i : opinionlia;VA&i Be: Whethm or not additional ooe&+oaeatlon may be paid by the county to the Tax Almeesor-Colleotor for ser- : .~rhws performed by him .for work as Couuty Veterans~ Sor~ioe oCriOera Dear Sir: I &seimm and lle ‘Qounty; ha Lug..of rioer all .946.6*: ,_, .. : .: *As o'uoh 'officerkio(as'well(LB F;heothsr.Cou&yOtfi~iaL.1are on an: “On M l&h, 1945;'the.Qomi.slonerd Court of Bo Y e Oouaty, by proper order nu+ and entered by the Oburt; aroated the Vet;- eranab’ #ear*iaa OffloV’-for Hale Cbunty; the . office WM not tilled.by,an off$oiel. apDoint- ment until Feb. lxth, 1946;hw6ver; “From July 3s t, 1945,'thru and include lng Janqary 1946, a period of son16 7 months, .the duties of this offioe were discharged bg Mr. M. 8. WATS@?, .who attended to the duties of this. offl~e in oonjumtlon with the dut- ise of his offloe as Tax &seSaor AndyCo&- leabr; and of course, Nr. Watson~ received his full oompensa,tlon as Tax Aeseeaor & Col- lector. Eon. Lee Bowlin - Pge 2 V-lJ& .: this Dekha+uaonta W&t we have said oompels. tJie &IW& ~6 JkW6 given i&peo.tl+e or any o.oneldoratlon of the qG@stion ot’e&lbility of ‘the Assessor~olleator .tb holds at tiM B(L~B t*t:,tmth.~r 00wy 0rriae, that .of Veborafui~ 0o~w.b~ ty Bernlo&. Ofliosr,~ and Ln spite -of .the wo3fthy 6Uxii i’Or w&iah the Assessor-aolleotor .is giving of his eftra tfm% .- .l?&e Chnty Tax Assessor. &d Colleotor _ ;’ oi Em&u0owt.y who UJcsniae performs the ixtwm. af the aeatiy Vatuu8 aorvioe Of- .“. .- : rioer; may’iot Abe pai& ,eddlWxIal oom- pensatlon ror+wh. dutiqir ae .Teterarmf aervioe ; q+or.. : Y0urs .vf3ry truly AT&RNEiGENFiRALOFTEXAS BY O&d~m:wb&a Asslstant~ 'APPRkD APB 15,. 1947