DocketNumber: V-272
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
R-555 Hon. W. C. Hancock. a- Opinion No. V-272 County Attorney, * Camp County, He: Compensationof Coun- Eittsburg,Texas ty Attorney when as- sisting the District Attorney in the prose- cution of case8 in the Dear Sir: District Court,. We refer to your~letterof June 4, 1947, which reads in part as follows: "Artiols 26 of the Cede of Criminal Frooedure provides, $&spart: 'The County Attorne &all attend the terms of all courts f n hie county below the grade of District Court, and shall represent the State in all criminal oases under o&d nation for pxosooution in mold oounty and in the absence of the District Attorney he shall represent the State alone, or when requested shall aid the District At- torney in the prosecution of any case in behalf of the State in the District Court, and in such cases he shall receive all or one-half of the fees allowed by law to Distriot Attorneys, aooording as he acted alone &r c)*lntly:' mIhasmuch as the dietriot attorney in this district does not receive fees and instead is paid a salary I would like to know whether or not I could bo requuired, as county attorney, to assist in tha press- cution of cases in the district court, aha if so what compensationI would be entitled to receive therefor." The 76th Judicial Distriot oonsietr of-, following counties: Titus, Franklin, Camp, Morris, and Marion, There is a duly'elected,qualified,and acting District Attorney in said District. Hona W, C. Hancock - Page 2 The remainder of Article 26, C. C. P., not quoted by you, reads as follows: n e In such oases he shall receive all 0; &e-half of the fees allowed by law to the district attorney whose duties he per- forms, or assists in parforming,but shall receive no part of the constitutionalsah ary allowed to such district attorneyiac- cording aa he acted alone or jointly; pro- vided that fees 00u0Ot0a by the oounty attarmsy from the State for such services shall be deducted by the Comptrolleror Public Accounts from the fees which other- wise would have been paid to the district attorney had he represented the Stata a- long; provided further this articla shall not be construedas inhibiting any county attorney from voluntarilyiwith the oon- srnt of the district attorneys,assisting the district attornay in.the performance of hisrespective duties, without oompen- aatian." Section 21 or &tic10 V of the State Consti- tution is in'part as follows; 1) . . ,The county attorneys shall rep- resent the State in all oama in the dis- trict and infrrior oourts in their rrspeo- tive counties; but if~any county shall be included in a district~inwhich there shall be a distritt attorney) the respeotivedu- ties of district attcmeys and oounty.attor- neye shall in such counties be regulatedby the Legislaturr, The Legislaturamay pro- vida for the election of distriot attorneys in such districta,as may be deemed neoes- and make provisions for the compensa- t?Z'of district attorneys and county at- torasys; provided, aistrici attorneys shall reoeive an annual aalary of five hundred dollars, to be paid by the Btate, and suoh rees, commissionsand parquisitesas ma be provided by law* County attornays shal9 re- oeive as compensationonly such faas, oom- fya;&-zi and perquisitas as may ba prescribed Hon. VI.C, tfancock- Page 3 In the case of Voges vr Sheppard, 123 TexL 96, 67 S. Xi. 2d 856, under similar faots as involved here, the Commission of Appeals had this to say: “It is at once apparent that a pur- pose of Artiole 1025 was to respond to the call of Article 26 for compensation to the county attorney for the services prescribed by the latter statute as a subject for aompeneation. There is lit- tle doubt that in naming that officer, along with the district attorney, as a beneficiary of tke fees prescribed in ::rticle1::25,thr Ugislature haa in im- mediate contemolationthe orovisions of the other artic1.eregarding the compen- sation sf the county attorney in felony trials:,ai.:i \;l-.ich, in express terms limit such compensationto ‘fees al ow- ea by law to 'lstrictat%orney5.vIt is thus seen that the ri?ht of the relator to fees in cases of felony conviction, as prescribe& in Article 1025, depends on whether such fees are allowed to the district attorney of the district which embrroos Wilson County. That said ais- trict attorney is not allowed said fees is plainly disclosed by the provisions of Article 1021; for the last-armed ar- ticle provicies,in substance,that a district attorney, in a district com- posed of two or more counties, shall re- ceive a per diem compensation,depend- ing upon his attendanceupon the sessirn of the court in the necessary performancs of his 0Pf10i81 duty. c *” (Emphasis added) The Court thereupon held that a county attrr- aey was not entitled to a r?anaamus against the Comptrol- ler to compel him to issue a warrant in favor of the coun- ty attorney for servioes performed at the request of the district attmsny in assisting him la felony oases, and for representingthe State in habeas corpus oases involv- ing felrnies. Therefore, in view ofArticle 26 supra
, you are respectfullyadvised that it is tke opinion of this . Hon. 5'1. C. Hancock - Page 4 Department that the County httormey of Camp County is required to asaiat in the proseoutionof cases in the District Court, when request& by the District Attorney; and rurther, since District Attorneys are no leyer barn- pensated on a fee basis.,bgt by the payment of an annual salary, and the Legielaturehas made 50 provision for compensatingthe County Attorney who assists the District Attorney in the proeseutlonbf cases in the DistrictCourt by apportioningto him a.part of the salary to be paid to the Distriot Attorney, it follows that the County At- torney is not entitled to compensationror such services rendered. The County Attorney of Camp County is required to assist the District Attorney in the prosecutionof cases in the District Courtwhen requested, and further the County Attorney is not entitled to compensationfor such servioes rendered, since there is no statutory provision for the same. Art. 26, c. c. P.: Voges v. Shep)ard, 67 S. 3. 26 856. Pours very truly, 1, ATTORN"EYGENERAL OFTEXAS BA:erc:WB By &1*Assistant AmwED jE&dh?d, ATTORNEY GENERAL