Pan. Veldon B. be018 OplaloA No. v-243 C0uAt.J AttOl'Aq Au&in County Bet Authority or Cow&y B*ll?ill8, Teur Oomlaaloner to rpond rpoclrl rlmd la roul dirtriotL ‘Road Dirtplot p7, In COAUL``IOA~P~I Prt3Cin~t#3, ill k8tj.A COUAty bs8 (L 8peOisl rOWI tU Or 15 UWht8. Tb0 tu pa 8~8 0r mid I'Md ai8tl'iOt rint8in.tht e hay h&V. th0 X%&t t0 Uy b0V a rOr What pUPpOll thl8 rymoial fund 8hould be eqont. &bid tax payer8 do ROt Wllllt tho COUlltJ COd88iOllel’ Of PXbOin@t #3 t0 8pO& 8Wh ipod iXi raid rO?Ld dIst#ot a8 ti 8Ob8 fit. Hon. Veld.oAB; '-via - Page 2 pwrl Tbi8 Justioe h’S0. #4 V48 estabI’ ished or de81 nated b. raid court order a8 road dlatrfet #7. 'Iheelro- tlon va8 held oa Feb. 26th. 1918, md a ' VB8t mjorlty of the voter8 votul In rav0r 0r the rprclal mad tar, w 8n ol'd49l'of the c~I(IiOWr8' COUl'tdatrd Hazwh 30, 1918, the C0rri8sloner8'Court lb0~i8rd tbti 18~ and 00ii00tion 0r a 154 8Q001a1 PO46 tU in 8@1d di8tl'iOt .#7. Holther or the sbovo g?thpr rt8tb r0r Wbrt SpOOrltiO #IX3086 th, t&X lIB8 $mVisb. Nor doea elthw ardor etato b;r9lt author- it the tax oculd be levied aad oollocted, Ot IO 2' thU t&t the b8t ObOVe W~ti0RUd ardor 8tlt88 that the ‘tU 8h811 be hVi@#d and Oo~lOOte4 88 pmvlded b tti sot of the 33rd 10 i8latV.m oi tb~ St@19 of h%~.' Al'&.67#0 a? the l’Od8eb OiVil 8tlltUtO8 Of . 'Tam8 lthorlr~r the levying @A& oolleot- lag OS 8Bld qppsolalroad t&x. l%#& stat- UtO ~ticl8 iA With Sn -8AbOat Of 1889.tO the 0OSbStiktiOFI bf th* mat8 Of %%bl, adoptedin 1890. I p~raame that tblr tax Pa8 id& rad 0Oil00t#& Ubd ai1 Or i&O’ ~..‘Axy.~6790, P.O*6;, plwl$er*r~ iOllOY~1 "'i'h0 •``8iOXiQr8 &XWt rirsl hrd.1, U ``~QtiOIh UpOll p~88elit@tiOll t0 it 8t.4 FO&lA' 8088iOA Of a p8titiOA 81~0d by t9O humdred qaallfled voter8 and p"p"t~ W ~7~8 Or th``OOt#dy, 0~ a pb it 08 0f fut7 pw8OA8 80 qUiisi@d iti W&7 pOiiti#l 88b diVi8iaA Or tleilned di8tFi8t Or tho COUAt7, WqU08ti~ 8614 OOUl't t0 Ol@OP l.fl0b9tf~ to deteraiAe whether tald oowt till low hid OOWt M87 &Ot OIP SUf3h $tltltIon rlthout notlob, aad w ABko aA. I ito& woldon B. kt18 - P-8 3 0~0~ r0r m0h la eo ti083, thmaaount to be levied, not to exowd teen osatr on thm one hundred dolUre, the lleotion to taka plaoe at uy ulw UweatkX, not 1.88 thantwwltyaoru8retb8aJT8ydyErPoi th0 da0 or rksry tb ~mwurmiw. up- OD (L pQtit%Oil Si@rd b7 a rjolritj Of th. ql&iffd tU pltLa(c VOt0P8 Or Ug POPtim Or Uy OOWt7 OX Of w pd&U0&a 8~bdi+i8$ta or w ooant~, to 8ala oourt raqmeot%ag that lruoh ortloa of uld oauaty er oU&tia?tb- dlttrPoa 8h1i be 4 r nt.da 8l & I -. *ia t t?W 8tid deolwo 8UOh OOUXt -1 t*arr$&ory a dOfiAOd df8blliOt 8~4 rpoad tho OX&W fOX SeJab UpOa th8 tit@8 Of 8Bid court; rovlded the petltlar, lto r mr a aball ld defiar g 7 mtO8 aad boaads th .tWPitO 8w t0 t0 80 iXlOOF~tO8 ia @U0h 68 di8tPiOte rn the 080e 0t c~8l.t0~es81 cow or xfavarro County t. ?ilbk8t0A; 295 8.V. 2’tl (Writ of Wror denied) the COUXt, oOtt8tXUbg S~OtiOA 9 Or AXtiOie mII Of th0 Cbn,~ltutlon OIIA &tic16 6790 of th. !tOVired 8tOtUtO8, “By the above the te~i8lOtUl’O 18 Ody ; empowered to authorlso an additional ad val- OF(UI tU t0 be i8VfOd iOX tie gUrpO80 Or public rmd8 W I Mjorlt~o;g~ ifled propert tu pwl 0r th0 0orurtJ r0r tb0 gl~p010 or Y Ya tOin- :3d%8::dk&tt! “ii%.i%%&~- Wa8 ODI rOX th0 bbaefit Of tb8 Ontim OOUUt7# and to bo voted on b tbo pToP.Xtf t&x pf- Or th 0B a1 in %Ag to t@ *8 eOQAa 7, lt Uh do - tlon t0 b# hold fW mt -8@. Ft$“- uago olearl~ oacoloder tkL0lrvyl e 8% tborrti worlded tar by q % o IC vote tbbn that Of tb.tI Onti?O OOWrt7 4Id AOt tOX looal but for ootmtf-lid. p1c~o808, urd PZ’O- hibit 8OOh tU 80 lUtb0218Od fro8 8XOOOdiW 15 cBUt8 oa tho $100valuation of thr po- pert78Ubj8Ot t0 tU.tfOS ia th. OOUUt 8aid quoted 1P~Q. of 8XtiOlO 6790 Ol#r mt it Pa8 - intO!ltiOn Of the 18tikiM t0 OoniW OI1 W ~litiO.1 8UwiVi- 810~ Or de$iiwd di8kiOt Or a OOUAt7 th8 .. ... 8. .- Hon. midon B. paris - ?ag$,.4 ri t by 4 rjosity f0 br8 and-propaq 1 iovy 8 boaa tax sot th``loolraolthof oat to t8x- atioo in raid poll r&in oz df3iiMd 6i8tr$Cte Said wtiolo ir ~0% a local law for tha rlntananco or pablic rO8d8 Uld h%&h-78, but & ~Olit.8’818tatUtO. mJIWsOF0 th 8bOVS +tOtti pPOVi8iOA Of arid 8rNcle ir io. oaa aventioa ot the phi0 tWA8 Oi Q'tiO&b , 8bOtiOn 9, Of 09 8tBt8 COXittitlAtioip. It 18 bl'b4,th. ``i8l&U'O 18 lUthOZ'i8.6 w th, 9l'OV1- 8iOK18& 8aid QPtiCle 8, 8eOt:Wl 9, t0 -88 local lams for the Baintenmos of pub110 Ford8 all&hi@Vay8, bUt II08Uoh lOOal l&W YfcL8 pk88Sa for the bbnetit Of raid PO&& distrlot Xo. 1.' The 0rdSr8 Of’ the COEUis8ionera' COUI't 40 not state the authorltr by which the tOr u8a levied other thU3 m Act Of the 33l’d Lbgi818itUh Of thb 8tAtO Oi Texas, rhloh 18 th8 88.~0aa APti 6790, V.C.S., rupra. Our seamh h&s iailed to reveal that a looal law a8 mmtionbd in the oasb Of COlllis8iOnera' t%UPt Of xavarro County, et al, v. Pinkstoo, et a1, suprr, was eYer 9S8Sti w thb tegiShitUl’b iOr the benstft Of Road District HO. 7 Oi &8t&A CqrrptJ. L Thersrore, it Ylll db SbUI fma tho r0r0g0w that the.efeatlonheld ip road Ilstriot lo. 7 of four county prsU8zit to &tlOle 6790 IR8 In 5iroOt OOAtra- vention 0s lab 9Povl8fon8or Irtme VIII, Bsotion 9, o? OUP State aOll8t%tUtiOll SUa, t&bl'bfOr8, inV8lid. ginCS the-%lbctionV88 void, it i8 the 09iIkiOn Of thi8 &Wt- AftAt tbatthd'~oari88iOil82 Of PPOOiZlOt f0. 3 in’lfhkh r-d di8tlFiOt #0.~,7 18 8itWltd My UOt U80 tho 89bCi81 funa for the pose of paying hi8 ego08 rad for pay- ing for materf”aln gbmrall~. mc eleOtiOI8 hbld in POrd di8triOt x0. 7 of Austin'Countyfoe the purpose of'irvyisg ana collecting a 15( special road tax in road district #7 wa8 In direct oontravsntlon OS Art. VIII, Sec. 9, of thd Constitutionof the stab oi To*88 ma tbe’reroro void. (commb- ” - . II Hon. u8idOp B. lkVi8 - Page 5 slonors' Court of Xavarro County et al, V. Pink8ton, 0t al, 295 8.u. 271) Thers- forb, the special fund may not be u8ed by the Oorrl88iOnbr Of PrbOiaOt m0. 3, in thioh Precinct rout di8tmt lo. 7 1s situated, for the purporr 0r p8 b.g u- ploJees etcc, vlthln said dirtr T ct. Very truly yours, ATTORSB’ZQgLIuG OP l'JfZ&3 ... majm