R-969 EA``ORNEYGENERAL OF TB-EXAS AUSTIN 11. TExAe PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL December 30, 1947 Hon. George H. Sheppard Comptroll~W’of Public Accounts Opinion No. V-467 Austin, Texas Re: The exemption of gas, burned in engines useii for lifting oil from the, tax levied unaer Art. 7047b, V.C.S. Dear Sir: Pour opinion request dated December 1, 1947, is aa follows : “The question- has arisen _ . i? .this department _ - as to whether gas burned ln engines usea ror lifting oil is exempt from the tax levies under Article 7047b R.C.S. “Sub-section (c) of Seatlon 1 (1) of Article 7047b excludes gas used for llftlng oil, iinless sold for such purpose, ln computing the tax tin the business or occupation of pro- ducing gas within this State. “It is argued that gas used for lease operations might well be wFthin the exclusion provision of gas used for llftlng oil. A pimp- ing engine operating a pumping jack uses the gas burned to operate the engine for lifting oil. I shall, therefore, thank you to advlse this de- partment whether gas consume& in an engine used for &Lfting oil is taxable under Article 7047b. “Reference is made to your Opinion O-4151-A." The question presented is the use of gas as explained in your letter exempt from the occupation tax imposed ,by ArtLcle 7047b, by virtue of the exclusion contained in Subsection c of Section 1 of said Article. ThFs subsection reeds as follows: “Gas used for Lifting oil, unless sold for such purpose.” If the use as explained in your letter, namely asp fuel for the operation of,a pumping engine which lifts 011, is a use 'b,;f Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard - Page 2 (v-467) comprehended by said Subsection of the statute, then no tati is .due upon the proauction'of said gas. We do not, however, accord such meaning to the phrase 'in the statute "used for lifting oil". This term is meant only to apply to gas Injected Into thb earth for repressurlng or lifting the oil of the ground, and has no i?eference to It@ use as fuel to generate mechanical power, such as puinplng op8rat'Fon.s for lifting oil. This Is the construction this, Department has heretofore &corded to It. (See OpItilon 0:&151;A, a copy of which you have.) ,Thls;we think, was the inanrfbst intention of the Legislature, end you are accordingly SO advised., SUMMARY .. Exclusion from the gas productFon,tax of gas usea for lifting oil as provided Fn Sub-section c of Sbction 1 of Art,icle 7047b, has reference only to gas Injected Fnto the ground for the purpose of ijressure in-~lifting the oil, and not to gas used as fuel In a pumping engine that lifts 011. Yours very truly~ ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS By s/L. P. Loll&r L. P. Lollar Asslstafit APPROVED s/Fagan Dickson FIRST ASSISTANT ATTOR?IBYGENERAL LPL/lh/wc