199 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorable Ben Kin6 county Attorney Burnet Count7 Burnet.,Texas Dear Sir: we are in rcccipt ing as r0110rsr ‘.,“A.&od y qualified electors who ovn taxa21e propert~iin,the city and who have duly rerd*..-ed the sk,for taxation, skll be qualified t= vote.” And we assume that your question relates only to F~O are qusli- fled voters. “^ r ^.._......_- ~. ~onor8ble Ben King, page #Z seotlon 1 of Article 6 of #he Constitution reads as follo~rr *88otlon 1. The lolloring 0188s08 of persons ahall not be lllond to rote In thlr State; to-wit: Irlrrt: Porrona under twenty-on8 y48r8 of age. Bsoond: Idiots and lunatlor. Third: All pbuper8 rupportod by 8ny county. Fourth? All p8r80n8 oonrlcted of any felony, sub- ject to ruch exception8 a8 the Leglrlature may make. Fifth8 All roldlorrr, 188rInrrand seamen, employed in tha 8emlc8 of the Army &nd Bavy of the United stater." 8eotlon e of raid Article reads, In p&rt, a8 follow88 %a. e. Every psrron rubjeot to nono of the fore- going dIrqualIflcatIons,viho 8hall hare attained the ago of twenty-oneyoar8 and who 8hall be a citizen of the Unltcd Stiter 8nd rho ahall have rerlded In tnis State one gear next preceding an eleotlon and the la8t rlx ronthr rlthln the dlstrlot ox*oounty In which such perDon orsorr to vote, rbrll be daoaod a qualified elec- tori l + l + * la and prodded further, that any voter who I8 rubjoot to pay a poll tu under thr l.6~8of the State of Texas shall have paid raid tu bbfore offering to rote 6t 6ny eleotlon in thi8 State and hold a receipt showing that 8ald poll tax ~a8 ptid before the first day of February next precedlns such election. Or if 3ald voter shall have lost or mlrrplacedsaid tax reccl>t, ne or she, as the case may be, shall be entitled to vote upon making affidavit before any officer authorized to administer oaths t-hat such tax receipt .has been lost. Such affidavit shall be made in writing and 12ft -c;;t:l the judge of the election. Q 4 4 4 +t 4." Section S of said Article reads as follorrr ‘Sec. 3. All qualified eleotorr of the State, a8 herein described, who shall have rerlded for 8ir months . lnmmllately an llootlon, within the pmoedlng limit@ Of w City OF OOrpoMto tom, Bhe11 have the right to rota for W or and all other *loo- tit* OfflOOP but illIs llootlona to dotormina lx p ea dltu r e or lrnnptloa of mono OS debt, only thorn 8hall be qualIr lad to tot0 who p8f t8x.r on property in Bald olty or lnoorgorated tomj pro- vided, that 00 poll Wac ior the payment OS debt8 thur lnoumod, 8la8ll be loolad u9on thm persona &barred from toting ln relation tirrto." Bootion 8e of Artlole 6, ldoptrd lotrsbor 8, 1932, la l8 fOllO-1 Wan an lloctlon la held b my oount7, or my rNOb0~ Of 00lmti.8, Ol' Uly PO1 I tiOti 8Ubditi8iOZi of the state, m any polltioal 8ub-dlrlrlonof a oounty, or doilnsd dIrtriOt now or h8rWftW to be dO8orlbod and defined zlthln th8 6t8to and daloh amy or ~7 not lnoludr tornr, tillago ormunlolprl oorpcmtioaa, cr any oity, tom or villago for the pup080 of laeulng bond8 or othwu180 lo & owdit, or lx9auUag ranoy or arr\Pring any drbt, only quall- fkd 8lootoPr rho own taxable property in the St&te, county, polltloal rub-dl+i8lon, dlrtrlct, city, town or vllla;e Were 8``5 election ID held, and s:ioi-ave duly rendered t.;esaxo for taxation, shell 'ie~sli- fled to vote 8nd 811 elector8 ah811 vote in Lx alec- tion precinct of their residence.' *Under the Constltutlm end lass 0: t:tiis,to.x:, a voter subject tzereto mst p&y nls cltp poll.tax nt tk time required by i61~ in order to qualify as a legal Voter in 6x1~elaotion in thir Skte. 0bvlc~x3ly, thI8 6nsear m&es it wmecessary to lsrer Cc sec3rld certified qxcatixl.': In the uoo or Roaomkl 1. mmv 1w S* 0. ma, tb .ourt held that rape rondarod $0~ t- 3 ion would lnolude M y p r o p er ~?ea Ldp r la rto th o llortlom. Although thm low gMllde0 that the OmneM ot, pr0p.F FZ the 1hlto of tha lorporalaa&all,betmeamwuy 70 il lot of lo h w, rod.? umto r k utlo a ,t& lowt htrdthatthlr lo l L lotory pawtdaa aa 80 tin & nxai*ioa ma not YBddo~. llt1.a.townaala Art1010loso,It.C* YI# rrrthooiwr You MO, thontoxv, ldrlaod that an pormn ho hour r.r,- aomd pre, real O? perooul, tox8tI oa in tho city or for Burnot for tb per 1948, or whore prop- lo oa tb rondltloa Oh e Oto o r k r r o ll0 ud lUb JeOt to tU, ma r v0k a t luoh oloo- &~,t~;thorwlm quallflod Imder tb Cozutltutlonami 1~8 of l I8 8ddlthn to the ooaotltutioml Md ltotutwy qualltl- oatioar of i. ~ot~%orotoforo roatlonod, ~JAWO me ot;m- lktu- tory requiroaeato rhich ax-0important and mat Le cx:oid=reC in ~oworlag rour qurotlon, which 80 do not quoto but atate t:?s th 0r 00r . lfr 00t If tho City of .Eurnot levied a poll tax for Lo gear lfr44, a person lubjoot to tL0 paymat of ouch tax mart have paliitho lama barore February 1, 1946 (reroll vm City of mlrd, rugs), to ba & qI.aallilbd rotor ia thlo lleatlola. A perooa who waa not twoaty-oao your 0r a60 oa Jaauary 1, 1944, vao not luhjoot to the paymmt OS l Skto poll tu. Howver, U luoh a person booclmro two&y-orn you-8 of ago before the fir&, of February, 194s. or boocceo of @o botwoa tht date md the day of tAo olootloa, ho mat 5ro obtalnod an exonptlsn certificate 203 youan hrthorrdrlobdthattbo~ponono +o war. ai*7 y e a rlf 0a g e b efa n St Of8 POUtU hr to obWn M uaption 0ertUloota In oltloo or ~000 inhkbitWd8,