'``~EA``QR?"~TEx-GE~EH~AL QF TEXAS thUSTIN. TEZXAS FAGAS D~CI(SOS .xn.T WUIAWT ~No,vember 20, 1948 Eon. Geo. W. Cox, M.D. opinionNO. v-724. State Health Officer Department of Realth Re: Necessity of certifi- Austin, Texas cation as competent water works operators of individuals process- ing water for bottled sale. j Dear Sir: Your request,for ah opinion of this depart- ment is as follows: RThe request.iamade in an effort to comply with Section U(a) of the General Sanitation Law of 1945; enacted,:bythe 49th Legislature, :The plan or procedure of is- . ‘.sauing oer,tifioates of competency under this Statute.:now employed by the‘StateDepart- ment ‘of Health, is designed for application .antirely~to the bvinersor managers of pri- ,“Vatelyownedor. publicly owned public water ‘supplyayateme``where conveyance of :thewa- ternito’the:publio:ia~under.takenthrough a ,:~,.waterXaupply,pipidgaystemand is made avail- ablatothe. householders through service oon- tiaotionsbetween the house plumbing and the _‘~ twatar supply mains. .._. ,.“No ‘attempthas heretofore been mad6 to .certifyas’to :the competency of inaivid- uals ‘involvedin ‘theprooeasing of water ,’,placed.in artifidial containers such as 5- gallon bottles, for sale to ‘thepublio, since Ftappears’from the prordingof the Law that the statute was intended to apply to publib’water supply systems only. It would be appreciated if you could clarify this question for us, advising us as to whether this Statute does refer to the dis- tributors of bottled water.” Hon. Geo. W, Cox, M.D., page 2 (V-724) Section 11(a) of Article 4477-1, V.C.S. is as follow8: v(a) No district, municipality, firm, corporation,or individual shall furnish to the public any drinking water for which any charge~is made, unless the production, processing, treatment, and distributionis at all.times under the supervisionof a competentwater works operator holding a valid certificate of competency issued un- der direction of the Texas State Depart-. ment of Health." We have been reliably informed that the aistri- bution of bottled water entails a processing treatment by the bottling company, thereby changing the quality of the water after it leaves the city water supply. Such water is distributedin artificial containers. Since the same is furnished to the public as drinking water, each bot- tling company is required to employ a competent water works operator holding a certificate of competency from the Texas,State Department of Health. Drinking water is defined by the Act as "All water distributed by any agency or individual, public or private, for the purpose of human consumptionor which may be used in the preparation oS.Soods or beverages or for the cleansing of any utensil or article used in the course of preparation or consumptionof food or beverages for human beings. The term 'DrinkingWater' shall also include all~water aupplied'forhuman consumptionor used by any institutioncatering to:the public,* and:a water 8upply.i~ defined'as "Any source or reservoir of water distributedto .anaused for human con8umption.v It will be seen,that the Legislature intended, by the enactment of Article 4477-l,V.C.S.,that all drinking water furnished by another Sor'human conauap- tion should be under strict supervision. The Article was applied to an individual in ~thecase of Riley v. Davidson, 196 S.W.(2d) ~557,and it was intimated that all who deal with a water supply should be~unaer the supervisionof the State Health Department. IIon.Geo. W. Cox;M. D., page 3 (V-724) SUMMARY A water bottling company distributing drinking water in artificial container8for human consumptionmust do so under the auper- vision of a competent water works operator holding a valid certificateof competency from the State Health Department. Sec. 11 (a) Article 4477-1, V.C.S. Yours very truly, ATTORNZY GENERAL OF TEXAS BW:b:mw:bh m&F? Assistant APPROVED: