DocketNumber: V-773
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
ArrsTrN 11. ‘TExas PRICE DANIEL February 15, 1949 ATTOHNEY GF,NEHA,, Eon. Jesse James Opinion No, V-773 State Treasurer Austin, Texas Ret Legality of use of aster machines in lieu of the deoaloomania stamps in stanping the amount of the tax on packages of ofgarettes, Dear Sir: Your letter requesting our opinion on the above captioned matter reads as follows: *Will you please advise whether un- der the cigarette tax statutes this de- partment, the Comptroller of Public AC- counts * and the Cigarette Ta,x Stamp Board could, without further legislation, 0 0 ., authorize the use of metering maohfnes in lieu of the decalcomania stamps now used fn stamping the amount of the tax paid on each package of cigarettes,” We have carefully ravfewed the Cfgarstte Tax Act, whfoh is codified as Article 7047c-P, Ver- nonDs Civil Statutas, ,and have arrived at the oonolu- sion that the Comptroller of Fublfo AeGounts and. the Cigarette Tax Stamp Board, without further legislation, cannot authorize the use of a metering machine in lieu of the deoaloomanfa stamps which ars now used in stamp- ing the amount of the tax paid on eaqh package of cig- arettes, The language used in the afgarette Tux Act compels the above holding, The following exoerpts from this Act, as well as the reaafnfng parts of the entire Act’ as a whole clsarly nagatfve the authority to use a metering machfne, nqStampQ shall mean the stamp or stamps printed, manufaotured or made by authority of the Board as herefnafter,ds- fined, and fssued,sold or circu,lat_ed by the Tre~asurer and by the use of whXoh the tax levied hereunder is paid. a~* e QC~un- , Hon, Jesse James - Page 2 (V-773) terfeit. Stamp9 shall mean any stamp, label, print, tag or token which evidences, or purports to evidence, the payment of any 1tax levied by this Aot 9 and whfch stamp, label, print, tag or token has not been $ned, manufactured or maiIe by authority e Board as hereinafter defined and/or issued. sold or circulated by the Treasur- Payment of such tax shall be iy stamps purohasod from the ,Treasur er and securely afffted to each in- d~iviaual package of cigarettes covering the tax thereon as imposed by this Act; 0 Cigarette stam@s shali be sold by ihi Treasurer in unbroken eheets of on’8 hundrea (100) stamps only and shall be pur- ctlasea from and sol& only by said Treasur- ers o e o and the ofreader does not pos- sess sufrfoient unused stamps to cover his unstamped stock of cigarettes, then and in 4 that event the ofrender may purchase the required stamps from any distributor through a requisition from the Comptroller in order that his unstamped stock of ‘cig- arettes may be stamped immf4iately and un- der the direction of the Ocmptroller, . 0 The Comptroller shall have the power and authority in the enforcement of this Aot to reoall any stamps which have been sold by said Treasurer and whioh have not been used and it shall be the duty of said Treasurer upon receipt of such recalled stamps to issue stsmps of other serial num- bers therefor. The purohaaer of any stamps shall be required to surrender My unused stamps ror exohange upon demand of said Comptroller. (mphaafs added throughout) “Sm. 3. A OCigarette Tax Stamp Board* composed of the Board 0r Control 0r this State, designated hereafter as the uBoardPD is hereby created and the said Hon. Jesse James - Page 3 (v-773) Board shall be and is hereby regnii%d to design and have printed ore manufaotured~ new cigarette tax stamps of such sf%e and denominations and in such quantities as may be determined by the said Board. The stamps shall be so manufactured as to ren- der them easy to be securely attached to each individual package of c~igarettes; pro- vided that a different and separate serial number or combination letter and number may be assigned to and printed on the margin of each sheet of stamps, or other methods of identiffcatfon be adopted as then Board may decide. The printing or manufacturing of the stamps shall be awarded by competitive bid and the contract shall be awarded~ to the person sutauanittingthe lowest and best bid that will afford the greatest and best protection to the State in the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, design of stamps authorized to be printed by the Board to @esignate the date of issue of such new design, O . e VProvided that any cigarette tax stamps may be e:.:changed only when proof satisfpctory Hon. Jesse James - Page 4 (v-773) ‘to said Treasurer is furnished that any stamps offered to said Treasurer ~ _ . ex- in change were properly puroaasea am pafd for by the person offering to -exchange such stamps; provided, further, that stamps which are effaced OP mutflated fn any manner may be refused for acoeptanoe in exchange by s&d Tpeasurer. “The Treasurer shall keep a record of all stamps sold by him or under his df- reotion, or all stamps exchanged by him and of all refund made on stamps purchased. WOrders for cigarette tax stems shall be sent direct to the Treasurer and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to Tlstamps-ordered-to- er upon a form invoice to be prescribed by the Treasurer, whfch invofce shall be is- sued in triplicate and numbered oonsecu- tfvelg, 0 0 0 Wee. 3B, A distributor my order stamps shipped with draft attached to the bank with whfoh distributor regularly trans- acts business. The Treasurer is hereby au- thor..ized to ship stamps in comlfanoe with Snch n?AePS to anv SUCh : bank authorized to do-bus&es in Texas under the laws of this n Said report shall also show the n&b&: denomination and faoe value of unused stamps on hand at the beginning of the month covered in the report, the number, Hon. . ;Tesse James - Page 5 (8-773) denomination and face mlus of qtamps purchased and received, the nmbep, ds- nomination- and face value of stamps sold, used, lost,, stolen, exohanged, re- turned to the Treasurer, or disposed of in any other mame``and the.ntmbeF, Bow.`` nominat5.on and faoe value of stamps an hand at the end of the month oorered $n the repor& ,, O~.i *(b) The Treasureli mrj~@romulgato rulea an8 regulations hereardrr prerfd- fng for the refund on stupe whfoh by reasons of Wnage beoone unfit ior sale or ~9%~ D O D “The Direotor ., o d shall o O personally supe*lse the printing oi man- nfaaturing of all ofgirette tu staaps under the oontxaot au awaN& by l&e Beaxd of ContmL, and. he shall haTo peareb#Qen and oust&y-of, respmuif?~e ior, all speaff iaation plans o photogzaph8 a, fiyses- shm g drriagu B cr;loo+$ l&W, .pzM@g atamr an4 any ma U. 3h WP L p~opsl$y or aqufm6nt that my prafle 9 Wn8 *S repro- duofng, meamiaoturfng. oe prfrt?lre; of ofgar- ette tax &s fn the daaiga'selaeW+~Lf the Gfgatiette Tax Siianp Boar& The s.afd Di- ‘rootor shall also be ohergad wit& the re- spensfbflftf of ln8peot$ng ,%he stmpr after suoh stamps hare or jmM+ ed and all sheets ef et-6 that (I* net meet the speoffiortfons requi204 i&the oon- tract, shall, be re$soted ani tr&troj~d w or tidsr the Mreot pers?nal 8~ emfrfcy~ of said Direotor; and the Direr ,e OF .shall h@s .. oontrol of said strqps and be responrjfble therefor until ,delfrerr is’ made ‘to the Treae- UPbT." ” ,, The ropoaqd plan bf msterfug the stamps on to the ofgaret e e paokages adrfttedly~would be optional with the dealer and not all of tile dealers would emr- .~cis8 the option of thfs ret+ed. : So that there’ rould neoesearfly be fn use both methods ii the meterfng method fa permissible. Your speofffo question fs cate- Lgorfoally answered in the negative. . i Hon. Jesse James - Page 6 (V-773) We are not unmindful of the classification of statutory provisions into mandatory and directory provfsfons. The accepted rule, generally, is that the provfsfon for the doing of an act within a partic- ular time or in a particular way merely is a directory provision pertafning to convenience rather than sub- stance,.unless such provision is followed by words clearly importing negation of any other time or method. City ofCincinnati vs. Board of Education, 27 N.H, (2d) 413: State ex rel Caroenter vs. Barber.198 So. 49
: Tate vs. State, 141 S,W, (2d) 3518 Application of -Ido- gang 5 N.W. (2d) 729, Authorities supporting this general rule could be multiplied fndefinftely. It is the opinion of this office that the Act by the meticulous terms of its provisions as to the method ~of enforcing the cigarette tax has necessarily negated the adoptfon of any other method by the Comptroller and the Board. In any event 9 the line of demarcation between mandatory and directory provisions of statutes is not easily drawn, and no one may cast an exact form la to govern all questions. Each case must be governed 1n the final analysis by the con- text of the entire statute. Even if the present ques- tion were fairly debatable, nevertheless we would still be impelled to hold as above stated. The matter cannot be determined upon a sub- stantive procedural basis, Substantive statutes are not necessarily mandatory, nor are procedural statutes neces- sarily directory. All of our Supreme Court rules are vrocedural. but nevertheless all of them are generally mandatory.” The thin line of demarcation between mandatory and directory statutes is accentuated by many familiar situations o Board of Control, with certain exceptionss is required to purchase supplies for the different fnstf- tutfons and departments upon competitive bids after ad- vertising. (Art. 634, V, C, S,) If such should be pur- chased without oomplying with such provision, it would not follow that the provision would ,be classed as a dfree- tory one0 The Banking Code prohibits excessive loans to borrowers. (Chap, V, Art. 7), If an excess loan should be made, it is a valfd, oolleetfble loan, but the statute is not for that reason a directory one. . . Hon. Jesse James - Page 7 (V-773) Our statutes regulate marriages very fully, yet a marriage not in compliance with such statutes is valid. The regulations are mandatory nevertheless~. Our nepotism statute (P,C, 432) is mandatory, yet an appointment of one' fn violation thereof is not invalid. So here, if the agencies charged with the en- forcement of the stamp tax provfsion should ignore the method prescribed and pursue another equally as effec- tive fn the enforcement of the law, the result would not be void. These results, however, would not justify this office in advising an officer or board to disobey a stat- ute even though no penalty on the one hand or hurt on the other would follow. In the absence of further legislation, the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the Cigarette Tax Stamp Board are not author- ized to permit the use of metering machines in lieu of the decalcomania stamps now be- ing used in stamping the amount of the tax pafd on each package of cigarettes. Art. 7047c-1, v. c, s. Yours very truly, ATTOBNIEGENEEUL Oy TEXM 0S:mw:wb By&&Assfstan