DocketNumber: V-707
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL October 27, 1948 Hon. Iv.E. drleh+l Opinion lo. v-707 CiuntJ Att*Pney Eastland, Texas Re: Construction of APtI- CM 2326, V.C.S., re- lative to salary of court reporter. You have requested an opinion from this office on the followi questlen: ,11 IS the District Judge of the gist Judicial District OS Rastland County, Texas, raises the salary of the oSSlcia1 shorthand reperter above S24Ot3.00per annum, ,Vst under $3750.00 per anuum, Is it mandatory upen the Co~isaione~s Court to pay said salary in compliance with said order, or is It d.iscre- tionaPy with the Commissioners Court?” Article 2326, V. C. S., provides as Sollows: “The oSSloia1 shorthand reporter OS each Judicial District Court, civil or crFm- inal, and the official shorthand reporter of each Couut Court at Law, civil or criminal, shall race1 ve a salary OS not leas than Two Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars ($2,400) per annum and not more than Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($3,750) per annum. Said salary shall be fixed and determined by the District Judges of the Judicial Districts, civil or crlmlnall,and the Judges OS the Coun- ty Court at Law, civil or criminal, who shall enter an order in the minutes OS the Oourt, in each,county of the district, which shall be a public Pecord.and open SOP pub110 in- spection, stating speclfically the amount of salary to be paid said reporter. The Dla- trict Judge shall file a copy of said order with each Commlssloners Court of the Dis- trict. The salary shall be In addition to Hon. R. E. ~isham, pago ‘2’ (V-707) the transcript Sees and traveling and hotel expenses OS oSSlc1al shorthand reporters, as is now previded by,law. The salary shall be paid memthlg by the Cemmfsriono~s Court OS the ccunty or counties in the Judicial Districts, civil or criminal, ahd the County Courts at Law, oivil or c~ia.iarl,out es any avaifable fund of the county or countier that the ConmIssioners Court may desire to pay the same, according to Articles 2326x and 2327A. The previsions lf this Act shall,not apply to counties having a pepulatien OS not 08s than two hundred a14 twraty thaurand t220,000) nor mere than three,hungPeg aC ninety thousand (390,000) inhabitants." Since the gist Judicial District 18 composrd ef one county (Dastlaud County) only, Artlclo 2326 above quoted, is applicable to ysur inquiry. The validity sf raid Article was upheld in the cam OS Ten @roeCounty v. ?roSitt, 193 s.U.(2d) 645. Article 2326, V. C. 2. plaimly giV.8 the powor to set the srlaries lS the Di8trlct CeuPt bportor8 cover- ed by the Act to the District Judges sf the va~1ous judi- cial di8tPietS. The duty to pay the salaries hewover, 1s placed in the hands OS the COI8IUf8SiOnOP8 ' bourt. The rule OS statutery oon8tructio~ gOV@Pning this inquiry 18 stated ilr3) Tex. J~P. pp. 171 and 172 as follows: "Under the foregoing rulea, when the leglslativo intent is a8cert8lned, or i8 plainly manifest, it is binding upon the courts and met bo given effect if it 18 legally po8slble to de so. To ignore the legislativr latent mnd give a statute a construotion obviously contrary theroto, or to reStme to enioroe a statute accerd- ing to the legislative intent, when a8OoP-’ talned, is said by ths Supreme Court to bo 'an inexcusable brearh OS judiolal duty! and (an unwrrrmted intorferenar with the exerci8e OS lawful leg18lativs autherity.'" Hon. BI.E. Orisham, page 3 (V-707) Th8 Legislature in clear unambiguous language expressed its intention to leave the amount of salary the District Court Reporters were to receive to the sound discretion of the District Judges. Any construc- tion which would defeat such IntentLon must be avoided. 39 Tex. Jur. 171. IS the Commissioners’ Court could by failing to appropriate sufficient money in the county budget lower the salary of the court reporter as set by the District Judge, it could usurp the power given to the Dietrict Jud eby the expressed language of Arti- cle 2326, V. C. 8 and deS8a.tthe intention of the Leg- islature. Therefore, It is our opinion that it is man- datory upon the Commfssions~sI Court of Eastland County to pay the salary of the court re orter set by the Dis- trict Judge OS the gist Judicial % istrict if the salary is set in accordance with the provisions of Article 2326, v. c. s. We are supported in our conclusion by the case of Weaver v. CommissionersI Court of Bacogdoches County (Con. App. ) 146 S .W.(2d) 170. This was a suit by the County Auditor to aompel the Commi8sioners1 Court to re- cord in its minutes in accordance with the provisions of Article 1647, V. C. S., a coptiRed 88pg of an order of the District Judge providing for his appointment and set- ting his salary. The court in granting the mandamus held the Sollowing: UComplaint is made because the county is not a party to this suit. This action’ is against the county judge and county com- missioners in their oSSicial capacities and as constituting the commissioners1 court. Article 1647 makes It the duty of the corn- missioners~ court to cause the certiSlcate of the distrlot judge to be reaorded in it8 minutes, with an order direating the payment of the auditor Is salary. This action seeks to have them perform that duty. Besides, the county clerk was asked this question: ‘IS the co8n8issionePs’court was now to permit you to enter the last order of Judge Bra811 in 1939, appointing C. E. Weaver as County Audi- tor, and directing his salary to be paid, would you issue the vouchers for that sal- ary? ’ To this he answered ‘Yes.’ It will thus be seen that the impedi8ent to the COl- lectlng of hia salary by plaintiff is the action of the oommissionePs~ Court ItSelf.’ Hon. 8. E. Orisham, page 4 (V-707) SUMMARY If the District Judge of the gist Judicial District of Eastland County sets the salary of the district court reporter in accordance with the provisions of &ti- cle 2326, Vernon's Civil Statutes, at a sum of not less than $2400 per annum and not more than $3750 per annWs,the Conmis- sioners' Court of'Eastland County is re- quired by Article 2326 to pay the salary so set. Yours very tray, ATTORIVEYOERERAL OF TEXAS JR:mw Assistant AWROVED: