DocketNumber: V-650
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Hon. L. A, Woods opinion lo. 'Y-&j0 state Superintendent Department of Education Be: Consolidation o? Austin, Texas Springlake Park Corn- man Sohool District Ho. 19, and Texarkana Independent School Dlstriat, both.ia Bowie County, and re- lated questions. ' Dear str: We refer to your recent request from which we /:: qllote In part: . "'lb Board of Trustees of Texarkana ; Inde ndent School District iri Bow&e Coun- " ty, &as desires an offfcial’ruliag on the legal'quest&ons herein propounded. ?l!he facts: The Texarkana Independent 8ohobl District was created by special bet ,.of the Legislature of the State of T-as by Senate BI11"lio. 9, Third Called Session of the 36th Legislature. The Texarkans Inde- pendent School.Dlstrict, aubse@&nt to the above act of the Legislature, has e.%iet&d and is now In legal existentie and discharg- ing appropriate functions through its Board of Trustees. "The Texarkana Independent School Dia- trlct, by appropriate and legal action, has added some territory to the area originally ', : incorporated in said district. "During the year 1927 the Board of Trustees of the Texarkana Independent School District, through legal and appropriate ac- tion, established ths Texarkana Junior Col- lege nlthin the boundaries of the Texarkana Independent School District, and at . all tlmee . .I&& L. A, Woods, page 2 (V-650) subsequent thereto the Texarkana Indepen- dent School District has operated and main- tained and there has functioned an accredft- ed and approved junlo~ colleges within the Texarkana Independent School District, the said college being under the superqlslon, direction and control of the Board of True- tees of the Texarkana Independent School District. “The qualified property tax paying vot- em of the Texapkana Independent School Dls- tplct have voted a special tax fop the sup- art and maintenance of the Texarkana Junior Eollsge 9 “Springlake Park CommonSchool Dlstr&t No. 19 in Bowie County, Texas, adjoins and has a common boundary line with the Texar- kana Independent School District for approx- ,imatelg one-half of the bouudary line of eaid. Goamon School Distpic%., Said CommonSchool Dfstrict was created and the bowwlarlea there- of legally fixed py an ordep of the, Colris- sionepsO Court of Bow10 County; Texas, during the year 1915, and said Dlatrict has functlon- ed as a CommonSchool District at all times subsequent thereto. "Many interested oitizens living with%; * S ringlake Part CommonSchool District NO, 18 in Bowie County, Texas, desire said Coa- man School Dlstriot to be annexed to and be- oome a rt of %he Texarkana Indegendent School f?istrlot and Texarkana Junlo~ Col- le e Dl8tpQt and the QUi?pOSe of this in-. quf ry Is to determine how said consolidation may be legally effected and therefore’the followlag questions: j’. . *1. Can the Sprl lake Park Gomrmn School Mstpiot Eio. 197 P Bowfe County, Toxae, ‘i ,. be legally consolidated to and w%th the Tu- arkana Independent Sohool Diatrict and Tex- arka~ JUANP Golle o Metrlat In the yII11) gpovided for la Art f cle 28G6. VernonDI &me- tatod Stat.uteap Pocket Pasta; Acts 1 5, 49th k@lslrturs, ?age 4&6, Chapter 264# Protlon at ., #a#, it A. WOoda, page 3 (V-650) “2, If the above section of the stat- UtOe is held to apply only to thr Indepen- dent School dlstrlot aa~dIstinguIshed froa the Jnniar College District, then In suoh event can the Springlake PaFk CommonSohbol Dlatrict Ho, 19 in Bowie County, Texas, be &nnexed,to,the Texarkana Junior Golle e Dis- trlat, aa ptiovided’ln Article 281533, f eotlon 21, voraon’s Annotated Statutes? ‘). , ,~ “3. In the event either OF.both~ of Questions Numbered I. and 2 a r elaswered la the affiamative, then in auoh event can all . taxes voted by the people in the Texarkana Independent School, including the Junior Colle e District, be extended over the area of f3ommon School .D%strlct lo. 19? “4, If Questions 1 or .2 is. answered In the affirmative and Question 3 Is answer- ed in the negative, then In such event are the voters of Springlake Pank CommonSchool District No.~ 19 required to vote to assume b&t taxes legally levied for the .support~ of the Texarkana Independent School District sad Junior College District before said taxes can,% levied upon the property in said com- mon school district, “5. There.has heretofore legally been voted by the voters of the present Texarkana Junior College District boaas f’or the pur- chase of a site and erection of a building for the Junior College. Assuming the future legal aonsolida@on of the Texarkana bide- ndent School District and the Texarkana e District; and the Springlake Park Common chool District N 19, will the, Trustees of the (Consolidated 7’Junior College &strict be authorized to spend such bond funds for the purchase of a site and the ereotion of a building inthe area now wlth- %n CommonSohool District Ho. 19, but out- aide the present boundaries of the Texarkana Zhd$ptmdent Sohool District and Texarkana .Sunlor College District? “In this connection, you are advised that the Trustees of the Texarkana Indepen- HOG. L. A. Woods, page 4 (V-650) dent School District have control of and supervision of the Texarkana Junior Col- lege and bonds have been legally voted and will be sold for the purchase of a site and the erection of a new junior col- lege building. The Trustees of the Tex- arkana Independent School District and Junior College District, after diligent search, have been unable to find suitable grounds within the boundaries of aaid In- dependent School District and College Dis- trict upon vhich to erect the junior college building, but many admirable rites are avail- able in Cwanon School District Ho. 19 (which la adjacent to the Texarkana Independent S&o01 District and convenient for students)." The Texarkana Independent School District IS a 41stlnct oorporate entity apart from the municipal cor- oration constituting the city of Texarkana. Chapter 31, i!c B. 9, 3rd C. s., 36th Legislature, Acts 1920. Section l-a, Chapter 49, S, B. 297, Special Laws, 1st C. S., 39th Leg., Acts 1926, provides a proce- dure for the annexation of territory to the Texarkana Indepenclent School District, 8ee Oplnlon O-3823 attach- ed hereto wherein Section l-a IS copied in part. KoweveP, Section 19 of S. B. 297 vests In the sruetees of the Texarkana Independent School Dlstriot 811 the rights, powers and privileges and duties con- ferred and imposed by the General Lawa oi this State, now in force, OP that may be hePaaSter effacted, upon the trus- tees OS independent school districts and provides fur- ther that '"the boundaPies of said distplct may be extond- ed by the annexation OS oontiguoua terrltogy in the man- ner authorized and prescpibed in this Aot. Article 2806, as amended, Is a general law authoPizing and setting out the procedure SOP the oon- solidation of school distziote in this State and is available to independent as well aL8common school dls- tricts, It provides that "Where one or mope indepen- dent school distpicts are consolidated together or with one or more common school districts the consolidated dis- trict shall constitute an independent school district, and shall have all the rights, powers and provilsges granted to Andependent sohool distriots by the laws of this State. Article 2806 does not provide that when . . L. A. Woods, page Ifon, 5 (V-650) . &8x independent school district is consolidated with other districts under the procedure therein set out that the new district thereby created shall have all the rights, privileges and powers granted to junior college districts of this State, Clearly, Springlake District llrf be annexed to the Texarkana District under the proordwa w.Wmrlxed in the Speaial Act governing the Texarkana dlatrlot~or it aar be consolidated with Texarkana Diatrlot w&r the provisions oi Article 2806, as amended. Dut under either procedure, the new district with boundarlee extended is enlarged only for independent school district pur)oses. We find no provision in the S eclal Laws creati tha Texarkana Independent School g letrict nor in Art7 o&o, 2806, vhioh provides that whenever the bouadurlea or lialte of an independrnt sohool dietriot ara 110 extend- ld that tho territory or dlatriot 80 curtbdlod WIthin the linite of the Independent school dietriot eW% l&erei 8fter beaome & part of the lt aontrols Seotion 21 OS Article 281% provides in part8 ~ a * tl 0 A common sohool diatrlo my be annexed to a Junior Co&@@A it&it for SunSor College purporra 0Ug W U eleotloa aa provided in Seotion % Wmof, ahba vbtttioaa of tlve par cent of tha po- gqpt;l tu-pying voters in such dlstlrlat aa&Mg to be annexed, vrovldbd fw- ih;f’tbat rush emnrxation shall h8ow beoa pp#rlxrwl~ a rov8d by the Bo8rU o? hue teea oi #a spunior College Distriot aM pro- vldqd iwther that election for suoh anxwxw tloa rMZ1 be orllrd and the rrsuItr om- lrr& m& d@olwed by the County tid oi ifiL3alon a ‘I 0 provided further thcrt the uded in such annexed ditMiOt . e of of tl¶ on to d diatx'i.Ot, rad also shall become flab10 fat tuos fos ~ti@Lnlng the Junior cOllb(;b. &a, L. A. &ala, page 6 (v-650) Acoo~tlihgly, the Texarkana Indb wlbnt Sohool Distriat, acting under Section l-a of S. r .297, supra
, may annex Springlake ,?ark CommonSohool District for independent school diatriat purpoqer, or it ma eOnEmU- date with said distriot acting under &tiale 28 06, hs mended, for independent school di8triCt purposes. In &Mition thereto, or deaiding not to takb in Spriaglaks Dilrtriot for Independent aahool biytrlat po8et3, it my, aating under Section 21 of ~tlalb 2 IF19, ahnex g@ringlake Park district for junior aoltegb PUrpOSbS only. Seatlon l-b of Senate Bill297, supra
, auth- arl~a the Board of Trustees of Texarlpma Imlopendont Soboot Distriot, whenever any t&r&tory la annexa there- to, to,order nn electlon for the l0 of dete*iag vhethor tubs for the support u&lZE tmaaoe of its Qtlb- lie fmo.rohoola and alao for the purpose of r~dmBiag OF p8ying the of the Texarkana Iade~bddbat S@mol~ Dl6tri vied aha oolleated ahau4lly on Jl tbxablb ppopertg within thellmitEi and boundaries o? uid dietrlot as extended by remon of the annexation of any such territory. The Attorney Oenerbl hab prbvloosly &dvisbd hi opin~olr HO, v-375 th d l nmy 00n60iidwd s~h 00i diatrlot orated uuder proaadure of Artiole 2806 has no authority to levy a loos1 malntenanoe tax until such has . bean voted by the newly cro4ted distriot. See also Sea- tioa 4 OS Article 2784e, a8 ~aded;ud Section 3, of Artiole VII, Conetitutioh of Texa8, whioh requires a rjalty of the quallflul proqterty kxp8ylag votars of l dlrtriot voting at an election held far, the vurpobb of voting 8 rlntenance tax beforo the emme may be levlefl ml ool~aated within 811 school diStrlot8 heTetofore imd or hereafter foraabd. It Sol~lors tbrrt Jthe event the Springlake (Uetrlot 18 taken into tha Tuarkaha district under Seo- tloa 14, 3. 8, 297, a-8, or under &tiole.2806, or \1pb0r the procedure Sbt Out b SeOtiOn 21 Of &tide 28X5h,ho authority would &%e in t&a Toxarhha Board of Thmteee to levy an6 0oUiot * rlmtehaaoe tax from the enlarged distriat for any pm@re Ontil the Barn@had been authorized by votb Of t& pPoperty'taxpaying VOt- ~2: thb diatxmt u w or uteaaed at thb tiam oposba omsolldrtlQe OF aaabxation for laabp6a- d@at ~aF001 dl6trlOt urposea. If there are OUtatUdln(r baads 06 either dirtr, Pat than at an election there may be mb8Wt.6 to th. gPrl;iilbd tsrqpsying voters of ,auoh . ~,, - : . %h L. A. Woods, page 7 (V-650) :’ aev district the question a8 to whether the aaid new district as enlarged or extended shall assume and pay 9 Off said outstanding bonds and whethsr a tax shall be 14vi4d therefor. Section la and l-b, S. B. 249, supra; Article 2807, Article 27862,; AA. Opinion No. O-4511. Until suoh obligations are assunzed by proper proceed- %nga, they remain the obligations of the territory in the respective districts. Opinion V-375. In the event the Sprlnglake Park district is annexed to the Texarkana District for unlor college purposes under Section 21 of Article 2d15b, a proviso th4rein requires that the territory included in such annexed district shall thereby assume its share of out- standing bonded indebtedness of the junior collage dx 1t i t1 t tne assessed valuation within t~ec&dnd%%,o~ndoshall also become liable for taxes for maintaining the junior college. We interpret this to mean that unless the territory desiring to be annexed to the junior colleg4 dlatrlct for junior col- lego purposes at the election to be held under Section 2 of Article 281511 votes to aabuPs Its proportiotite part of said outstanding bonded debt of the junior col- Leg4 district and to become liable for taxes for main-. talning the junior college, the sane will not become a part of the junior college district. Our answ4r to your fourth question being to the effdct that the qualified taxpaying voters of Spring- lake Park district are required to vote b4fore a tax may be levied and collect4d. on the, taxable~property within, . ite territory for the T4xarkana Independent Sohool Die- trlct and Junior Collegs District purposes, it follows iha”, the answer to your third question is in the nega- . We have underscore4 herein the words “oat- standing bont)ed indebtsdn$sa ,found in Section 21, Art- .’ 1010 2815h, boaded debts in sections l-a and l-b of 8. 1. e&g suppa, and “outstanding bonds” appearing in , z &tiol4 2607. Any bonds voted,but which have not beea Issued and sold do not constitute bonded indebtedness. Under the faata herein submitted we ape ad- vised that bonds ,$nd tax pa ents heve been legally vot- ed by the Texarkana Junior Folleg4 District for the plIr- chase or a site and tha erictlon of a new junior collage building. The bond reaord previously approved by 'this offiae indicates that the bond election was authoric4d Hon. L. A. Woods, page 8 (v-650) ax& held in accordance with AFtiole 2815&-3b. Seotion 1 of Artiole 2815h-3b prorldw, %a P-t: " the overning Boards of all pub- l;c”J&lo~ flalleges organised, created and established under the laws of Texas, in any manner, shall have power to SSsu4 bonds for the construction and 4quip8ent or school buildinga and the aOqUiOitiOa of sites therefor, and to provlds for the interest and sinking fund for such bond8 by levying of such taxes as will be net- easary in this connection, subject to the limitations hereafter imposed. Suah gov- erning boards shall also have power to levy end collect taxea r0r the rupport and maintenance or such Juntor Oolleges, pro- vided that no bonda shall be iasoed and no taxes collected until authoriud by vote or the majority or the qualiried vot- ict w . . . This ofrice, in Opi*on O-4573, has previoua- ly and properly advised that by virtue of th4 provirlona Or S4ction 6 or Article 2815h, a junlar college Boar4 is without authority to purchbse e site fop a~jWiloP ool- lege building outside the junior college diatPlct. w4 think Section 1 of' Artiole 2815h-3b is addItIona r&la- ority ror such opinion. Furthermore, at the time of the junior college bond election, Springlake Park district constituted no part or the Texarkana Junior College District, nor does It at this date. Thus~the bonds and tax in qneation~ w4~e vote or the majority of qualified voters of the Texarkana Junior College District aB it then exuded, It must be presumed the voters intended and believed thOy were voting for the puPchase of a site and the election of a junior college building in the junior college dis- trict as it then 4xist4d ,# for there wat3 no authority In the herd to build It elaewh4Pe. It is elementary ~that bonds may be Issued, sold and used only for the purpose for which they were authorized, Fletcher v. HowaPd, 39 8.V. (26) 32, The bonds in question ~4~4 euthorirsd to bo i#8ued, sold and used for the PuPchase of a site and M, L, A. Wood*, page 9 (V-~650) donstruotion of a junior college building in the T#Xar* kana Junior College District as it existed at the t&u the election was held authorizing 8ame. To hold atIM+ wiee would not only do violence to Seation 6 of k4lcl.o 2$15h and Section 1 of Article 2815h-Tb, but also thwart the will of the qualified voters of Texarkana Junior Col- Iege District as exercised in the junior college bond ctltm held in accordance with Article 281!jh-3be The Texarkana Independent School District, acting under Section l-e of S: 8. (’ ;g& S clal Laws, 1st C,S,, 36th Leglalr: 51” cts 1920, may annex Springlake Park Co&n School District, or It may oonsoli-~ data with said district under Article 2806, V, C, S. for Independent school distrlat parpores. In addition, it may annex.the dirj- trict for juetor college urposes in aaoor- &me with Section 21 of &fcle~ 28X%, V. c. 8, In the event the Texarkana Dir- Wiat trkes the contiguous dlstriot #m4W dthw of the said statutor proCeQww#, it would be without authori %y to levy urn8 collect taxes for the annexed dietriOt -0 til same had been authoPl%sd by m oleot,Lea ~: rtlolpated in by the qtdirisd voters 0r ITie newly embraced territory. ht. VII, Sec. 3, Coast. of Tex,; A.Q. Opinion V-375. Fund collected from the sale Of bonds authorized by the qualified votere of Texarkana Junior College District b 4a election held in accordance with Artio I e 2815h-3b, V.C.S,, may not be used ror the. ,I’ urohe44 of’ e cite and-the sreotioa Of a s wilhr bollege outside the’ limltr or bound- mles 62’the junlm college dlstrlot lB they 4xist at, tha t&u o$ :’