THEATTORNEYGENERSU., ‘i3P TEXAS November 6, 1947 Hon. R. Y. p;ing Opinion No. V-425 Aoting caunty Attorney Donlay county RO: Authority of the Clar,endon. Texes Comntissloners~ Court of' Donley County to call a reallocation election which would arreot taxes for the curpent year. Dam l4r. Your request for an opinion OS this Department Z?tilaW3g to a peall~ocation election la substantially as fbllovs: “The connsissioners~ court of Domlsy County have passed an order calling for an election, for the purpose of obtaining au- thopity from the people to re-allocate the county funds as provided by Art. 8, section 9, of the constitution. A question arose among the court: as to whether or not a re- allocation could be msde at this time that would affect the taxes for the current year. “Donleg County had heretofore at an election held for that purpose authorized an extre 15# road tax, thereby giving the court authority,to levy a total of g5# per One Hundred Dollar8 valuation. ‘On August lath, 1947, the co~asion- ore’ court adopted a budget and at the same time fixed the rate at 954 on the One Hundred Dollars valuation in conformity uith said bud- get. “Question. can the Commlesloners’ Court at this time re-allocate the county funds by getting a favorable vote of the pebple, aft& the count tax rate has been set aad the bui$- &6eii?id~d-?&``r~ wm Hon. 8. Y. Klag - Page 2 (V-425) Section 9 of Article VIII of the Constitution of Texas, a8 amended, reads in part as followsz ” . that the Comrissioners Court In any 00%~ may re-allocate the fope$ol county taxes by &zu@ng the rates pror“sfded for any of the foregoing purposes by either lncrdaslng or decreasing the same, but In no event shall the total of said foregoing cciunty taxes exceed eighty (80) cents on the one hundred dollam valuatlon, in any one year; provided further, that before the #aid Commissioners Court laay mke such re- allocations and changes in said oounty tax- es that the ssme shall be submitted to the qualified property tax payiq voter8 of such county at a general or special elrotion, and shall be spproved by a majority of the quali- fied property tax pe.ying voters, voting In such election;. . .‘I Article 7045, V.C.S., provides that the Cor- mIssloners I Court my, at any t-8 after the tax aesessor has forwarded his certificate to the Comptroller and prior to the time when the tax collector of such oounty shall have begun to S&k8 out his receipts, calculate the, rate and adjust the taxes in the county. Also see Art+ ole 2354, V.C.S. Article 7255, V.C.S., provides that each tax colleotor shall begin the collection of taxes annually on the first day of Octobelr or as soon thereactor a8 ha may be able to obtain the proper asaessnent rolls upon vhloh to proceed. The tax rate for the current year booam& effec- tive on August 18, 1947. After the collector began his oollectlon of taxes on Ootober 1st or as soon thereafter aa he was able to obtain the assessment rolls, the m- oelpts issued by the collectoa’ became blnkllng on t&e county. Stioe your eleotlon vi11 be held after the ool- leotion of taxes begins, the tax rate uay not be ohanged r0r 1947. In answer to your quo&Ion, it 1s the opinion of this Department that Donley County may hold a reallo- cation eleotioh at this tire, but any change voted in the tax Cato Would not be eifeotlve Until the year 1948 and would not affeot taxes for the current year. Moreover, L .. - Hon. R. Y. King - Page 3 (V-425) since the tax rate could not be utilized in 1947, it might be advisable to hold the same in 1948. SUMMARY A reallocation eleotion to be held in Donkey County after the collection of taxes has begun and pursuant to Section 9, Article VIXI, of the Constittifon of Texas, would not affect the ourrent kxea for 1947 even though a favorable vote is obtained. Very trulJi yours ATTORNEYGERBRALOF TEXAS Bv -*--7+ -Y Burnell Waldrep I lWzdjr Assistant APPROVED% T ASSISTANT GENERAL