DocketNumber: V-748
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Aucrrr~ il. - PRICE DANIEL **IORWEY GENERAL Decmeber 21, 1948 Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard Opinion No. v-748 Comptroller of Fublic Accounts Austin, Texas Re: Several questions regard- ing the effect of the re- cently adopted Constitutlon- al amendment to Section 61 of Art. XVI of the State Constitution. Dear Sir: You have asked several questions regarding the effect of H.J.R. 36, 50th Legislature, which was recently adopted as an amendment to Section 61 of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution. It provides: "All districtofficers in the State of Texas and all county offic,ers in counties having a popu- lation of twenty thousand (20,000) or more, accord- ing to the then last preceding Federal Census, shall be compensated on a salary basis. In all counties In this State, the Commissioners Courts shall be authorized to determine whether precinct officers shall be compensated on a fee basis or on a salary basis, with the exception that It shall be manda- tory upon the Commissloners Court. to combensate all constables, deputy constables and oreclnct law en- forcement officers on a salary basis beginning Januarsl. 1949; and In countlea having a population of less than twenty thousand (20,000), according to the then last preceding Federal Census, the Commls- sloners Courts shall also have the authority to de- termine whether county officers shall be compensated on a fee basis or on a salary basis, with the ex- centlon that it shall be mandatory upon the Commls- sioners Courts to compensate all sheriffs, deuuty sheriffs, county law enforcement officers includlnu sheriffs who also perform the duties of assessor and collector of taxes, and their deputies, on a salary basis beginning January 1, 1949. "All fees earned by district, county and precinct officers shall be paid Intothe county treasury where earned for the account of the proper fund, provided Hon. George H. Sheppard, page 2 v-748 that fees Incurred by the State, ccunty and any municipality, or in case where a pauper’s oath is filed, shall be paid into the county treasury when collected and provided that where any officer is compensated wholly on a fee basis such fees may be retained by such officer or paid into the treasury of the county as the Commissioners Court may alrect. All Notaries Public, county surveyors and public weighers shall continue to be compensated on 8 fee baals .* Your first question reads as follows: “1 . Is the foregoing amendment self-enacting or does It require an enabling act?” In Mitchell County v. City National Bank,91 Tex. 361
,43 S.W. 880
, the Supreme Court quoted with approval from Cooley on Constitution81 Limitation: “A .conatltutional provision may be said to be self-executing if it supplies a sufficient rule by means of which the right given may be enjoyed and protected or the duty Imposed may be enforced; and it is not self-executing when it merely indicates principles, without laying down rules by means of which these principles may be given the force of law.” In Hemphlll v. Watson,60 Tex. 679
, the Supreme Court held that any consltutional provision is self-executing to the extent that anything done in violation of It Is void and that parties entering into usurious contracts “did 80 with the fill knowledge that they were doing a prohlbltlve act for which they might incur penalties If the Legislature should discharge Its duty and prescribe them.” Article XVI, Section 61, as amended, provides that it shall be mandatory upon the Commissioners’ Courts to compensate the sheriff, deputy sheriffs, constables, deputy constables, county law enforcement officers and precinct law enforcement of- ficers on a salary basis beginning January 1, 1949. This amend- ment is self-executing to the extent that such officers shall be compensated on 8 salary basis beginning January 1, 1949. See copies of companion opinions Nos. V-749 and V-750. I Your second and third questions are: “2 l Does the language ‘with the exception that it shall be ,mandatory upon the Commissioner’s Court to compensate all Constable, Deputy Constable and pre- Hon. Geo. Ii. Sheppard, page 3 V-748 clnct law enforcement officers on 8 salary basis begln- nlng January 1, 1949' include Justlce of the Peace? (emphasis supplied) "3. Does the language 'with the exception that it shall be mandatory upon the Commissioner's Court to compensate all Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and county law enforcment officers' Include the County Judge, County Attorney, District Clerk and all other county officers?" (emph8SiS supplied) The rule of constructionapplicable to the foregoing questions is well stated In the case of San Antonio I.S.D. v. State,173 S.W. 526
: ?iowever, there is a rule of construction as to constitutional and leglslatlve provlslons, known 8s the rule of ejusdem generls, which, we think, can with peculiar aptitude be applied to the section of the Constitution in question. The ejusdem generls rule is that, where general words follow an enumera- tion of persons or things by words of a particular and specfflc meaning, such general words are not to be construed in their widest extent, but are to be held as applying only to persons or things of the same kind or class as those specifically mentioned. . . . The boards enumerated In the Constitution are clearly all state boards or boards of the state, which, we deem, for the purposes of 8 oonsideratlon of the question Involved, are the same thing, and, if the rule of ejusdem generls Is applied, it would reject any boards except those of the same general class, rank, or grade with those enumerated." It was held In Satterwhlte v. State,17 S.W.2d 825
: "While this court has held that 8 magistrate is 8 peace officer within the meaning of the terms of article 484, P.C. 1925, which, among other things, makes inapplicable to peace officers the provlslons of article 483, P.C. 1925, defining the offense of unlawfully carrying arms, we have also held that the duties of peace officers as defined by the statute are broader than those of a justice of the peace. A justice of the peace Is a magistrate. Article 33, C.C.P. 1925. Under the statute relating to the duties of peace officers, a justice of the peace is not clas- sified as a peace officer. Article 36 C.C.P. 1925. "Appellant was not a peace officer In the sense Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, page 4 v-748 that his right to effect arrests was governed b3; the statutes defining the duties of peace officers. While the officers mentioned In your second and third questions m8y be "law enforcement officers" In a broad sense, they do not possess similar powers of the sheriffs and consta- bles (those persons specifically enumerated). We believe that under the ejusdem generls rule, It was the intention of the Leg- islature In submitting and of the people In adopting H.J.R. 36 to limit this exempted class to sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and other law enforcement officers of that particular type. There- fore, it is our oplnlon that Justices of the Peace, County Judges, County Attorneys, and Dlstrlct Clerks are not "law enforcement officers" within the meaning of Article XVI, Sectlon 61. Your fourth question reads as follows: “4. In the event questions No. 2 and 3 are answered in the negative may this department on and after January 1, 1949 pay a District Clerk, County Attorney or a County Judge any fee earned on or after January 1, 1949 In a felony case? Said officer or officers being In a county under 20,000 popllatlon and In which county these officers by election of the Commissioners' Court are to be paid for the year 1949 on a fee basis." In counties under 20,000 Inhabitants according to the last preceding Federal Census where the Commissioners1 Court has determined that all county officers shall be compensated on a salary basis, the provisions of Article 3912e, Section 3, V.C.S., prohibit the State from paying to said officers any fees. Since the Commissioners' Court has not placed all the county officers on a salary basis, the county officers named in the fourth ques- tion (County Attorney, County Judge and District Clerk) may re- ceive fees from the State earned by them In a felony case on or after January 1, 1949. Your fifth and sixth questions read as follows: "5 . Is any of the money appropriated under H.B. 244, Regular Session of the 50th Leglslature for the support of the judiciary avallable for the payment of the salaries, either directly or Indirectly, to offl- cers mentioned in the foregoing amendment on and after January 1, 1949 in counties having the population of less than 20,000? “6 . If you rule that the money appropriated InH.B. 244 supra
is available for the purposes mentioned Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, page 5 v-748 In question No. 5 then shall this department apportion and pay same under Article 3912e, or shall we continue to pay the fees as earned to the said officer for the proper find in the county treasury. Reference is here made to the last paragraph of Section 1 of the amend- ment to the Constitution above mentioned.” The Judlclary Section - Comptroller’s De artment Appro- priation (H.B. 244 Acts 50th Legislature, p. 639 P provides the following on page 645: For the years maing August August 31, 1948 31, 1949 9. Fees and costs of sheriffs, II’ attorneys and clerks in felony cases, and fees of county juag- es, county attorneys, justices of peace, sheriffs and consta- bles Fn examining trials where in- dlctments are returned.. . . . . 60,000 .OO 60,ooo .oo "lo. Apportionment to counties where county officers are paid salaries. . . Should any county, by election of the Commlssloners Court, change from salary to fee basis or vice versa, the Comp- troller shall make adjustment in the approprlatlons by transferring the correct amount from approprla- tion made for fees ana costs of sheriff and other county offlclals to appropriation to pay counties on a per capita basis or vice versa as the case may be. . . . . . . . . 5I4,OOG.OO 514,000 .OO” Since Section 9, above quoted, Is appropriated for the purpose of paying fees, said section could not be used for pag- ment of any salaries. Section 10, however, Is appropriated for the purpose of apportionment to counties where the county officers are pald a salary. The apportionment Is to be made as prescribed by Sec. 6 (a) of Article 3912e which provides: “In counties wherein the county offlclals are on a salary basis, In addltlon to the monies deposi- ted In sald Officers’ Salary Fund or funds under the provisions of Sections 1, 3, and 5 of this Act there lion. Oeo. H. Sheppard, page 6 v-748 shall be deposited therein . . . such awns as may be apportioned to such county under the provisions of this Act, out of the available approprlatlons made by the Legislature for such purposes, provided, however, that in counties where the Commlssloners~ Court Is authorized to determine whether county of- ficers shall be ComDensated on a salary basis,= apDortIonment shall be made to such counts until the ComDtroller of Public Accounts shall have been notl- fled of the order of the Commissioners' Court that the count?? officers of such counter shall be cornpen- sated on a salary basis for the fiscal year and in that case the first quarterly payment of sudh appor- tionment shall be made In fifteen (15) days after re- ceipt of such notice by the Comptroller, and the re- malnlng payments on the dates hereinabove prescribed. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller of Public Ac- counts to annually apportion to all counties in which the county officers are to be compensated on the basis of a salary any monies, appropriated for said year for such apportionment; each county entitled to par- ticipate In such apportionment shall receive for the benefit of Its Officers' Salary Fund or funds Its proportionate part of the appropriation which shall be distributed among the several countles entitled to participate therein, on the basis of the per capita population of each county according to the last pre- ceding Federal Census." At the time the appropriation of the 50th Legislature was made, there was no authority for the payment of a salary to one county officer without compensating all county officers on a salary basis. Llkewlse at the time of the enactment of 9. B. No. 5, Acts of the 44th Legislature, It was contemplated that only an apportionment to counties under 20,000 inhabItants would be made where the Commissioners' Court has elected to place all the county officers on a '&alary baaIs!' Apportionment to counties where the Commissioners' Court has placed Its county offfcers on a "fee basis" IS not authorized by 9. 3. No. 5, Acts of the 44th Legislature. Since the appropriation made in section 10 of Judiciary Section of H.B. 244 Acts of the 50th Legislature can only be used as prescribed by S.B. 5, Acts of the 44th Legislature, the money so appropriated is not available for the payment of the salaries of the sheriffs In those counties where the Commlssion- ers' Courts have elected to compensate the other county officers on a "fee basis .'I In view ofour answer to your fifth question, It Is un- necessary to answer your sixth question. Hon. Geo. Ii. Sheppard, page 7 V-748 Your seventh question reads as follows: "7 . May this Department pay a felony fee earned on or subsequent to January 1, 1949, to a sheriff or constable in a county under 20,000 in population and in which county the other county and precinct officers are compensated on a fee basis? The State Is prohibited from paying fees to county and precinct officers In the following instances: 1. County officers In counties containing a population of twenty thousand InhabItants or more according to the last pre- ceding Federal Census. ArtlCl8 39128, Section 1, V.C.S. 2. County officers In counties where the Commissioners’ Court shall have determined that all the county officers shall be compensated on a “salary basis.” Article 3912e, Section 3. 3. Precinct officers in counties where the Commlsslon- ers’ Court shall have determined that all the precinct officers shall be compensated on a “salary basis.” Article 3912e, Sec- tion 3. 4. Precinct officers in counties where all the county officers are compensated on a ‘balary basis.” Article 3912e, Section 17. Neither the sheriff nor constable mentioned in your seventh question falls within any of the four categories listed above. They are not In counties having a population of twenty thousand inhabitants or more. Neither has the CornmIssioners ’ Court determined to compensate its county and precinct officers on a “salary basis” rather than a “fee basis.” You are, there- fore, authorized to pay a felony fee earned on or subsequent to Jan;lary 1, 1949, to a sheriff or constable in a county under twenty thousand Inhabitants where the Commissioners’ Court has determined to compensate its other county and precinct officers on a “fee basis .” SUMMARY H.J.R. 36 of the 50th Legislature, amending Article XVI of Section 61 of the Texas Constltu- tlon, placing sheriffs and constables on a salary basis, is self-executing to the extent that said officers shall be compensated on a salary basis beginning January 1, 1949. Hon. Geo. B. Sheppard, page 8 v-748 The JUstiC83 of the Peace, County Judges County Attorneys and District Clerks are not 'law enforcement officers" within the meaning of Arti- cle XVI, Sec. 61 of the State Constitution. The Comptroller la authorized to pay the Dla- trlct Clerk, County Attorney, and County Judge In a county where its officers are compensated on a "fee basis" any fee earned by them In a felony case on or subsequent to January 1, 1949. Money appropriated by the 50th Legislature In Section 9 and 10 of the Judiciary Section, Comp- trollers Department, Is not available for the pay- ment of the salaries of the sheriffs In those coun- ties where the Commissioners' Courts have elected to compensate county officers on a "fee basis." The Comptroller is authorized to pay felony fees earned on or subsequent to January 1, 1949, to a sheriff or constable In a county under 20,000 Inhabitants where the CommIssIonera' Court has de- termined to compensate Its other County and Precinct officers on a “fee basis." Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS By s/John Reeves John Reeves Assistant APPROVED: s/Price Daniel ATTORNEY GFNERAL JR:mw:bh:bb:pwb:wc