DocketNumber: S-185
Judges: John Ben Shepperd
Filed Date: 7/2/1956
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Auermvi~.TgxAe ; SOIlmlUJmv azsEPFELu) r-o- . '_ '*. - .' _, .. : Jhuiry 3, 1956 ,~ : ,. : Honorable Dallas J. Matthetis, Dltiector Opinion No~.s-185 Texas'NatlohalGuard Armory Board . Austin, Texas Re: .Conatruction OS. ~Armorleeb Dear Mr. Matthews: .. : . . You have requested an opinion as to ~whetherthe pr~vl- , alon of Article 5159a, Vernon'8 ClviZ Statutes,~.prescrlblng the wage .schedulaapplicableto publ-icworka on-b&?half.of the State and politicalsubdlv&lons.are~ln conS.llot with vlsidns oS.the Davis-@&on Act, 40 U.S.C.A., Sectiqn,276a,pm- ..scriblngthe wage schedule applicable to,conritruc2lonof .publlc worldson behalf of.'theFederal:Goveynment. '.- '. Under the @rovislonsOS.Article 51598, &We"agencg.oS'the restate awardlng a contract.18requlred.tod+teren* the Prevail2 lng r&e of per diemwages and to specl~Sy%uch.rateln.the Cop’ trai2t. : 2.; In.Tex& HI&way Commission vi~El +aao.Buildinu& Ccn- striictlon !Pradee :Councll ‘&gi*-~;-&-&;~& 1110 my: un %tb S U 26 ti _ __ t 19561 it' #a8 he~ld, in construj '~ &lcle5&59a. ' that %ie a&&n oS~t;he .HighwayOonnnisalon In determiningi&d aacertinlng the !generalprevailingrate of per diem wages' Is final g~not stibjectto the.Courts in this proceedb in&" me United States Supreme Court.,cons&ed'thi provlaloni of theBavls-Bacon Act in United State6 v. BintzhamtonConstruc- tlon 00.;347 U.S. 171
(1.9531: ; _ %%e Davis-Bacon Aotrequ%re& th+6Council, supra . In Attorney GeneraitsOpinionNo; MS-179 (1955), this office held that the provisionscS..Article-5159a ap- ply to the oonstruction'.oSarmories by the Texas National- .c Guard Armory Board since such constriictlonis persormed pursuant,toa contract entered Into by an sigency'of.the.. State of Texas pursuant to the laws of this gtate.for the consfructlonof property belonging to.the State'~oS.Texas. In view OS the foregoing,'youare.advlsedthat ihso- far as the pro.vlslonsof Article 5159a require the~,prevaiI- lng wage .rateto be determinedby the agency cf the State. awarding the contract, ttS,prOViBiQn~ ~+re in. conflict oiith the provisionsof the Davis-BaconAct reqtiring'such~ wage rate:to be.~determinedby the-Secretary.oSLabor and,, therefore,Article 5159a controls. Ch. 662, P;L.302; Acts of the First Session af the 84th Congresa,.1955..: . SUMMARY . : Article 5159a, Vernon'sXZlvll&&tesj ia ln.conSllctwith the provlalona;oSthe Davis-BaconAct, 40 U.S.C.A., Seotion 276a, ae applied to the.constructlonof armories by the Te.xas.NatlonalWard Ar- mcry Board Insofar as ~ltsprovlalone,re- quire the prevalllngwage rate to be de& ' termined by the agency of the State let- _, . tlagthe contract,rather than the Secre- tary of Labor as required by the Davls- Hon. Dallas J. Matthews - page 4.~ Opinion 130,. s-1.85' : .BaconAct, and Article 5159a controls.. Ch. 662, P. L. 302, Acta'ol th&,Blrst Session of the 8?th.Congresa,1955. .... . .~ . _' . Yours vel;struly, 1'~'. " APPROVED: ~. JORNBw~SRi'PRRD I* .-._. .._ .,. . .AttorneyQeneral:oS.Texas. -JJ;C. DaVIS; .Jr. County,AfSalra~Dlvlsl~n ,. ._ :, ' .. Mary~K. Wall :Revlewer . ... . .~.~ Mert &mea .- RBvlewer . . ._ i. W. Qray Speclal.Rev+wer' i' .DavlsGrant . . .FlrstAssistant John Ben Sheppard Attoaey'General . .: