DocketNumber: V-269
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
R-410 PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYOF.NERAl. June 28, 1947 Honorsblo W. E. Berron ojanion NO. v-269 District Attorney 12th Judicial Dlstrlct Re: Qusllfloetlonsof Orlmea county Veterans' County Rsvesote, Texsa Service Officer Deer Slrr , Pour request for en oplalon 1s in part es follows: ~. "I would like en opinion from ,your Department on the following questions: .’ "1. I8 a peraoliqualified for'ep- polntment to ,theOffice of Veterans County Servloe Offloer if'he has not had .~ 88 much as sixty days aervloe'in the A.rm- ed Forces? . _. : " "2; Shbuid you~hold'that such person la not qualified to fill the.,offlceand the length of his service Is known to the CommissionersCourt, would the psyment msde to him by the Court b$ en illegal expendl- tu$ of County funds? Section 2 of Article : 5798e-2 reeds: "Such Vetewns County Service Officer end/or AssistantVeterans County Servioe Of- ficer shall.,If so appointed, serve for the reiaslndeti of%he ourrent county Plscel yeer during which they era appointed end there- after shall be'appolnted for and serve for a term Of two years, unleae sooner removed for aause by the appointing authority. Suoh Vet- erans County Servlc’eOffloer end such Asslst- ant Veterans County Service OffYcer shall be qualified by education end trsinlng for the duties of euah offioe. They shell be exper- ~..~ lenced la the law, regulationsend rulings' -ofthe'unlted States Vetersns Adminlstrstlon Honorable W. E. Berron - Page 2 aontrolllngcases before them;and shell themselveshave served In the active &I- tery, nav.91or other armed forces or nurses corps of the United States during the Span- tsh AmericanWar;World War I,.or World Er n, for e period of et least.four months, end have been honorablydischarged f'romsuoh service. Such persoti hall ha had et least two veer18 experizncees eVeSemilce if- fleer In a-natlonaliyrecognizedveterans organizationengaged In service: work to vet- erans, as defined by the United..StatesVet- erans Admlnlstratlon,either as a Post,~ State, Department,or ~etlona1Servlce Of-' fleer, which shall be'evldencedby-a stete- ment of qualificationsfiled by the lndivld- us1 seeking appointment,with the County Com- ~mlsslonersCourt, upon forms supplied by the Veterens'StateService Officer of the State of T8xa8, which shall be aertlfled to by the Ste,teCommander of the veterans organization '. to'which such epplloent shall belong, or shall have had one gear?, experienceas a County Sewice Officer 06 AssistantCounty.ServQe Of- ficer, or shall have been.glv&ne certl..flcattiI by the VBtersns State Sekvlce Officer, who ia hereby authorizedto prescribe the~tralnlng and qualificationsrequired for.the Issuance &' such certificate. A statement showing tbat ep pllcent possesses one or more of the above qualific.atlous,eccompsnledby supportingcer- tificate, shall be filed with the County Com- mlstiloners, Court et, or before the'tlme said &ppolntments.ere.made, an&the filing thereof shall be e condition precedent to ~suchappolnt- me&." ~(Bllphas1a;0urs).; This Offloe In Opinion No. O-6489 oonstrued this Artlole to mean that regardless of the other qual- lfioatSona,enapplicant for the office of Veterans' County Servloe Officer m8y possess~,If he has not serv-, ed In the active mllltary~nevel or atied forces during the Spanish-AmericanWar, World War I or World War II for a period of et least fbur months, he would not be eligible for the position of Veterans' County Service Offioer or AssistantVeterans.'County Service Offlder. We are enclosinge copy of this oplnlon. This.answers your .flrstquestion In the negative. Eonoreble ,W. E. Be1 .. 0’3 34 Texas Jurisprudence618, Sec. 164 reeds In pert ei follows: “4 person msy be a de faoto,offlcer though he Is lnellglbleto the offioe In which he funotlons. , .‘I The case of Bell vs. Feilkner, 19 3.w. 480, ‘by the Supreme Court of Texss, held that a clerk of en election who was e minor, under 21 years of age, end liotentitled to vote was nonethelesse de facto offioer lend his lnellglbilltyto hold the office would not ren- der the election void. In Germsriyvs. State, 3 S.W. (2) 798, the Court of Criminal Appeals, speaking through Judge Christian, said: : .~ ?A person msy be’ faato’offlcer’. ~though,lnellglble to such offloet’Brosch ‘v. Gerth et al.,(Tex; Clvi App’.)50 3.W; ‘- 594.;Grsves v. M. Griffin-OVell~& Sbus (Tex. Clv.~App.),l89~S.W.-T.78.Y ., Next, let-us oorislderthendefinition.of 8 de ~ fao~o‘offloer..M&hem ‘ou.Publlc O’fflc@ii and Officers et Page ?12,,Seotldti317 ti&eds;&jsfol~lowsr’ ,``. :’ ~C, ..:g . ; &d’Ell&nbotiou&i ‘. .offlaerde.fa’otbt.o.b’e lone tiho~heethe ; reputetlod of beShg the offleer he eas’mes to be end pet,ls not a gobd,qffloer in point. of’Uwf@ end this’definltlonhas,,Ln,sub- .”sttinoe,beea adopt&d by the:majorltyof the dwes, aad the neaessity for 8’coloF of eleo- ,,ltlonbee ndt been efflrmed,‘sofar 8s the : rights o< third ‘personseti .coperned.” ’ Tjaroop&i PubllO Offioerrj,definea e he feeto ~ogrldiyson’pge59,. qeotlqn,,622of his work es follcwar “In gen&l,~l$ &y:be said,.that tihere 4 ‘, the question e?lses, a.8to the’velidltyof t&s exercise~ofa pertlouler power the off16 oer de Jur? ia one wh,o,at the time of swh exercise ,md the right’t6 the oiflce, but ” wea kept out of possessiqn.thereof,and who. has since establishedhis right; while the offioerde feoto is the one,.who exeralsed . Honorable W. E. Barron - Page 4 the power, being then in possession of ,~ the offioe under color authority, but without eatual right thereto. And the general rule IS, that the exercise of 8 power by the offloer de facto, which lewfully pertained to the office of which he had possession,Is valid end binding, where ltls for the intereat i of the publlo, or of any Individual, other than the officer himself, to sus- tain the officer'sact; but where the officer hlmself'foundsa right upon suoh exeralse, either personally or offlalelly, it Is not valid in,his favor." ,, From the'foregolngauthoritiesend deflnl- tlons %he Veterans Service Officer In the Instant oese Is unquestionablye de facto officer. The next ques- tion for our considerationIs whether payments msde to ~I~,111 constitutean Illegal expenditureof oounty~ . The general rule iaid down In i3,A.L.R. 266 ';is8s follqws: , "There Is considerableauthority to the effectthat e de fecto,offloerwho, pursuant to epparent authority end in good faith;has performed the duties pertaining to the office',may, In the absence of e de jure claimant, enforce payment by %he pub- lie of the oompensetlonto,which en incum- bent of the offioe Is entitled for servloep performed or~dutlesfulfilled." This Bnnotatlqn In 4.L.R. altes two !Pezes asses edherlng to this rule end,dlsoua~eesthem on psge ,.268 in the following language: : "In Rowton v. 4lbers (1903) 32 Tex. ., ,Olv. App. 70,73 S.W. 1084
, It was held 4 'thata pollokuan who remainddd In the servlae of the~olty efter the term for iihlohhe had been appointed expired;with- out reappointment;end oontlnued%o aot . end be reaogalcedby the'olty In his of- fioial oepsolty,w8s;es 8 de faoto, entitled to competiaebion for'servloesrender- dd the city end 9ocepted by It. . . ..When, I . - _.-- Honorable W. E. Barron~- Pege..5. however, .thecity ``oeased -to recogaze him es 8 de fecto’offlcer,and.Ffused. to per- mit him ,to.d+schargethe.duties of pollce- men, It,.Incurredno lleblllty.ior spy.sel- cry ths$ ,pemight have earned had he been ,ellowed to.oontlnueIn the discharge of the duties of h$s office.( Copr@re.San Anton’lo vi Coultreae (1914; Tex. Clv. App.)169 S.W. 917
, 8s olted Bupre, subd. III. And In Uhr v..‘Bram (1916; Tex, Civ. App.).191 S.W. 379, the,aourt reoognized that It had been held that e de facto officer oen demand pay for his services where there are no de jure claimants.I’ It therefore f.oll&s that slnoe the Veteraw ,;Serv$oeOfficer Is a de facto officer ena the county .btie received.the benefits of;;hlsendeavorses such, psy-’ -menteheretofore him would not be an lnyelld 8x1 pendlture of ‘countyfunds. _ Future’paymentsto ‘bemade such offioer pre- ~sehts’ .enotherquestion. 4 method,.bywhich payments msy Abestopped Is by a..Quo.War,rento prwzeedingbrought egainst such.,S~rvlce,’ Article 6253, V.C.S. Officer-under, ‘.,.’ The Dletrlct Attorney:tifthe.12th.Judlolal ,of the proper Dlstrlct of T.exas.orthe Counts..Attornes county;may tl;er,&o%efile en -lnform9tlo`` in..thekst-kra of 8 Quo Warrant0 proceeding In ‘theDistrlc$.Court egalnst thk.aald Veterans Servloe Offloer $0 test his a&W1 r.tghtto hold suoh office, end the County ” Treasurer.msy withold his se,lery-pendingthe outaome ?f the proceedlhgsi‘(Art,.1713 V.C.S.) .Your second question .l~s answered In the nega- tlve with suggestion,of .a’ ~. proper remedy. SUMMiRY .A persod Is not qualifted for eppolntm&t I es Veteran81 County Servloe Offlo-erby ,aCom- mlesloners~‘Courtunless he has served in the eative military, navel or armed foroea during the Spanish-AmericanWar,~World War I, or .‘WorldWar II, for e period of at least folul motiths, ‘regardleasof his other quallfloetlons. .. (Sea. 2, Art. 5798-e-2,V.C .S., Attorneys, .,Genemlfaopinion IQO.O-6489). . Bonoreble W. E. Berron - Page 6 Although e Commiseloners1.C&t eppolnts en lnellglbleperson to the office of,Veter- ens 1 Oounty Servlae Officer, tf he perfoqms eervloQs es swh, he is a de f8oCo officeh end peyments made to him do not~oonstltuteen ll- legal elpendlture of county funds. (34 Tex. Jur. 618;:93 A .L.R. 266). The proper method to oust sn lnellg~oiep&eon from swh office is by Quo Werrento proueedingsbrought by’the District Attorne or County Attorney.ofthe proper 0 eunty. I'. Art. 6253 V.C.S.) Yours very truly 4TTORIflZY GElkR4L OF =A3 . . .. ”