PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Hon. Stuart B. Lumpklns Opinion No. v-f?32 County Attorney Ellis County Re: Maximum salary Waxahachie, Texas that may be peid the County Auditor of Fllis County per yeer. Dear Sir: Your letter submits the following:questions: "(1) Do the provisions of Article 16456-l or Article 1645e-1 apply to the salary of the Auditor of Ellis County, or does Article 1645, asramended in 1941 by Acts of 47th Leg., Ch.601, P. 1331, apply to such salary of the Auditor of Ellis County? “(2) What IS the maximum salary whlcb may be paid to the Auditor of Ellis County?' Ellis County has a populetlon of 47,733 ln- h8blt8ntS eccording to the 1940 Federal Census and has 8n 8SSeSSed ValU8tiOn Of $30,852,830.00 according to 8 copy of the last epproved tax rolls, which is on file in the Comptroller's office. Senate Bill 119, Acts of the 47th Legislature, Regular Session, 1941, Chapter 601, page 331, being the last amendment to Article 1645, V.C.S., reads in part as fOllOW8: "Article 1645. 'In 8ny county having a populetion of thirty-five thousand (35,000) lnhabitents, or over, according to the last preceding Feder81 CenSUS, or having 8 t8X V8lUStjon of Fifteen Million ($15,000,000.00) Dollars or over, according to the last approved tax roll, there shell be biennially appointed an auditor of accounts and finances, the title of said officer to be County Auditor, who shall hold his office for two (2) yeers Hon. Stuart B. Lumpklns, page 2 (V-832) end who shall receive 8s compensation for his services to the county as such County Audltor, 8n annuel salary of not more than the annual salary allowed or paid the Asses- sor and Collector of Taxes In his county, and not less than the annual salery allowed such County Auditor under the generel law provided in Article 1645, Revised Civil Statutes, as said Article exj~stedon Jan- uary 1, 1940. . . . "Sec. 3. All laws or parts of laws which are In conflict herewith are hereby expressly repeeled. . . . "Sec. 4. The fact that there are now many laws on the subject of the salaries of county auditors caused by verlous amend- ments to said Articles 1645 end 1646 and the further fact thet It would be desirable and edventageous to the sever81 counties that 811 County Auditors be pl8ced under one generel 18w, creates an emergency, . . .' In Attorney General Opinion No. O-2973, by 8 former administration, which was releesed December 20, 1940, it was held thet Articles 1645d-1 and 1645e-1 of Vernon's Civil Stetutes were unconstltutlonal. Subse- quent to the date of this opinion, the 47th Legislature amended Article 1645 by Senate Bill 119, which became effective July 9, 1941, and therein repealed Articles 1645d-1, 1645~*e-1, and 811 other conflicting 18~s. The emergency clause recites "that there 8re now many 18~s on the subject of selaries of county auditors . . . snd thet It.would be desirable and edvantageous to the several counties that all county auditors be placed under one generel 18W.': Consequently Article 1645, 8s smended by Senate Bill 119, is now 8ppliC8ble to the compensation of the county auditor of Ellis County. Section 1 of this article, as Bmended, provides, that the county auditor shall receive as compensation "an ennuel salary of not more than the annual salary allowed or peld the Assessor- Collector of Taxes In his county.' According to your brief, the Assessor-Collector of Taxes In Ellis County Is paid an annual salary of $4,675.00. Therefore the maximum annual salary which may be paid to the County Auditor of your County Is the sum of $4,675.00. Hon. Stuart B. Lumpklns, page 3 (v-832) The maximum annual compensation which may now be peld to the County Audltor of Ellis County is 8n amount not exceeding the current annual salary allowed or pald to the Assessor and Collector ,ofTaxes of Ellis County, which Is $4,675.00. Art. 1645, V.C.S. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TFXAS Assistant WTW:amm IRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL