DocketNumber: V-738
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Au- 11, %%XAS December 15, 1948 Hon. Mu. 1. Hensley opinion HO. v-738 Criminal District Attorney San Antonio, Texas Re: The County’s l~lebility for traveling expenses of the County Hospital Administretor to attend e Hospital Aclminlstre- tar’s Convention. Dear Sirr You have requested an opinion of’ this office regarding the traveling expense incurred by the Super- .intendent of Robert 8. Oreen Memorial Hospital in attend- ing a Hospital Adminlstretor~8 Convention held ln Atlan- tie City, Rev Jersey. In order for Bexar County to pay said expen8e, it muet be authorized by express constitutional or stat- utory provision or by necesawy implication from an ex- ~Ql’O88 Ql’OVi8iOll. 900 Casey V. State, 289 S.W, 428. It we8 held in Attorney Qeneral’s Opinion lo. O-810, rendered by a prior adminietration, that Article 3899, V. C. 9. providing for payment ot all reasonable 8XQell8e8 neCe8Sary in the QrOQer eTd legal COndUCt Of the oifiuse named in the Act would not authoriee the pay- ment of the traveling expenees of officers in attending 6 aonventiiin for the benefit of their reape~ti~e’offiae8. Al&o, it waci held in Opinion. Ro.``O-6599 by a former ad- ministration that ,a oounty ia not authorized to pay the trav8lin&eXpeti888 0i the 8heriff Or his deQUtie8 in at- tending a Fr. B. I. School; It can be 8een l?om analye-. lng t&&above mentioned opinions, ao iea of which are enaloseb, that &van though Artible 3! 99, V. Ci 9. pro- via08 ror the pa ant of et1 reasonable expenees nece8- se.ry ad proper f” II the COndUCt O? the VslliOUs OOUnty officea named therein,, 8aid Aot 18 not sufficiently broad to inalude trpveling expenses of their county of- fioer8 Or aeQUti08 While attend!Jq IJOnVentiOn8. or course, the county BO8Qita1's Admlniatra- tor or super1ntenaent 18 not miua0a within the proa- ‘ ‘. Eon. Wm. II. Eeneley, page 2 (v-738) slone or Article 3&W, but we point out the declslons In connection herewith to show the construction placed on said-statutes. relative to traveling expense. Since Article 3,899 Is not sufrlclently broad to lnolude the Hospital Superintendent, we muat look to the provisiona of Artlolee 4478 - 4485, V. C. 9. which authol’lse the Board of Kanagers and Soperlqtendent OS a County Hospital to lnour necessary expenses Sor the opera- tion and maintenance of a hOsplta1, and lrino event shall said 0xQWdlture8 exceed the amount provided for such purposes ln the county budget. It was held In Attorney General’s Opinion Ho. V-510 that although the management of the County HoopI- tal is vested in the Board of Nanager8, the Commlaelon- era9 Oourt murt approve all accounts. We are unable to find en7 statutolry ,provlslon whlah authorice payment of theae expenses by ,the’.~ooun- tr, an4 it 1s therefore our oWnion that the traveling expenees of the County &epltal’ &lmlnistrator ln .attend- lng a Convention were not authoriced and cannot be law- frilly paid. SUNNARY The oounty la not liable ior the travel- lng expeneee of the County Hospital. Aamlnle- trator to attend Hospital AdmlnlatratoreD Con- vention in Atlantio City, Hew Jersey. Your8 very~ truly, ATTORNRY QNNiRAL OF w JlUaijrbtmw John Reeves Assistant