OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN non. J. B. Shook crlmlnal Dlstriot Attorney Boxa? COUltr San Antonio-5, Texas Dear Sir: loo to the oountr attorney dollnquont tax rults and doom it nooo88aw or expodlont, Stato and oounty tax08 for a per oont altr and lntoroet aotu81lJ oolltotsd, furthor authorlzod to pay tor an rty l88o88od or unknown and Unrondorod ntorest and penalty to bo oolleotod on all such payment and oxpon868 8htil bo on tho oolleotion of ruoh taxo8, mpalt)r and lntorost. It 8hall bo tho duty of tho oounty attorney, or of the di8triot attomoy, vhoro thoro 18 no oounty lttornor, to a o tir o ly l8818t any parson with whoa ruoh oontraot 18 mad*, by filing and pU8hlBg to a 8paody 00n01~810n all suit8 ror oollbotion or dolinquont taxu, under any oontraot mado a8 horoln aboro 8pOOiribd; ~0x1. J. R. Shook, page 2 prorldod any dirtriot thatrhoro or o o untylttorno~ 8hall tail O? tOrU80 rll0 to and prO8OOUte 8uoh 8dt8 in good faith, ho rhall not bo lntltled to w iOO8 thororrom, but ruoh foor ohall notertholo88 bo oollootod aa l put Or tho l08t8 Or 8ut and apQl,isdOn tho p~,mont Of the loaponration lll0w6d th olttorno~ pro8ooutIn( tho roit, and th e lttOrnOy with whom 8UOh OOntraOt ha8 boon MdO 18 heroby fully ompoworid md luthorltod to prooood in 8U0h 8Uit8 without tho jolador md l8818tanOO Of raid oountr or blrtriot attornotr." Artlolo 7335a, V. A. R. C. 8.. prorldeo: -soo. 1. Ao oontraot rhall bo mado a? ontorod Into br tho 00d88iOnOr8’ Court in OonnOOtion with tho ool- lootlon or dollnquont taxor whoro tho oomponsation under ruoh oontraot 18 4noro thui rlrt00n por oont 0r tho anwunt Oollbotod. Sal6 oontraot must bo approrid by both tho Coaptrollor and tho Attornor tinoral Of tho Stato Oi Toxao, both a8 to 8Ub8taXiOO lad ior& Prorldod howoror the OOlmty or Dirtriot AttOrBOy rhall not rooOITo any oomponsatlon ror an7 ronloo ho mar rondor ln oonnootlon with tho p6rformanOo of the oontraot or tho taxor ool- leotod thorouador. “Qoo, 2. Any oontraot mad0 in Tlolatlon or thlr Aot rhall bo roldew Artiolo IdOa, V. A. P. O., proridorr ~Sootlon It rhall bo UnlawfUl for any oorporatlon 1. o r lB7 por8on, rim, or l88oolatlon or por8onO, oxoopt natural porron8 who lro mombor8 or tho bu rogularlr admlttod and 1100~806, to praotloo law. “SOO. 2. ?or tho 9UZ9080 of thi8 Aot, thoypraotloo or law 18 dorinod a8 rOiiOW8t Whooror (a) In a roproronta- Vito oapaoity lppoar8 a8 axi adrooato or draw8 papwr8, plOading8, or doOUUWt8, or Dorfonu any aot .in oonneotIon with DrOOOOdillg8 pondlag or DroloOOtiVo bororo a 00-t 4 *I r tho poaoo bdf m maitt ``aiiO~OB”~roOrriOOr aon;ti:u:od’b,‘law b$ kIik6 %horIty to take otldonoo ln or 8ottlo or dotormim oontroTor8i48 in tho lXo?o180 of tho judlolal Q8WOr Oi tho Stat0 Or 8UbdiTi8IOn thorooi) or, (b) for a lonmldwatlon, rowud or poounlar7 Hon. J. R. Shook, page 3 bonoflt, proront or antlolpatod, dlroot or lndlroot, adrlror or 00un8018 anothor a8 to rooular law, or draw8 a papor, doousmnt or lnrtmmont lrrootlng or rolatlng to rooular rlght8I or, (0) Par a oon8ldoratIon, rlward, or poounlarp bonotlt, proront or antlolpatod, dlroot or Indlroot, door any lot la a ropro8ontatITo OaQaOIty in b e h a lt er lnothor tondin( to obtain or 8eo~ro ror ruoh other tho prorontion or tho rodrou ot a vrron( or tho ltioromont or r8tablI8hPlOBt of a right; or (d) TOr a oonrldrratlon, dlroot or lndlroot, altar an opinion a8 to tho Taliditr Or tho tit10 to Foal or pU8OBal prOpOrty; or (0) AS a Tooatiod. On~OrOOr. 809UrO8. 8OttI.8. ldMtr _orOOmDrOmi808 doraultod. oOntl’OTOrtti Or disputed aOOOUllt8, olaIm8 or domand8 botwom pOr8OD8 with nolthor Of whom ho I8 In prltity or In tho rolatlon 0r omployor and lm~lo~oo h tho ordinary 0011801 18 praotlolng law. . . rn(Empha818 OUr8) Tho oontraot8 rubmlttod by you prorldo In paragraph 11 Vir8t party agroor to omplo~ and door horob lmplo~ Sooond Party to l88i8t tho Criminal Dlstriot Attorney to lnroroo b yS&t or OthOrWirO. . , ." Parauaph IV proriderr I) and in whloh raid ouit tho Party oi tho Seoond Part 8$&8818t In it8 QrO8OOUtiOn with dirpatoh. . . ." Paragraph n: protidrrl eaoh e$