DocketNumber: V-890
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFTEXAS AUS~N.TEXAS 4uguat22r19b9 Hon. Haxwll WOlOP oplniollHo. v490 Distriot rt$orlay 53rdJpdioial Diatiot Ber Validity olitq aalo fop Hew Boatoo, Totar 1.88 than the judgment and ralated qtuatlona. Deer sir: YOU 0pini0tinqua8t 18, iti pd, 88 r0ii0~: "In 195; I, aa iJount[httornq + Baa 00unty,Tu48, filed a lul 111the irkriot Court of Bow&q ComrtJ, Tuaa, to foraobae a t&x lieu agaiuat 435 aoraa of'lmd inBew%o cotmty. m0 tu QUA mm dtm oi.TexaaJ tko oomaty, 9-0~ aohool dbtz$ot, and tka re& bald dlatrlot, ad j-t wan nd0ver.dfor tha @K¶unt or the tuea, penal- tiesladlntesaatduetha +pemtlntqlru anita for a tot81 or $26OO*c!O.!Phoroaf$o~, and eat bidder. !Chehi&oat bid mad@ for the lard rag ~1800.00, end the 8heriff to the pwhaaor oonYoyl?q oonaidiation or.$1800.00; elbaa tham the amount 61 th;sjti&mW‘t 2'00oVOl'Od. Tke pu2uma.r lnediotely~n8t~lnto pMebaaloh of the prom and md6 rUmable ~W88-ta therein, and ha8 alnoe auoh tl8. had obmtinu- oua poraoaaion. The prior uma* aho wem de- ‘~ondafa in the tax au&t; did not redoa tko property ad 8he period for mduptlon haa,~e- pimd . The 8hb~iff paid the ~l~.O@i~to the orrloo or the Matrlet Olerrk*a al@ the fax Ool- leotor refused to eooept the sama fFa the Die:- trlot Clerk end the Olerk hu held arid n- alace 1945. mo faot that the propmty was sold for leaa than the ao& of We B8U8 wan not reported to me at the tlmb, a* I Ihad no knowledge of it fop approxlmateljalwar af- ter the aale was msde, and w that tire th@ , . Hon. Maxwell Weloh, Page 2 W-sso) purahaaer had oompleted valuable improve- manta on the premiaea. "I would like to km if the sale M- der the olroumateneeaabove outlined panned the title to the purohaaer, and If no, hov should the Tax Colleotor aoooant for the defioienoy.:I to know ~hov to arrive titan appotilonlnent0r the mount reoelvod am 3z&waen the r0t3rtsxbg amita who were~lalntiffa In the suit. In other vorda, what do we do IIOW?~ $rovldear Seotlon 5 of Art1010 73hSb. V,Ct.S., "Upon the trial of maid oauae the Court shall hearevldeno6 upon the roaaona~la fair value of the property, and ah911 lnoorporrte in its judgment a finding of the raaaonable fair valpe thereof, in bulk or in paroela, either or both, es the Cow& miltdeem proper, whioh reaaonabl6 falr.valasa0 found w the O~tla her8aftar aomatlmaaaiqlod 'clajUd@ val&e,' rhioh :‘adjradged~alue~'ahallbo the 'value~88 of the date of the trlal'and'ah811 not neaeaaaril~be.tho ralae at the tire the aaaeuaam~ of the taxer was 8adei pzorlded, %hat the burden 0r w00r ahall be on $M or orrur, owner8 :of'auoh ~prop8i-t~emtab- 'ln~ .liahin&the tfair rartil,or adjudged tally am prodded in thta aeotlon.m~ sootion 8 0r Art1010 nkb, v.o.8.. raada in part am r0iiove; "Ho propertymold for tuoa under dooreo in auah ault ahall be mold to the owner of said property, direotly or.lndlreotlj,or to anyone hating ln\lntoreat thmein, or to aaj party other than a taxing unit wZllohla a parti to tho ault, for loam than the amount of tho adjudged value afo~aald of arid prop- erty or the aggrsgato CppOuntof the judgments againat tho property In arid suit, whlohover la lower, . . . You~falled to advias 1111 am to whetherthe Court hoard ovideno0 apcm tho roaaoimblofairraluo 0r tho prop- I . Hon. Yexvell Welch, Page 3 (v-890 1 arty and lm3orporatai3 in the judgmant~a finding 0r tho reaaonablo fair value thoroof. Ii tho Oourt ocmplled with the prorLslons of said Liootlon5 aad the nadjudgod value" is in the amount of $1800.00 or loam, then the sale ~paaaodtitle to the pwheaor. In that ovont, if the tm aaaoaaor-o&.ootor rofuaoa to woa3Qt tho #MOO lean the oourt aoata, ho oould k required to aqospt such amowt qxd ia##uejwope# redWQtiion *aue%pta by a mandamus ault. The Oourt in a tax roreuloauremolt la not requ&md to owply with the provlaloua of said motion 5 aa to "adjudgedvalue' unlearnreqn4ated by the tax- ayar. Barson v. Oltr of Bllrsi-ton,138 S.W.2d 921 PTox. Civ. App., 1940, error dlam~.judge. oo~.) dsaumiPy that an "edjpdgod value" wee not r0uadand inoorp8Slad la the judgment,oc that +i,an "adjudgedvalw wan fouad and the amount Mimeor ox- ooodml the mum of #1800.00, you aro advlaed that tho aelo wad void and t&a deed did nob paaa tit10 ,totho QUl’OhWOF. Ia m* evetS& a*hnnlng Wet the jwlgmemt la valid, you *I$!# h8v6 an ord*r of ma&e faawd Sti Qr00ead ',!%a geli l$M pr&&y Mum, am provldod bp.+&&h mm;: r,c.q. lo. O-738, whloh holda that.8 bid by a prlvato pemon for leas than tho amount of the jud nt la void. See D.aadlaorv. Stats, 140 Tax. 252, 1r 3.W.26 914 (1942). Uhoro the edjudgod value la loam than tho clplount of the jud$mont, and tho Q!xrohaaerblda an amouut at leant equal to the adjudged value and 1088 than tho full 88ouBt of the jrdlmont, th@ proaoeda shell bo dlatrlbutad to all taxlug unit8 whloh are pertLea to tho suit rhloh by the judgment in maid suit found to have tax 1100s against.awh QrOQ- have beetsi arty, pro rata and in proportionto tho emoanta o? lion.Maxwell Welch, Page 4 (v-890) their respeotlvetax lleds as eatabllahod~lnmaid judgment as provided in Se&ion 8 of Artlole 734% A sale 0r Ql'OQ0l'ty for taxes to anyQIurty other than a texlng unit whloh is a party to the suit, ~forless than the amount of the adjudged value (If any) of said property, or the eggm- gate amount of the judgments against the Qrop- ertv. whiahever Is lover. Is void. and the doed passes no title to the purohaser.-8; c).Opinion BO. o-738. See Danolmr v. State,140 Tex. 252
, 166 S.W.26 914 (f942). Where the adjudgedveluo ia loam than the amount or the judgment, and the puroheaer bids an amormt et loeat equal to the adjud ed valua end leas ,thenthe ra amount 0r tho !I udgmont, the proaeedashall be diatrlbutodto all taxing' unlta whloh nre partleatotho aultuhlchby the judgment in said ault have ken found to have tar llelrsagainst auoh property,Qro.rrt8 and in proportion to tho amoun$aof tholz``apeo- tlvo tax liens aa o~tabllahodin aald wont es providedIn SOotion8'd Art101073.j33. mura vary truly, . BY Aaalatant