‘I’ EA``ORNEY GENERAL ‘, Q,F TEXAS Aucmnr``.``s PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL June 2, 1948 Hon. J. B. Buxris, President Board of Barber Examfnsrs Austin, Texas opieion He. V-595 Rez Authority of the State Board of Barber kanin- em8 to grant licenses to beauty operators and beauty ~schools. Dear Sir: Your requert for our opinion on the above sub- ject matter is 98 follows: ‘1. M.11 It be possible for UI to accept applicatloas for Class ‘lb1 Registered li- ceme flrembeauty operatora who oan prove that they $ractlced hairoutting in a beau- ty parlor for two years rior to the tak- ing effect of the Texas tiarber Law, and havlq been continuouslyengaged in the profession since the enactment of the law. "2. Will it be possible to grant retro- active approval to beauty schools if they have been approved by the State Board of Hairdressersand Cosmetologists,and owe have certain knowledge that they would have qualified under Section 9 of the Texas Barber Law aa barber schools; thus making it possible to accept their grad- uates a8 applicants for Class 'Bf license; such license to be Issued only~upon auc- cessful examlnatlon. (Either for Assin- tant 'B' or Registered 'Bc, depending on the amount of experience as in the case of Class 'A' barberas) "3. May we accept a pllcants for examlna- tion for Assistant Elass 'B' license from graduates of beauty schools approved by Eu. J. l. Burris, page 2 (V-595) tha Board a8 barbor schools uadabr 8oc- tloa 9 of thm Tezas IarM Law." Sootlen 6 ud 16 ,8fArtiola 734a, V. ?. C., a8 ameaded by Smut8 BIT1 He, 20, Aat of the 428t L4gr islature, 5th C,S., 1930, pravtdo, ia part, a# follewsi *ho. 6. . . pmwu wha far a 9 ps-0 Co the taklag perled of twm years effeot of this act, was bebbiy m outtixq hair In any baautj shop or hair &wuOg lstablisbmmt shall b8 aatltl4d to L 08r- tifloate witheut taMn(; L1 rx8riuti*n6 Application ahal% bs *d8 in th8 aam8 mm xar aa that rc ~C3msAt. ‘CaastJA’aad tCla881' a8 used &mM.n &all rof8r to the cla~sitlaatirr~#rasmriba(( kin&a ua shall lralude Ragimtwed #arbor8 and Re- gIstwe& JbatsWnt krhrs a8 bitnod mad used in the smetimms *i this mot. , ." “6~. 16. TLrrtw pm* WLH hai3rr twoyears ~d``lf pe&edi~# t5lte t&Umg 8ff8ct 8r this rat bram rbsttiuhr emgag- ld ir th4 paaticr rf bWber1 at etaaor wr e l8tabliahed#We88 bf bum T.alS9,Bbrll be @-anted 8 osrtlfloat* of rogistrstben am t RrgisteroaBmb#sr Wtheut rxarin8tlsnby m&tin& applicatA8ntl thr Pearl cn or bdere the o~jlratien ef sixty days after the pass- rri 'a8 refrrred tl)haMIn shall wan ten d@llara, but e@TtifiOIt@ashall be ibsued ts tAoa4 emtitWd thQCete acasrdiag ta the olassifioationundrr which thq #ay fall, ta vltt ‘Class At aad tClar8Bqr In view of the rkro quetod prevlsiens, those p8rrms vke had pmatlood halp outtiy ir a boauty shop or halmAawssi* estabtib~t fsr a reri8d 8f st least two ~8are *in t8 th8 H$moti+s datm.oS ktlole 734s m&entltled te e &8rtifi@atrWithant takl*(:~am a8mj.e CenstrullpCI aisctienr 6 an4 16 t4gethar, It Is ap- par& that the LyWlrWre lntwibd, howovrr, that the oxoopl&st~ warn te apply te ei81r tka8e por;eems who mde lxp~Patlm or li88tins to -8 ka?Jd M el?bmirWa?**r~klb8 x ty days arter tha passage ei the A.&i* Ye *ra support- . . Hon. J. 1. bl.rFis, page 3 (v-595) sd +aotion 26 kfthqut ckr e in He .B, 329, Actr oi the 4pd Leglmlaturo,~R,b,p.$02, tiereform,you 4~4 rdvimed t@at rppliorntm for. c3.4881)1ioOn8e8 who had jractioed h&'OUtt$lI#ia beauty shop8 for a eriod bf two 74ms p,~l.or e .the ltfeetivo d4t0 of the ?i0~48 Barber .L*w (tit e 7314& f, but ‘did sot Ike' appllcatieaI within 'them.rtJ-4ayQsrlod artier- the lSfeotive'date of ArtioZr'?34a,0 atay~aot b8 @ma L oor~ tiiscrte withotit exulnrti,@B. Eo wever y o nb , u yloq*pt their lppllaatioomfop oxrrinrtlonmproolded, of oourme, they meet the other roqulrsmentmof the Barber Lmw, Section 9 of Article 734s provider% “Any flrr, oorporatlon or pepmm de.erlrlng to oonduot or operate a barber mohool OP oollege In this stats mhall f t obtain from the lorrd of Barber * 48lnsrr L pertit to CL4 SO, rnd uhll k8.p.the MIR proUaent%y dimp1ry.d.~ so siltih 80h001 OX'OOllOgO Sk&d1 b elppwved i18Qosb,suchschool orcollege ro~u$rem a8 a pPeFequi8ite t0 ``~Udrt~Dn.~ ~ouT8e of lnmtruotlis3 of not ternsthan one thou- sand hours (l,OOO),30 be corpletedwlth- in a period of ,notlega than sir months. and unle~ssmaid school OP collage requires Asia prerequisiteto the ammelon there- to, appli~antm to QeamstP~te their abil- ity to rmad intml,ll.gmntl~ +nd Wite olur- 1~ the English laii@ageg and 8%~oertfficate or pez%lt shall be'i88ued to an applioult aa pro+$drd for herein0 unless maid appli- cant de onmtrrteshis or her ability tb rud 1st Feliigenfly and cite olerrl~ the English language as,deterrinodby an ex- a&nation eamducted by the BoaFd. "guoh~mohoolmor ool&egem .&all iti- struot studeM. in'muah subSoots 48 May be neoemmar~.and,beneffol.alIn tq(rcbingthe practice of barberi.ng, ,iaclndil;Mthe fol- lowiry:subjectas Soiaatsrio fMentali~ of barberQg; hygienic baotsri~logj;mm- tology of the ha-,. ski-n,Rusoles and nerves; Structurs of the head> face and neok; Elerentrry chmrimtryrelrtlng to 8tePillzatlOnand ultlmspticstDlijiases Hon. J. B. BUPPIS, pqe 4 (v-595) Of the ._ skin ._ and hair; h``a~lq ad rreip- u1at the musoles or the scalp, ram, and neok: =%a lrautting, shavl aad bleaahihg and &ping of the hair. YPowevmr, if said school does not care to teach persons who apply for 'Class A8 but only Class B Cgtr- ifieates, shaving need not be taught. 1Emphasis added) There is no provision In ~theBarb,or Law which would prohibit a beauty school from also beinQ a schoal of barber- provided it neta the prerrquisltesaf sec- tion g. -It is noted;howevsr, section 9 requires that any firm, corporation,or person desiring to opsrate a. barber school shall first obtain a permit from the Bar- ber Board. Therefore,although a beauty school.maymeet the rdquirements of section 9 of the Barber Law, suoh establlsbmentcannot be recognized as ‘a school of bar- beriug” until it has received a permlt to operate as such. fin answer to hour second quration, it Is our opin- ion that if the beauty schools referred-topossess the prerequisitesof section 9 above quatad, they may be glv- en a permit to operate a barber school as well as a beau- ty school; but these permits cannot aparate retroactlve- lg. Section 8 of Article 734s provides: 'Any person Is qualified to receive a certificateof registrationas a rogls- tered assistant barber at least sixteen and age; and “(b). who is of good moral charac- ter and temperatehabits; and “(a). Who has passed a satisractorf examinationconductedby the Board to de- termlns his fitness to practice as a mgis- tered lsslstaut barber. If a beauty sohoel has bren approved by the BearQ sf barber ikam&nqrs, It is QUP opinion that such school then becomes a school of b@rberlng approved by Boa. J. B..Bun-is, page 5 (V-595) the BoardCwlthln the meaning of.sectlorn 8, as x011 a8 a beauty echoel, and you may aeoept its graduates aa ap- plloants tar lxamlnatione for assistant’s license. The Barr8 ef Barber Xxaminere oan- not &rant certif$oates without examlna- tlens to persona who had prabticed hair- cutting for a period of two years. rlor to the 6ffeotivb date of~&tlc.fs 74 4a,- v. P. c., but who failed to make applica- tions within sixty days after the passage of the Act. The Board of Bsrber Exatafn- era may, however,, accept their appllca- tlons~for examlnatlons, If they meet the other qualiflcatlons set out in the Bar- ber Law. The Board or Barber Examiners may Issue a permit toma beout. school to oon- duct also a barber soho% If such estab- lishment meets the requirements of section 9 of Artlole 734a, but such permit cannot operate retroactively. Graduates of ruoh pohools after the pezrlt is granted are graduates of a schoal of barbering ap- proved bj the Board. Yours very truly, ATTOltR6Y0-L OF ‘i’RX&3 JRrmw