R-940 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL December 2, 1947 Hon. J. M. Faulkner, Opinion No. V-445 Ranking Commissioner, Austin, Texas Re: Insured mortgage loans - Eligibility of for State banks. Dear Sir: Your request for an opinion by this depart- ment upon the above subject matter is accompanied by a letter from Mr. L. J. Cappleman, State Director, Uni- ted States Department of Agriculture, Farmers’ Home Ad- minigistration, Dallas, Texas,~from which we quote as fol- : “I am sending you a copy of,Section 371, Title 12, United States Code, rihich provides for the making of insured mort- gate loans through the Federal Reserve Aot. . . .” “We trust you will be able to give us your opinion within a short time and will notify the officers of the State banks of Texas concerning their eligibil- ity, and we in turn will pass the inform- ation to our Supervisors in order that they may discuss the matter with bankers in their respeotive counties.” Artiole 342-504 (Vernon’s Codification) of the Texas Ranking Code defines the eligibility of real estate ‘loans or investments for State banks. The sub- ject seourities are not there embraced. Artiole 342-511 of the Code, however, is as follows: “Any provisions of this Code to the aontrary notwithstanding, any State bank may make any loan or investment which suoh bank could.make were it operating as a national bank, and the making of suoh -‘loanor investment shall not constitute Hon. J. Id.Faulkner - Page 2 (V-445) a violation of any penal provision of the stxtutes of the State." In Opinion No. O-6809 by this Department un- der'date of September 15, 1945, addressed to Hon. H. A. Jan&son, Commissioner of Banking, this Department con- strued the last quoted article in the following language: "Article 342-511 above quoted clearly deals with the subject of eli- gible loans for investments for State banks, and therefore is in pari materia with the prior Articles 501, 502, 503, 504, 505 and 506 of Chapter V--all deal- ing with the same subject, though for the most part ,bynegation. The common subject to which all these Articles re- late is eligibility of investments. Ar- ticles 511 and 507 have nothing in com- mon-- that is to say, Article 511 does not deal with the question of limita- tion of liability of any one borrower, as does Article 507." In a later opinion, No. O-7098 addressed to Hon. L. S. Johnson, Banking Conunissioner,this Department again quoted - 511 and commented as fol$ows: "State Banks in Texas have only the powers conferred upon them by the statutes of the State and the charters under which they act, and have no pow- ers beyond this from any other govern- ment or source. The Code is a compre- hensive one and covers the whole field of the operation of such banks. It is familiar law in statutory construction that such a code should be construed in its entirety, as a whole, giving ef- fect to every portion thereof as an in- tegral part of the law governing the particular inquiry. Article 4 would, if standing alone, exclude the charac- ter of investments permitted by Article 11. But it does not stand alone; on the contrary, Article 11 is as much a part of the law as any other part of the Code and is to be read in connec- tion with Article 4 as though the same had been actually incorporated inthat Eon. J. ,Ih.Faulkner.? Page 3 W-445) Article as, indeed it is, a proviso." Such farm'mortgage insurance loans are eli- gible for national banks as we understand it. Fr?m what :':e have said it follows that the insured mortgage loans of Section 371, Title 12, United States Code, are eli(~r,ible investrlentsfor Texas State banks. SUMMARY Insured mortr,aceloans authorized by Section 371, Title 12, United States Code, are elig1bl.efor loans for investnent by Texas State yanks in virtue of Article 11, Chapter V, of the Texas F3ankinf: Code. Yours very truly, ATTORhXY GXWRAL BY 0S:wb Assistant APPROVED: