YXIHEA~%OPNEY GENERAL. OX? TEXAS PRICEDANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL biay 24, 1948 Hon, Graham BPuce Opinion No. V-585 County AttoPneg Omnge County Rae: Tire llmitatlon, ii Orange p Texas any9 befoPe an elec- tion to incoPpoPate a school a~stPic?t My follow an dlection which abolished an fndependent school aistpict * Dear Sips We pefep to youp le%teP which peade In sub- stance as follows “, On MaPch 20, 1948, fn the Brfdge city Independent School Dfstaict-of Wang8 r;ountg an election wa8 h8Pd w- dsr Article 2767, Pesultfng in a uJoP- ltg favoring the abolishmen% of the In- dependent DfstPict, A petftion has been presented to the Cotq~ty Yudge 0% OPange County in pPoper POP8 requesting an elee- tion to i&ooP)oPate said distP%ot aondep Article 2757 0 Questions After ,an independent school distpiot has been aboU:shed un- d8P ktlcle 2767, 9s there any time Ii- aitation befoP an election can be had to IncoPpoPate under k%fole 2757? Ue assu8e for puPposes of this opinion that the teppitopy forae~ly compPi3ing the B~Ulge Gftq &x&e- pendent School Dlat~fet fa now cOn%ain8d in an 6xi~tlq xomon school Metrlct and, as suohl fe a aonoa Us- tPlct authopiebd to IncixpoPate m~dep ktfcle 27579 APticle 2767, Ve~non”o CIvIp Itrtute,, )Po- vides for the call wad holding of eleQ%ions Sor the abolishment or an 12 spended% school distPiet. APtic1e 2757 pPovldes.foP the calling and holding of elections Hon. GPahm Bruce, page 2 b-585) for the incorporation of a comon school district oen- taining aeven hundred inhabitants or mom. fkithsr of thoss statutes, mer sag otlw, attempts %a fix any p8r- iod of time to lmterv6ne between elections to abolish, eleotions to Incorporate, op elections to lncorpqrlte after a nllectlon to abolish has suaoessfully carfled O)lrlen O-2572, Thbrefere, after an iBdep6RdeB% sohoel dis* trlct has been abeliahed under &ticle. 2767$ tbme his no tine Limitation before an election oati be kad %e i8- oeqorrte under the provisioxw of Article 2757. After an independent 8chool cLis%rict had been abolished un&@ Aptiale 2767, Vb cl? se, there IB DO tire liti%a%lOn bsfwe an electlen can be hrd to incorperate um- p the p~ovlsiona of &Mole 27579 V, ,C. 0 YouPr VSPJ tPulJ#