a-162 Boa. George Moffett, Chairtin State ASfaIrs Committee Sentit Chamber Austin, Texas opinioa ~80%v-61 Re : Constltutlonality of Seinte Bill No. 68, Dear Sir: Fiftieth legislature. Your request for an opinion upon the above titled subject tmtter is as follows: “1,s Setxite Bill 68, in the form at- tached hereto, constitutional? ff not, the Committee would be plea,sed to have your depertment point out amendments or deletions which would bring said Bill in- to conformity with the ~Ooastltu~l?a of this State. * We have carefully read and studied Senate Bill No, 68 of the present Legislature, and express to you our opinion that the 981118as shown by the copy sub- mltted to us, is in all respects a valid, aonstitution- al bill, which, if adopted in Its present form, would be a valid law. For the w&e of clarity, we append the tftle and the constaCiag section as follows: “A BIU AN ACT authorlzisg atid empowering com- mlsioners of drainage districts to gake changes In, srddltlons to, and improvements of the drainage systems in their respec- tive districts and to py for same out of rlntenance taxes, provided by low to be as- aessed and collected in such districts; pro- viding that this Act shall f3e cumUlatiVe; and declaring an emergenoj. ,.I HQU. tteorge Roffett, Page 2, V-61 %E IT ENACTEDBy T8E IBGISLATGRROP TIlE STATE 03’!l?EXAS: “Sect Ion 1. Csmmlsaioners of’ draln- age districts incorporated under Chapter 7’, Title 128, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and 8mendment.s thereto, are author- ized and empowered to m!&kechanges in, ad-. ditiona to,, and Qnprovementa af the drain- age systems in their respective districts when in their judgment the necessity there- for exists, and’ to pay for same from funds provided by law to be assessed and collec- ted In such districts to maintain, keep Ln repair, anid to preserve the Ilm$rovements in the districts, an& to p?ay all legel, just, and lawful debts, demands and obligations against such divtricts, it being now pro- vided that such lev,y shall never Lh any one year exceed one-half of ane per