December 10. 1940 Hon. J. S. Ho&man Opinion No. V-731 District Attorney 9th Judicial District Re: Yhethcr the additioasl 10% Coaroe. Texas license fee required by Ar- ticle 6675a-8c, V.C.S.. must be paid for vehicles power.7 ed by other than Diesel mo- tors or engines which burn butane gas or say distillate Dear Sir: other than gasoline. You have requested the opinion of this office on the above-captioned matter. Article 6675a-%c, V.C.S., provides for an additional license fee for certain vehicles and reads as follows: ‘It is expressly provided that the license fees for all vehicles using or being propelled by Diesel motors or engines shall be the fees provided above, plus an additional tea (10%) per cent. It is further provided that the County Tax Collector, in issuing the license receipts for motor vehicles provided for in this Act, shall clearly indicate on the license receiot the type of motor by which the vehicle is propelled when such motor is powered by Diesel fuel, butane gas, or any distillate other than gaso- line. ” Acts 1929, 41st Leg..~2ad C.S. p. 172, ch. 88. g 8c. added Acts 1941. 47th Leg., p. 144, ch. 110, g 10. . This particular provision of the laws regulating ve- hicles has not been.coastrued by the courts. We are of the opin- ion that the plain and unambiguous language of the first sentence of Article 6675a-8c limits its applicability to “vehicles using or being propelled by Diesel motors or engines.” SUMMARY The additional license fee required by Article 6675a-8c, V.C.S., need not be paid for vehicles pow- ered by other than Diesel motors or engines which . Hon. J. S. Hollemaa, Page 2 (V-731) burn butane gas or any distillate other than geso- line. Yours very truly APPROVED: ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS Assistant MC/JCP