DocketNumber: V-834
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
EATTORNEYGENERAI. PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERA,. Hon. Claude Isbell Opinion NO. v-834 Executive Secretary Board of Regents Re: The e;l@blllty of a public State Teachers Colleges school teacher or a member Austin, Texas or a public school board te collect per diem aa a member of the Beard of Regents, State Teachers Colleges 0 Dear Sir: We refer’to your recent letter which, in aub- stance, reada as follows: One member lf the Board of Regents of Tex- as State Teaohers Colleges la also a member et the Board of Trustees of an Independent Soheol Dlatrlct. As a member of the acheol district board, he receives no compensation whatsoever. Question: Mar he receive oer diem in attendance tipon Board of-Regents meetings? ‘One other member ri the said Board of Regent8 1s also a teacher In the publla school8 of an Independent School District. tEndraws pay for teaohlng eervloe. cues- : May she reoelve per diem in attend- anoe upon Board ot Regents meetinga? Subeectlen 6 sf Article 2647, V.C.S., apper- talnlng to the per diem a? the Beard ei Regents lr the State Teachera Collegea, prevldes in part: 0 0 e .Zaoh and every member lf aaid beard shall receive five dollars per day for the time spent attending the meetings provld- ed for in this law. 0 D, said oompenaatlan to be paid to the several members of the board out of the appnpriatlon for the aup- port and malntenanoe ef the said State Teachers’ Collegea as. the board nny direct.” Former Attorney General 0 lnlon No. O-5157 held that membership on the Beard 0P Regents of the Hon. Claude Isbell, page 2 (V-834) State Teachers Colleges is an office. By virtue of the compensation provided in Article 2647, subsection 6, it is an office of emolument. A. G. Opinion V-462. Membership on the board of trustees of an ln- dependent school district is an office. 34 Tex. Jur. 332, Public Officers, Sec. 7. Since such a trustee serves without compensation, it is not an 0rriOc lr emolument e Article 2775, V.C .S. ; State v. Martin._51 S. WA.2d815 (Tex.,Clv. App. 1932); A’.G. 0 1 1 . V:65-‘- O-3308, O-1422, o-3730, 0-27Olk O-2528’ :4’?eex “iur ’ 349, Public Officers, Section 17. But’a trustie of’an independent school district holds an office of honor and trust within the meaning of Section 33 of Article XVI, a? the Texas Constitution. A. 0. Opinions Nos. O-1422, O- 2701. A aohool~‘teacher, hewever, 1s not a public lf- ricer and does net hold, as such, a civil office sr emol- ument. A. 0. Opinions V-325; O-4902; O-4669, O-4628, O-371 and oases olted therein. The annotation in 75 A.L. R. 1355 concludes: “The courts are almost unanimous in holding that the pseitlon of a teacher la that of employ- ee resting on contraot an A. 0. Opinions: V-689-, O-7396, O-4982 e Thus, the constitutional prohlbltlonagalnat the holding of more than one office of enmlument (Tex. Conat. Art. XVI, Seo. 40) ls,lnapplloable to the two questions submitted. We can conceive of no reason why the duties of a member of the Board of Regents of State Teachers Colleges should be in any manner incompatible with the duties either of (1) a member of the board of trustees of a~schoel district, or (2) 8 teacher in a school district. A. C. Oplnlens: V-6$, O-1422, O-989. Therefore, one person may hold office as a member of the Board of Regents of State Teachers Colleges and, at the same time, hold office as a trustee of an lndepen- dent school district or serve as a teacher in a school district. But as to the matter lf salary or compensation to be paid a person holding two such offices or positions of honor, trust, or profit, we are oonfronted with Section 33 of Article XVI, Cenatltutlon of Texas, which provides in part: *The accounting Officers of this State shall neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the TreIsury in favor of any person, for salary . . Hon. Claude Isbell, page 3 (V-834) or oompensatlen as agent, officer or appolnt- ee who holds at the same time any other of- floe or position #t honor, trust or profit, under this State lr the United States, except as prescribed in this Cenatitutlon.W The Construotlon of Section 33 of Article XVI was involved in former .Attorney General Opinion No. O- 2607, cited in Opinion O-4902.. We quote therefrom as follows : “It la clear that this section (Section 33) does not seek to prohibit the serving of the State by one lodlvldual in more than one capacity. The provlslon addresses itself en- ly to the matter of compenaatlon. Thus, a man may hold two offices, or an office and a position of .honrr or trust under the State, lr~no compensation attaohes to either place. But it he holds an offloe, or la an agent lr appointee, and to suoh plaoe oompensatlon attaches, he my nat be paid for services rendered in that capacity during the perled of time that he holds anether position of honor or trust under the State or the United States. . .” Oplnlons O-2607 and V-325 also advise to the effect that although a sohool teacher does not hold an office, he does hold a apssitlon of honor, trust, or profit” within the meaning a? Seotlrn 33, Article XVI. These lplnlons hold further that a person may legally serve as a part-time lnstruotor~ ln a State supported college and at’the same time aarve um a part-tlnw.teaoh- er in a aohodl dlstrlot where the duties to each posltlsn do not overlap and are in no way inconsistent. However in doing so he forfeit8 all right to any salary or com- pensation to whloh he might have been entitled as ln- structor in the college. Even more pertinent to the facts under oon- sideration ls~fonner Attorney General Opinion No. O- ’1422 which held that a person may legally serve on the Board of Directors of the Texas College of Arts and Industries and at the same time serve as a member Of the board of trustees of an independent school district; but in doing so he forfeits all right to any compensa- tion to which he may be entitled as a director of the college by reason of Section 33 of Article XVI. See attached Opinion No. O-5137 oonoernlng the Board of Re- gents of State Teaobers Colleges involving other dual posltlons. - . Hon. Claude Isbell, page 4 (V-834) It is noted, however, that Section 33 of A&l- cle XVI pertains only to the authority of the acoountlng Officers of the State to draw or pay a warrant on the Treasury, and has nothing whatever to do with the author- ity of a school district to pay the aalarl a of lta teat hers. A. G. Opinions V-759, V-689, V-3\ 5, o-5087, O-4982; O-7491. Accordingly, we answer both your submitted questions in the negative. One person may hold office as a member of the Board of Regents of Texas State Teachers Colleges and at the same time hold offlae as a trustee of a school district, there being no emolument attached to the latter office. A re- gent may also serve as a teacher in a sohool district since a teacher is an wemployeen and not an “officer.” Tex. Co et. Art. XVI, Seo.40; A. G. Opinion No. O-1422 f He may not, however, be paid the per diem compensation for Board of Regent members provided in Article 2647, subaeo- tlon 6, V.C.S., during the time he holds such other office or position of honor, trust, or profit. Tex. Const. Art. XVI, Sec. 33; A. G. Opinion No. o-5157 .J Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS CEO;bh:j& ,&=f- Chester E. Olllson