DocketNumber: V-426
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
n-862 PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Hon. Ernest 0. Thcimpsoa, Chalmau Railroad Commlsslon of Texas AuntIn, Texas Opinion lo. v-426 Re: Construction o? 11. B. z-98, Chap. 257, Acts of 50th Leg., Re SelJ- sloa, 19$'7, as applied to certain interstste motor vehlole carrlerm. Dear sir: Your request ior ma OQiUiOl3 la oonnectlon with H. B. eg8, Chl3pter 2. Act. or the 50th Leglele- ture, Reguler Se88loa, 1977: prerents five separate questIons. For alarlty we wfll reatete the questions separately and lmedlatelj following each restatement ve will give our amwer. “1. Does reaiproolty (Vmaer 8. B. 298) depend upon the state of reglrtra- tlon ot truoke operated br l foreign mo- tor carrier where the truoka are regls- tered in a state other tbm the domicile Of 8UOb fOr*bigTi 8OtOr OWZ~W. Or dOOS it depeud upon the atate of domicile of the foreign motor carrier? As an example, a ioreiga motor carrier whoee domlclle Ia la the State o? Illtw%a operate8 truoks Into Texas vbloh are re~etered la Loulirl- aw, oklahow, n*v Toe, wd otbr rtatw. There ia DO MOlpro0ltf agreawnt b&VW8 Texas and Illinol8 at the preroat tfw and there am rwipooal l g r ewmntm b etween Tex - a #, Lo ul8lma , Bklahcma, ld other etatee. The QroblW Qmrellted 18 whether or 8ot tb, rrald forelga motor oarrler domlalled In Il- llnols 18 required to pay plate and tax fee8 to the Railroad Commlssloa on the truoks that are registered Ii Loulelana, Oklahoma, Bon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 2 v-426 ,.L or other states which have reciprocal agree- ments with Texas.” The 50th Legislature at its Regular Session In 194 enacted H. Be 298, Chapter 257, emending Chap- 1 Aots of the blat Legislature Regular 3eaalon, ?&31a& subsequently amended (Artlcli 911b V C 3 ) by a&ding a new section to be known as Section’l6ahj ’ vhlch reads as Sollowa: “18a * Reolproclty. Motor carriers of property for hire realdinu or domiciled out- side of the State of Texas, who have author- ity from the Interstate Cmeroe Commlaalon to transport property for hire to, from or between points In Texas, and whose oneratlona in this State are llmlted to the tranauorta- tlon of prowrtr for hire la interstate or Soreign commerce only under such authority, shall not be reaulred to pay the aveclal Sees provided for in Sections 7. 17(a). 18 and auk- paranrephs CR) and (hl of Section 5aCal of this Act; provided, however, &his exemntlog Srola the payment OS said Seea shell not aDuly unless the States In which such foreign motor carriers reside or are donlolled shell llke- vise extend to motor carriers residing or daa- lolled In Texas exemption from the peyment .oS the same or almllar Sees or expenses In their zwapeotlve States; such exemptions from the payment of suoh Seea In Texas shall be effeo- tlve when the governmental agency or the au- thorized representative thereof of such Sor- elgn States having jurladlotlon over the op- erations of motor carriers Sor hire ahall oer- tlry In writing to the Railroad Commlaalon OS Texas that the exemption from the payment of auoh Sees and expenses by such Texas oarrlera hs;e;en granted,,and la In full Soree and provided. Surther. however, that this exem&on ahall not apnlo to the wsplent OS Slllna Seea for a``llcatlona Sor oertlSioatea or Dewits to ovarate in this State. "Aonrealdent motor CaPPIers coming wlth- In the exemptions herein provided for shall not be required to diSQlag upon the vehlolea operated in this State undel? the provisiona OS such exemption, identification plates la- sued by the Railroad Commission of Texaa, and Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 3 v-426 the Commlaalon shall not be required to fur- nish such carriers with such plates." (lQa- phaala ours) Under the terms and provisiona of the above quoted section, the exemption granted to nonresident motor carriers by wag of reclprooltg from payment of Railroad Commlaalon plate and tex fees la dependent upon four distinct things. (1) The person must be a motor carrier; (2)TE$ :%P carrier must reside OF be domiciled outside the State of Texas; (3) His motor carrier operations in Texas must be exclu- sively in interstate or foreign commerce pursuant to valid and legal authority issued by the Interstate Colnnerce Commlsalon; and (4) The state in which the nonresident motor carrier resides or is domiciled must grant like exemptions in the pegment of the same or similar fees to motor carriers rssldlng or domiciled in Texas. Nothing is contained in said section which in any manner makes reciprocity dependent upon the place of registering the nonresident carriers motor vehicles. It la to be observed that the important thing in two of the above requirementa la the place of reald- a or domicile of the nonresident carrier. The aec- tlon'-firovldes that the exemption applies to motor car- riers "residing OP domiciled outside of the State of Texas" and that Eld exemption shall not apply %mleaa the states in which such foreign motor carriers reside OP -- are domlclledn shall extend like exsmptlona to "mo- tor oarrlera residing or danlolled In Texas." It there- Sore becomes necessary to determine the meaning of the terms %ealde,' "residing," and "domlolle." The terms "rea%de' and "realdlng" are elastic, and a# to be Interpreted in the light of the object and purpose of the statute in vhloh such terms are em- plo ed. fl oorath v. Stevenson, 77 P. (2d) 608 (Wash. 1936 1. The Attorney General has previously construed the tez=m "residing" as used In our reglatratloa of mo- tor vehicle atatute (Article 6675a-2, V.C.S.) to mean "Legal~resldent." See 0 Dlnion 8O-102 T, dated July 10, 1939, oiting 54~ Corpus Jurls 70 e Our courts have reached & similar result in conneotlon with our venue statutes; Evans v. American Publishinn Co., 13 S. W. (26) 358 (Conus. AQQ. 1929); Henneasey v. Campbell, 32 Hon. Ernest 0. Tholllpaon - Page 4 v-426 5. W. (26) 390 (Tex. Clv. App. 1930); and have construed the term 'residea" as used In the statute providing for the removal of a minor's dlsabllltles to mean "legal domicile." Gulf. C. & 5. F. RY. Co. v. Lemons,109 Tex. 244
,206 S.W. 75
(1916). Domicile la defined by the Amerloan Law Instl- tute Restatement. ConSllct of Law, 8 9 to mean the place with which a person has a settled oonnktlon for certain legal purposes, either beoauae his home la there, OF be- cause that plaoe la assigned to him by law. It la also stated In the Restatement on Conflict of Law, I 41, that a corporation is domiciled in the state where it la ln- corporated, and oannot acquire a domicile outside that state. As applied to an individual, It has been held that one's domicile Is the place where one has his true, fixed, permanent home and principal establishment, and to which, whenever he la absent, he has the intention of returning. 13 Words ds Phrases 261; State v. DeCasi- nova's AdmIx.,1 Tex. 401
(lt!4r . It Is our opinion that the Le(llrlature lntend- ed thro h Its use of the terms "reside and "realdlng" to meanueilegal residence," and as so used they are ayn- onymoua with the term "dixalclle." 28 9. J. S. 7, 0 2, 17 Am. Jur. 596 il 11; Am. Law Inst. Restatement. O - sllot OS Lava, 4 9. Furthermore by the very natur?oS the Act, legal realdenoe or domldlle is not coexistent in the same person In two or more states at the same tine. Michael v. Michael, 79 9. U. 74 (Tex. Clv. App. 1904). In answer to your first question you are therefore advised that reciproolty la dependent upon whether or not there f8 in existence a reolprooal agree- ment between Texas and the state of the legal residence or domicile of the foreign motor carrier rather than with the state where the vehloloa of the foreign motor oarrler are registered. "2 . IS a foreign motor carrier har au- thority Srom the Interstate Coimserce Commls- slon to transport property for hire to, from, and between Texas points only (no other state) and whose operations in this atate are llmlt- ed exclusively to the transportation of prop- erty for hire In Interstate or foreign com8eroe Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 5 v-426 only under such authority, and reciprocal agreement la in effe'ect between Texas and the state of the domicile of such carrier, la such oarrler required to have a permit or certificate issued by the Railroad Conrmla- slon of Texas for authority to oRerate Its trucks on the highways In Texas? H. B. 298, Chapter 257, Acts of the 50th Leg- islature, Regular Session, 1947, by'lts express wording deals with the exemption from payment by a foreign mo- tor carrier of the Sees mentioned and required In Sec- tions 5a(g) and (h), 7, 17(e), and 18 of Article glib, V.C.S. Rothlng la contained in said Act amending, or purporting to amend, Articleglib, supra
, as to the re- quirements of or necessity for a oertlflcate of conven- ience and necessity or permit. On the contrary, the Act expressly prOvidS8 that the exemption from payment of plate and special tax Sees shall not apply to the payment of filing Sees for applloatlona for oertlSl- oates or permits to operate In this State. It has previously been decided that a motor carrier which has been granted authority by the Inter- state Connnerce Commission to transport goods, wares, and merohandlse In lnteratate or foreign commerce by motor vehicle must, prior to commencing operation in this .State pursuant to said interstate authority, ob- taln'from the Railroad Casmlaalon of Texas authority to use our highways In Such interstateoperation, and to casply with the Insurance requirsmenta and safety regulations imposed by the Railroad Cosuslsalon under Article 911b, aupra. Ex Parte Truelock, 140 9. W. (26) 167 (Tex. Crlm. App. l%O), and authorities therein cited. Nothing la oontalned in H. B. 298,vhloh in any manner changes this rule. The foreign motor oar- rler, regardless of the existence of a reolprooal agreement between Texas and the state of its domicile, la still required to obtain from the Railroad Commla- alon of Texas a certificate OP permit authorlelng the use of our State highways in interstate or foreign ooanserce . Your second question is therefore answered la the affirmative. “3 . IS a foreign motor carrier has author- ity from the Interstate Commerce Commission to Hon. J&nest 0. Thompson - Page 6 v-426 transport property for hire between points in Texas and points In other states and a reciprocity agreement between Texas and the state of the dom+ile of such foreign car- rier 1s: in effect, la such carrier required to have a permit or certificate laawd by the Railroad Commission of Texas for author- ity to operate its trucks on the highways of Texas?" Our dlacuaalon under Question No. 2 la equal- ly applicable to Question No. 3. The anaver is the aanm ln each instance. Your third question is therefore answered in the efflmratlve. “4 . IS a foreign motor carrier has a certificate or permit from the Railroad Ocm- mission of Texas and there la a reciprocal agreement in effect between Texas and the state of the domicile of such foreign motor carrier, does the vehicle of such foreign motor carrier have to be registered (by equipment report or OtheNlSe) with the Railroad Commission of Texea as being op- erated on a reolprooel basis." Under the rules and regulations of thb Ocanmla- slon, as well as the general requllrtfillente of Articleglib, supra
, a motor carrier la required to register with the Commission as a part of tha application for a certificate or permit a written llat and description of the motor vehicles to be operated by the carrier under said oertlfloate or permit. The reason for Such re- quirement Is obvloua, beceuae otherwise it would not be possible for the Camalaelon to determine whether the motor vehicles to be used by the carrier meet the re- quirements of the law and the rules and rugulatlona of the Commission as to safety ~qulrementa, and Surther, whether the highways of this State would vlthabnd the added tnsfilc burden proposed to be placed thereon. Iiothlng is contslned la H. B. 298, aupra, which la any manner attempta to dispense with these re- quirements. These are all matters within the police power of the State, and our prevfoua dlaouaalon under Question No. 2 la equally applicable here. See Bx Parta Truelook, aupra. Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 7 V-426 Your fourth question la therefore answered la the afflnnatlve. "5 . Where there 18 a reclprooltg agree- ment between Texas and the state of domicile of a foreign carrier, Is It necessary that the truoks of suoh foreign motor carrier op- erated in Texas have an ldentlflcation canl Issued by the Railroad Commiaslon displayed on such motor vehicles?" Article 169Ob, V.P.C., which Is the penal por tlon of the.Texas Motor Carrier Law, provides, In part, as follova: "(e) The Commiaalon shall prescribe an ldeatlflcatlon card whloh must be displaYed wFthFn the aab of eaah motor vehicle, aet- tlng out the oertlficate or pennit nunber and-the route or territory over uhlah the vehicle 1s authorized to operate, giving the name and address of the owner of said oer- . tlflcate or permit. It shall be unlawful for the owner of said certlfioate or permit, his agent, servant or employee, or any other person to use or dl8play sald,ldentifiaatlon card after said certlfloate or DennIt has been cancelled or disposed of. *The ldenti- ;G;tzmcyd provided for herein y;nbzsln nd oontain suchlnfonna 1 reaulred bs the Railroad Conrmlssion." (Em- phasis oura) House Bill 298, aup~%, In go vay amend8 0~ modifies the requircMBt6 OS the abow ~quoted portion of Artlole 16gOb, sugrs. Your fifth question Is therefow answxwd in the afflrmatlw. (1) Realproaity F&r_ H, B. 29, chap- ter 257, Acts of 50th Le Ulature, Regular Session, 1947 (sectiou 1L of Article 911b, V,C.S.), Is dependent upon the state of legal residence or domicile of the foreign motor carrier rather than the state of reglstrs- tlon of the motor carrIersI vehicles. Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 8 v-426 (2) A foreign motor carrier coming within the provisions of Section 18a, aupra, la not relieved of the requirement of ob- taining a certificate or permit from the Railroad Commlaalon authorizing the use of Texas highways In Interstate or foreign com- merce o (3) A foreign motor carrier casing within the provlalona of Section 18a, aupra, Is still required to register with the Com- mission all motor vehicles operated by It In Texas by filing an equlpent report with the Commission fully describing said motor vehicles. (4) Section 18a, aupra, In no way amends or modlflea the requirements of Ar- ticle 1690b, V.P.C., requiring ldentlflca- tioa cards to be displayed on all motor ve- hicles operated under the jurladlctlon of the Railroad Commlaalon. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS By - =’ -- Charles D. Matheva Aaalatant cDbl:jt APPROVPD: