OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS, AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS .~ Atrwmar GENERAL Honorable ban Gauldln Criminal Blstriot AttOrnsy Criminal Courts Building Dallas Z, Texas Attentionr Er. An&lo Piranlo Dear Slrr g 8888on an y'a:llll+tor niore. n&i end eeinba are por- ia aeasona but fn'tha td aet~out khathei or shing eeaeoim aa, provided Arter a oaraful aonsidaratlo~ of tha above request we .have ooncluded that roar f bat question is snewered by Sections 3 and 5 of Senate Bill; Ho. 93, Aots of the 49th Legislature, ap- pearing as Artlola 927e in the April, 1945, Curnulatlve Fa::phlet of Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes Service; Section 3 reading 08 iollows: 853 Honorable Dean Ceuidin - page 2 “SSO. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person in any one day to oatoh and retain, or to place on i devfke or oontalner for holding same while $ ii %ihing, any fish that is taken from the publio fresh waters OS this state in exoess of the following llmltsr large-mouth blaok bass, smsll-mouth blaok bass, spotted bass, or any sob-speoles of the same, singly or In the 6 OgatO, fiftWA (15) Of whloh not more than ten F10) shali be of greater length then eleven (11) lnohes; white bass, twenty-five (25) ; blue oatfish, ohannel oatfish and yellow oatfish single or in the aggregate, twenty-five (26) J orapple or white peroh, twenty-five (26).” (Emphasis added) It shall be noted that previous to the passage of Senate Bill No. 93, the law provided under Artiole 952f-1 of Vernon’s Annotated Penal Code for a maximum possession limit at any time in Dallas County; s&id provialon read, in part, as foliows: v* * *, it shall b,e unlawrul for any one person to have In his or her possession at any t%me more than thirty (30) bass, thirty (3C) orap le or white peroh, seventy (70) bream, or seventy (70 7 goggle eyed peroh, oaught or taken from the fresh water rivers, lakes, ponds or lagoons OS this state, * * S.n SeOtiOA 5 or Senate Bill No. 9?5 repealed the above quoted artioie and reads, in part, as follows: “sec. 6. All laws or parts of laws, local, pneral or speolal insofar as they provide a oiosaa season or p&ioa of time when it Is unlaw- ful to take, or oatch fish or to 1168 artifioial lures, or Insofar as they provide a siae limit, possession limit or daily aatah limit or otherwise oonfli t with any provision of GX&t shall be and ari hereby repealed; * * *.* (Emphaiis ours) Thus it is seen that the above quoted aeatlon OS Senate Dill MO. 93 repeals all laws or parts of laws, local, 854 Honorable Dean Gauldin - page 3 ;ennyl or special, Insofar as they provide for a possess ion . Aoqordingly, the emwer to your first question is that under the present law AO person Is limited in his possess iOA of flab to any meximum number of dey*a oatoh. IA enswer to your 80002a question, owe direot your attention to the enolosed Opinion Ho. O-6541, paSSed by this department b%y 9, 1945, rhloh we tmst satIsfeotorilp answers your inquiry. Yours very truly ATTORIBYQENERALOF TSXAS Asslst+t Bob D. &ddox ’ BD%:zd Enal.