :,iit:-.out in- terchance of employee 3’: "Question No. II: Is a corporation which has so13 or offered for sale those certain arti- cles specified in Art. 286a, V.A.P.C. on a Saturday in its store or one of its s'kores, prohibited from acceptirq through 2:~ clzent tele;?hone orders for such articles on the follol.:inS Sunday? The statute provides in part as follo;;is: tsAny person, on both the ,::l;ro (2) consecu- tive. Ays of Saturday and Sun&;-, who sells or offers for sale or shall eOm;ici, force 01 oblige his employees to sell any clstiiinz; clothing accecsories; vc;rin; ZlpiCirel; foot- wear; home, business tllre ; Litchenwzre; !:li;~f,``C````,p``~ocO~if;jlTni- Aome a>plinnces; stows; refriCera:ors; air c0n.l: tiorlers; electric fans; raGios; tcIcvision IionoraXe Henry ‘Wade, page 2 (WW-1190) sets; xashing machines; driers; cameras; hardware, tools, excluding non-,2o::cr driven hand tools; jewelry; precious or se,mi-;rccious stones; silverVr3re ; :iatc:ieo; ciocks ; lu;;;age ; motor vehicles; :xxics; instruments; recordings; toys, excluding items customarily sold as noveltics and souvenirs; mattresses; bed :overi:?Ss; househol; linens; floor coverings; l~zps; draperies; blinds; curtains; mirrors; lawn mo.qers or cioth piece i;oods si:all ic guilty 0 f a misdemeanor. Each sop:‘-rate sale shall consti cute 2 sc.;,2c~i.e offense. ‘I Section 3 ec:ablishes the punishxent to Oe b;: fine ol not more than ,$lOC.CO i’or the first oi‘fense, and provides tkt for t2.e second a.nd al: subseiiuent ol’fenses $unishxcnt shz.ll be b;. imprisonment in j; not e::ct::,iiing 51:~: months or by fine of not more than $,r!X.nO or both. Section 5a of the siatute proviSes Lt.,:5 Article 2C6 and 2;7 of the Penal Code of Texas not rc;.!ealed. You asked whether a corporation sLln3.n; two or L:o?e stores coui~d 0Ferate one store with one set of em+oyees on Saturday z.:~;i the other store with another set of :,m$oyees on Suno:> You hire sut;,estcd tll;:t tix word t~persont’ in scc;ion 1 inc?;de s corporations. We concur in your o>inior-. Section G of the s.-td:e ;jrovlCes : “The papose of this Act kin- to pro.ilote the he;:ith r -~;``.~t:on and wei;‘lre of t:.e peo$e of this skie, the oceyation of’ G!iY business whether bv anv individual. Dartner- 2;‘ . corooration contr,rv-I to ‘ihe xovi- slons of tu ;i.s declared to be a aub- lit nuisance and an;- perron may a>pi:’ to any court of competent jL:ris:Iictlon f’or and May s-jtdin an ~njunctlon res5r;ining sxci2 viola- tion of this Ret. Such proc!:edings shail be guided tip thz rules of’ other injunction pro- coedir~s.ff The language emphasized i,n Sec.Lion !t a::c~:c .:xotcd cpccific~lly refers to corporations. Thzrci’ore ;;o corpcrztisn can sell or off.3 for sale or com,Iel .i ,;s c!n:~loy