OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mnorabl e Enlcs T . Parker county Attorney aray County Pampa, Texas Dear We Parker: Opinion Ho. O-7290 ROl The pay8 jury fee Tour letter stats8 that a Justice Court, and that the abil1t.vto p&y Costs,~and resulted In a judment for al;tthen appeaY ed to the fee may be obtained. Article 2432 of the Revised Btatute8, which ia now Rule BSQ of CIVII Woeedure, provides that the suooe8aful party ia the Justice Court shall reaorer his oosts l~!r .ath lns eYoser t except -bea otherwise provided by law- ~u]e 121 of the Civil Procedure, rhlch was Artlale 2086, provides that in'the County and District Court the eU~ceaati~ Wrt7 tory tn1t teorm AtmnBu8RuKRALO?nuA8 lo .* w.B a r a s A88Z8tASt