DocketNumber: V-69
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
t -. - R- ‘78 Honorable Victor C. Marshall Executive Direotor Texas State Soil Conservation Bward 2nd Floor, First State Bank Buihding Temple, Texas opinion Ho, V-69 Re: May the San Jaainto So&t EonsBrve- tion District ooutract with the San Jaointo River ConseWation and Reclamation District to hold aaid ReolamM#on Diet&at $?88 Prom liabillt,y, resUlti the negligent u5e of equY pment and the negligent aOt8 OP smploy- ees such equipment , during the time that suoh equip- ment and employees are 00 1~60 Prom the San Jacinto River Oon- servatLon awl ReolamaOiM @ij,@ trict but ape under the coat&l of the San 8acinto W.1 CaMOltPa- tiwn District? Dear Sir: The ~wrtion pseeentad 133 your laQt#P ai Jan- uary 25, 1947, i e Whether the Board oP Bk\pervieOra @P the San Jacinto Soil CBrservation District may* under the @State $011 Cancservet ion Law”) Article 165e-4, V.A.C.S. 3 oontract with the #aanJeointo River Coneervatlol al~d Rw- lamafioa District, a8 follows: *Second Party agrees to hold harm- less and indemalty Pfrat Party Prom any llabfllties tax damagea or negligence, or for eny *of 0P the operator 04 employ- ees wed in operating such equlpmetlt or material while same 18 under the direa- tfon of Second Party, and until. it 1s Xa- turned to First Party,,” --. Hon. Victor C. Marshall - page 2 (V-69) The quot@a provision is fouti in Paragraph 5 of the proposed csntraot between the two districts, which was attaohed to ymr ).&tteP and i8 zyburaeil here- with. For OOnvsnisac.9 the @a5 Jacinto S& Canserva- $10~1 kllatriot w&l ba Limtter refrrrd t9 as “Con- servation RMrfOt* In the Ban Jga65to Ittver CQnss&a- tion and Reclamation wj,%l Ire here%nafter raw ferred to as ~Reo~amntioE ]tlistriOtn,. The equfpmedt and materials referWi to in the qubted section are not identiiied by the Ocatract , but it is ass-d that suck equipment and matOria1 con+ sists et bulMOeers, gra&xs end Qther maohines Of a type usua$ly oned la rosa wwka Your file fndioates that &he Conser’ratYp& Hst9d&t ia reae5tly using a maintaiaer Pucalahrkd by the *iaX N&ion BietTt&t for terracing and drabage roMci+ The questiom may be stated in mere general terms, as PollOwws: May one State agen,cy oontract with anether State agency to assume tortious &iabi&*ty $%sulting Prom the negligent use of’ equipment and the negligent acts of the em loyees in operating suob equipment dur- ing the time t ii at such equipment an& bmployees are un- der the control and direotiO5 of the borrowing agenay, The solution of the problem presented re- quires an understanding of the nature and oP the powers and duties of the State agencies involved, The San, Jaointw BQ$l Conservation Bi&rlot was oreated under Art%Cle~l65a-4, V.A.C.S., Acts 1939, g. 7, a8 amended Acts 1941, pB 491, and !&~&VII as Ohs State Soil Conservation La@‘. A Soil Connenatien &strict formed under this Aot vlsh@&l oonstltuta a governmental division eP this &ate dna a ‘14ublic body oorporats and polktic 8xeroi8iag pub&j+0 powers”; with power to calcry out preventive and Oontrol measure8 through eagi&@sring opera&:bum, metheds 02’ aulbioatf on, growing Of vegetdtioa, changrs in use of Land; to enter into ,agreements with any agepoy, gWernmenta1 or Otber- wise, in the carrying on of aresion abntrel. and preoen- tion operations; to purchase, improve and dispose 0P real and personal property; to make available to land- owners engineering machinery and equipment, Pertillzer and seeds; to construct buildings;, to purchase or oth-, erwise take over Federal soil erosion prOjeots; to sue , - Hoa Victor C. Marshall - Page 3 (V-69) and be sued in the name of the district; to make and execute contracts or other instruments necessary or con- venient to the exercise of its powers. The power to levy taxes is specifically withheld. A district is re- quired to obtain from the Seoretary of State a certifi- cate of organization, and when this is accomplished, "the district shall constitute a governmental subdiri- sion of the State and a.public body corporate and poll- tic.” Upon dissolution, the District is required to obtain a certificate to that effect from the Seoretary of State.. The creation 65 a district, its projects and its dissolution Is at the will of the landowners within the district expressed through elections. The San Jacinto River Conservation ana Recla- mation District was created by Acts of 1937. 43th Is B copied In V.A.C.S., Vol, 21: begin&&’ at page 617, and-the various amendments thereto, begin- ning at page 148, Pocket Part, V.A.C.S., Vol. 21, all initiate& under the constitutional authority granted la Article 16, Sec. 59 of the Constitution of Texas, under whloh Constitutional amendment the districts "ahall be governmental agencies and bodies politic and corporate with such parers of gorernment and the authority to exe- cute such rights, privileges and functions concerning the subject matter of this amendment as may be oonferred by law”; the purposes of such distrlots are taken from the Constitution~an8 are stated in the Act to be, “the control, storing, preservation and distribution of its storm and flood waters, the waters of ita rivers and streams for irrigation, pwor and all other useful pur- poses, the reclamation and irrigation of its arid, semi- arid, and other lands needing Irrigation, the reclama- tion and drainage of its overflewed lands, and other land needing drainage, the conservation and development of its forests, water and hydra-eleotric power, the navl- gation of its inland and coastal waters, and the preeer- ration and conservation of all such natural resources of the State.” Districts are granted broad powers in the Act and in addition are granted the same powers conferred upon Water Control and Inprovement Districts by Chapter :~ 25,, Acts 1925 (Article 7880-l to 1470 6, inclusive, V.A.C.S.), and under these grants such districts may con- tract generally in furtherance of their purposes; aoquiro by purohase, condemnation or other means lands and rights of way; au8 and be sued in the ‘name of the district; lery taxes; issue bonds; sell water, water oonneotions, power, electric lmr g y , ana other services furnished or ~suppliea Hon. Victor C. Marshall - Page 4 (V-69) by the district; and although the districts may not mortgage or otherwise encumber their property and have only limited right of sale of such property, they may contribute to the construction of any im- provement by any similar district the construction of which shall contribute to their benefit; and, to a limited extent, the district is dependent on the will of the landowners residing therein,as expressed at elections. As a general rule, the State and its pol- itical subdivisfone are not liable in tort while per- forming acts in the public interest, unless some stat- ute specifically authorizes such liability. If this rule applies to the contraotiq State agencies under discussion, the contractual provision may serve no useful purpose. The law in Texas on this subject seems to be that where districts similar to those involved here are performing a governmental or public function, they will not be liable in tort, but where the function is proprietary and private, then liability follows. (T.c.A.), 163 s. v/. (2) 855 it is difficult to C&P ceive of a situation in whidh either the Reclamation District or the Conservation District would be liable for the torts of their agents and employees. In each of the above cited cases, the District involved was created by statute for the,purposes and under the auth- ority expressed in Sec. 59, Article 16, of the Consti- tution. In the Jones ease, the employee of the drain- age district was in$.urea by being thrown from an auto- mobile while being tranaportod to work by an agent of the District. In the Peters case, the employee was in- jured by the premature explosion of ‘a charge of dyna- mite discharged by a fellow employee on a drainage work being done by the District, In the Hodge case, the em- ployee was injured in the course of his employment in the construction of the dam across the Colorado River at Austin. From the wording of the contractual provi- sion under consideration,’ it is believed that the type , - Hon. Victor C. Marshall - Page 5 (V-69) of injuries anticipated by the contracting distriots are similar to the injuriss described in the cases re- ferred to. In declaring drainage districts not liable in tort, the iollowihg language was used in Jones vs. Jefferson County Drainage District (supra): "Drainage districts created under the provisions of Chapter 7 of Title 128, Art. 8097,~V.C.S.) enaoted under authority of Art: 16, Sec. 5911, sf the State Consti- tution, Vernonls Am. St., l.Ipepolitical subdivisions or the state of the same na- ture and stand upon exactly the same foot- ing as counties, or preciqots, or any of the other political subdivisions of the state. Harris County Drainage District Wo. 12 v. City of Houston, Tex. Cola. App., 35 S. W. (2) 118; Wharton County Drainage Dis- tri6t No. 1 T. Higbee, Tax. Cir. App., 149 8. W. 381; American Surety Co. v. Bidalgo Coumty, Tex. Civ. App., 283 8.W. 267, writ of error refused; Parker v. Harris County Draiuge Distriat, Tax. Civ. App., 148 g.W. 351; Harris County v. Cerhart, 115 Tax. 449,283 S.W. 139
; Wussbaum T. EM11 County, 97 T6x. 86,76 S.W. 430
; Braun v. Trustees of Viotoria~Independent School District, Tax. Cir. App., 114 S. W. (2) 947; 15 Tex. Jur. 722. "In the CerhartCase, supra
, our Su- pm&e Court held (115 Tex. 449
,283 S.W. 14C
): 'It is well establisheq that at ccm- &on law counties as a rule are not liable for injurler resultiag from the negligenoe of their officers or agmata, and .ae raoonry can be had in damages unlerr liability be created by statatr. JZoigel T. Wieehita Caun-. ty, g4 Tex. 392,19 S.W. 512
, 31 AM. St. Rep. 63; Wuasbaumv. Bell Ceanty, 97 Tox. Q6, 7g S.W. 430.' qvSince drainage distrirts are of the same nature ‘and stand upon the *ue rectiy a8 counties, and aiaoe ceumtie8 are net lia- ble ror injuries resulting rrom the nogli- game 0r their offioerr or lgont8, it logi- . . Hon. Vi,otor C. Marshall - Page 6 (V-69) tally follows that drainage districts, likewise, are not liable for injuries re- sulting from the negligence of their of- ficers or agents.” In extending this rule to conse.rvation and recl%nation districts and in reviewing the law relating to this matter, it is stated in,Hodge v. Lower Colorado River Authority (supra): *Appelleewas created as a conser- vation and reclamation district under and by virtue of Chap, 7, Acts 4th Called Ses- s$on of the 49rcl Legislature, Ptynbn’s Ann, Civ. St. following arti,cle 8197f, and un- der authority o$ Sec. 59(a), Art. 16 &the $ozs$itutlon of Texas, Vernon’s Ann. St. The building of the Austin dam was, in keeping with the legislative act creat- ing the Authority, and so far as appellee was concerned ( not purely for thel purpose of generating electric power for the, City of Austin,; but was one of ,the authorized methods ddopted by appellee to conserve and utilize a natural resource of the State for hydroelectric power for a public use, The building of the, dam as a step in the conservation of a natural resource is an entirely diff,erent matter from a particular sale of the po\lier suboeqi:ently to be gener- ated by it after its conpletion,. In the former., reF;ardless of the latter, the dis- trict acted in a governmental capacity for a public purpo,se, one in which ail the pub- lic, and not merely the inhabitants of the City of Austin, were interested. * * * * such fiistricts, created #under Sec. 59(a) of Art. 16 of the Constitution, ‘are political subdivisions of the state of the same nature and stand upon exactly the same footing as counties, or precincts, or any of’ the other political subdivisions of the state ’j and consequently are immune from, liability for tort8 of their a.gents and em- ployees. Since all of such districts+an8 several different kinds are so authorized,-- created under this section of the Constitu- tion are all designed to effectuate the same Hon. Victor C. Marshall - Page 7 (V-69) objectives, that is, the conservation and utilization of the natural resources of the state in which all the public are interested, they must all logically fall into the same category on the question of immunity from lia-. bility for torts." And in construing the effect or section 59, Article 16. of the Constitution, it is said. bv wav of dictum, in*Hidalgo County Water.Control and'Im~rov&vent District No. 1 vs. Gannaway (T.C.A.), 13 S . 'rl. " 1 204 9 writ ref,: "Was it intended in those declara- tions (Art. 16, Sec. 59) by the framers of the constitutional provision to lift such corporations, therein authorized, from the status universally occupied by purely local public organizations, and give them the preferred status of municipalities exer- cising 'public right%!' and performing 'pub- lic duties,' with all the exemptions ac- corded such municipalities by the common law? If this was not the purpose of those declarations, then none other is conceiv- able, and they have no effectual signifi- cance. It seems to the writer that the constitutional declarations must have been made in view of the inhibition against ex- emption from the common-law liability and of the decisions of our Supreme Court giv- ing effect to the common-law rule applica- ble to municipalities exercising functions other then those essentially public in character, and were intended to protect the distriots therein provided for against the operation of thA& rule." The trend in Texas as evidenced by the fore- going opinions indicates that the Districts here in- volved will be liable for few acts of negligence result- ing in personal injury. Therefore, little necessity is seen for the contractual provision under consideration. If, however, a contractual provision of the nature sought is still desired, no reason is known by this department why such a provision may not be included. We believe the law with reference to public contracts is correctly stated in Donnelly on Public Con- Hon. Victor C. Marshall - Page 8 ,(V-69) tracts, Section 3, dealing with implied powers, as fol- lows: “Public bodies authorized to do a particular act have with respect to such act the power to make all contracts which natural persons might make. They have all the powers possessed by natural persons, as respects their centraots ex- cept where they are expressly, or by im- plication, restricted.” Although we have not been called upon to express an opinion on the ability of the districts to contract with respect to the oooperative matters GX- pressed in the contract, being calle& on only with re- spect to such contract as .relates to, paragraph: 5, nev- ertheless, we interpret the acts creating these dis- tricts as giving them the power to make such c,ontraots. The power to cantract with reference to the matters set out in paragraph 5 of said contract is incidental to and may be implied from the parent contract, the im- plication being that in order to avail itself of velua- ble machinery and the operation thereof, for the fur- therance of its public purposes, the Conservation Dis- trict may properly, agree to the provision in question. The matter is one of trade, customary in dealings be- tween private individuals and corporations, and no re- striction is known which would place the districts here involved in a different position. The inclusion of the provision in the contract will not create liability to third parties where none exists under the law. ft is the opinion of this department that the contractual provision in question may serve no use- ful purpose, but that no reason exists prohibiting the parties so contracting if they so desire. SDMMARY A Soil Conservation District may con- tract with a Water Reclamation and Conse~r- vation District to hold harmless such water Reclamation and Conservation Distriot from liability resulting from the negligent use or equipment) and the negligent acts of em- ployees in operating such equipment, during the time that such equipaent and employees Hon. Victor C. Marshall - I'age 9 (V-69) are on loan from the Water Reclamation and Conservation District, but are uader the aontrol and direction of the Soil Conserva- tion Distriot; however, under existing law with reference to such liability, little need is seen for such a provision. Yours very truly +TlToRNEYGENERAL OF T?zxAs H. D. Pruett, Jr. HDP:jr:sl:wb Assistant APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE EYBWB CHAIRMAN ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS