DocketNumber: O-6581
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN fionornbleC. N. Covnesa state knd:ciitor Austin, Texas Dear Sir: "We 8x33no3 onakin of aacount;an4 r G Assistant District Attorney - fjji+i District 3,000. 3,000. 7 Asxlstsnt District AttoXney - 53ra Dist??lct 2,700. 2,700. Bon.‘~c. Ii.COWOS#, PaGo 2 a , 9 10 11 12 HCXI, C. H. Camm~, Page 3 paPd, an5 in,each im3itidu~l instensevhat years viaid be involved in a&lLtion to t!xosecsvared by ';. the Appzwiation Act of tiie47th La~iolatux~?~ IJawill refer to th-3vkiotls mttors ccntalned in your request as Item 3, Itea 4,,cta., using the ymber fos oaeh Itea that ym have used. ArMole Q, SeotZcrn 21, of t'naComtltution of Texas, is as PoilGws: “A counf;g attoraey, Pm countks in which there is not a Fe&dent ci?imicaldistrict attornag, sha1.ibe elooted by the qualified voters or"each county, xrhoshabl be caw.~issFonecl by tineGovernor, a&hold his off%00 for the tam of two yeam. In' ces~ of vacancrgthe Comfssiooers* Couzztof the acxmty s'halih3ve pwcr to appol.n$a county attor- ney untfL the next.geneP3~ekCtfOnn Th3 coiultg attorneys sha9.3regpesent the State in a13.oases in the District and inferic~ courts in their me- spective counties; but if any oomty 3M!S be in- cludod in e distrLc,cl in Shkh 'kei+cshall bo a di3- attorney, the rcspectfve duties of ditit~iot ottorneys and county attorneys &hall in such cour$ies be regulntecl by th8 Le@;isla%u.x-e. Y.3 Le&3lature nay protide for the.ek$tioa of dLstrict attorneys $.uauoh diStriCtSi GS Wig be d~eecled 3k?COSS3=, aEd 112al:o p32ovision for the coqensntLo9 of dLstx4Lotat-. torncys, nriloounty attorneys; provLdlod, dbtric~ attomo~s shall.rooeive an annual salary of five .' ., hun&*ed dollars, to be psld by the State, and suoh fens, co1mis3ion3nnb perquisites a3 nay be pro- vided by law. County attmmgs &?111 recefvo a3 aos@easotiononly such fees, ~m?zLis3LOns and per- qulASm 8s may be prescr&bedby 1a'J." Arf;iclo 322, YertionssAmotated CLvl.1Statutes, Ls In psrt as follms: 'IThefollc~4.``Jud.FoialDFstricts,in.thfs s&z&e shall each res-osetivelyelect a DistH.ct At- topmy, viz2 ... u&h, ... twcnVy-r;eoo!d., .a. thiX- tietln,... th@tiy.-fix&h,,..forQ-sorcn&h,$ty- ninth,.... flf-~y-‘``hLxd, .., sevarkg-socori1,. . . : # . :. .‘, ‘79.5 Hon. C. il.Cam3ss., Page 4 . wgeu. 1. !n?Al; m3txict Ate@nays ..I:: 311 S~lC~l3l Dlsex?iuts cim~osad of only ona county, , 2:’ ; ‘ non. C. Ij.Cavmss, Pcge 6. . . Item 7 Is authorlzad & Article 326k-7, whichis in ai Po33o~s: "Sm. 2. That tho DPstslct AttOmey ofthe $&%I Sudic~al,Dfstrlct or TO-xastg authorlee? to -~ -' appotnt a9 Assfs"tantDistrict Attorney in additicxa to that authorizedby Stictio``2 of'Article 326% GSI oaxriod fomazrj in Vamon~s Civil.Statute of the State of Texas',urrdorAct5 of 1331,Forty-s;c~oud Le&mitLlxe, pa&3 744, C@plm 291. "Sec.2. The Assistant District.httorneg providedfor in soctio?I1 shall bo a duly 3icenWxI attorneyat 3av and a bona fide z%M.dent~of’Travis county an!3shall poscess a33 IAm aua3ff~c.cstlons that era nw ratpS.rodby low of the Di&rLot httiorneyof the 533?3 sud,iclal lllatrlct of t119%ta;aGa of Tox3aj shall take the 03th 05 ofX=Qo.; shi~ll. bo subject to by tha wP13 0.fthe Distld~t AttOX'ney; aha r~iijov~l .. ’ ... _ :~ i , _ /. ~. Hon. C. II.Cavness, Page 8 "In any judicial district ln this State consistingof mope than one county ln which there is situated a CFty or not less than thirty-four thousand (3&,000)Inhabitantsand not more than'; forty-four thousand (]:]I-,000) inhabitants,accord- ins to tho last preceding Federal Census, the district attorney 3baLl appoint one assistant district attorney, provided the district attorney &all furni3h data to the dlstrlct judge of his district that he 13 in neod of an as,sLstant and is himself unable to all the duties rc- quired of him b3 law, and tbzt it is necessary to the best interest of the State that an assistant district attorney be appointed. Ss5.dassistant district attorney so appointed shall be a quali- fied resident of the district in which said ap- pointment is made and shall give bond and take the official oath. The said assistant district attornsy shall be a.qualiSiedlicensed attorney and shall~haveauthority to perform all the acts and duties of the dlstriat attorney under the laws of thl3 State; said appointmentshall be for such time as the district attorney shall deem best in ,, the enforcementof the law, not to be less than. one month. Said assistant district attorney shall _i:,' be paid by the Comptroller for the time of actual service rendered at the rate of !iVenty~five PIundred 'Dollars($2500)per annum: Said sum shall be paid upon certificatesof the district attorney of said ,~;. district that said assistant district attorney has parformed his duties and is entit1e.dto~pag. The ' ,I~ '_ district attorney of any such district at any time '.' he deems said assistant unnecessary,or finds that .- he .isnot attending to hi'sduties as requfrcd by (~ law, by remove said person fron office by mertly writing to said district judge to that effect. The 49th Judicial District of Texas is compoacd of the Counties of D&nit, Zapata,:JimHo&g and Webb. In said district there was located the City of Iaredo, whose population, as shovn by the Ped8ro.lCensus of lg!hO, was 39,274. aereforo, said Judicial District came within,theprovisions of Article 324 of se,ldstatutes. -.!. ":WQ have been unable"to'flnd.r*ny:,'statute~ spec~lfi&iy 'au- ' .thoplz$ngtho AssistantDi3trlc,t .Attorncg’or Spoelal Investkgator 'for the 30th distrlct.referredto in item 10, or pr83cribing the q~lifications,~dutiosand compensationof the person appolnted to 880 Honorable C. H. Cavness, Page 9 'suchpckitlon;but, for the reasons hereinafter set forth, it is our opinion that the appropriationof a salary for such person is sufficientauthcrlty for bio appo3ntmontand belngps,ld the salary so provided, That p&rt of Item 30 pertatiing to the 72nd District is authorizedby Art. 326-1, Sections 1 and 3 of which read as follows: "Sec. 1. The District. Attornog of the 72nd Judicial DLstr:ct of Texas, is horeby~authorized to appoint one Assistant Dlstrlct Attorney. ". . . . %c. 3. The Assistant Distrkt Attorney provided for in Section 1 of tnbs Act shall rc- cetve an annual salary of $2,500.00,payable monthly, out of any money,not otherwise appro- priated, upon the.swornascount of such Assist- ant District Attorney, approved by the District Attorney."~ ‘.We have been unable to find any statute speclficallyau- thorizingthe Assistant District Attorney for the 47th dlstr5kt referred to in Item 11, 'orprescribing the qualifications,duties and compensationof the person appointed to au& position, but, for the reasons hereinafter set forth, it is our opinion that~the appropriat.i.onof a salary for such person fs sufficient authority for his appointmentand.belng paid the salary so provided. 'Item12 is authorized by Article Xi&:-3 of said.stat- utes, which is,in part,as follox3: "sec. 1. Dlafrict attorneys in each.judl-~ -~ cl.aldistrict ti this 3tats containingfive or more counties havin?;a cornbluedpopulation, ac- '. cording to the Fourteenth Census of the Uaited :Sfates of the year 1920, of not less than 98,740 nor in excess of 98,750, shall receive from the State as py for their servkces the sum of Five . .- Hundred (~500.00) Dollars per annum, as nrovided by the constitution,and & addition thereto, and ln lieu of the fees, commissions,and perquisites provided~bylaw, shall recoivo from the S.tatethe sum of Ten ($10.00)Dollars for each of the first 350 days of every calendar year as compensation for t3ttcasllng examlati~ trials, Habeas Corpus hearings, the sessions of the District Court of the district they regresent;.andfor performing kuch other duties as~lmposo~ by lav. -Tno corn-- pensationprovided for in thls:Aci shall be gaid monthly by:the State upon,warrants'dra-311 by ~the Bon. C. H:Cavmss, Pago 10 Hon. C. H. Cavness, Page 11 raking the total population of oaid’judlaialdistrict 98,743, and bringilx said district within the provisionsof tho last above-quotedst%tuts. Article III, Section 44, of the Constitution,irovides as follous: “The Legislature shall provide by law for the coskpensationof all officers, servants,agonts and public COntP3ct3P23,not provided for Ln thin Const-ltutioqbut shall not grant extra coqensa- tion to any officer, agent, servant, or public contractors,after such public service shall have been pcrfomed or contract entered into, for the parfomance of the sake; nor grant, by appropria- tion or otherwise,any ano;mt of ~omy out OP the I Treasury of the State, to any individual,on a claim, real or pretended, when the sane shall not have been provided for by pm-oxisttig law; nor employ any one l.~the nam? of tie State, anles3 authorizedby pre-existing law. It is our opinion that each and all of the appropriations reserved to J.nyour request for whioh we have pointed out statutes specfffcullycreatlsgand authorizing the offtoial positions for which atid,approriations mere made were ln coapliance~vaitb sold Art, III, Sec. 4$ , of the Constitutionof Texas, therefore, that they were leSa1. Further,-Art.‘V,Sec. 21, of the Constitution,,and.Art. 322, of Vernon*s Annotated Clvll Statutes,hereinaboveset out, au- thorize each and all of the-offices of district attorney Involved herein, emI t&e various statutes referred to legally create such of- ficial positions. Practicallyall of the statutes hereinabove set out which authorize the appointment of assistant district attorneys contain the provision @at said asslstant district attorneys shall have authority to perform all the acts and~dutios of the district attorney under the laws of this State. Those of said statuteswhere such specific authority Is not given to aoskstant district attorneys authorize said assistant district attorneys to pcrfom tho sorvfces thendistrict attorney 1s authorized to, perfom. Therefore,it is our opinirm that each and all of said assistant district attorneys were l~gallyauthorized and that said ``appropi4atlonswere legal. the Supre.k ‘Court in ths case of As to;Item 3,.‘. -2&c,P&o Rfchapds, . et al, 155 9. 1~..(2cI),~597, hold that the ,..~ *a .. , :_ ” . . .. . . .. : .. -A I-- i --d---1_;-- ., Ron. C. Pi,Cavnflss,Peg1212 w?ovisfonsauthariz& the oretltioaof o&``tLllnal mdop oort8iQ Ooditi-. sn 1583 g Ret which contained a defini~lon of oritinal d:stx?ictottoma. That Act provided aa follcws; I , %n. C. B. Ctwness, Pega 33 Hon. c. H.~CaVness,Page 14 in the c&e 0P Commlssloners~Court of LInestone 236 s. I?.970, Texas COlZlliS- CGIlntyV. CiaI?i%tt, slon of Appeals, the court da: "'Section 56, Art. 3, vas Clpart Gf the o~lglnal Constitutionof 18*?6, There 1s nothlw in t'nelan,ggaua~;i?of that section suggastlve of a litnitation cf the effect of the provfoion against,CrGntlon OS of- ficos by local or special law tG any cla3s 0~ classes or"offlccs,nor Is there a sug- gastlon 'ofsuch lfmltati'on in any other pGrtion of,tbe Constitution. The litlita- tion rofel~sto_glacesonly, an?lnot to claones of-Tij;-ficors. 2233places In uiilch the.croationof offices by sGccia1 or local Taw is prohibitedare col-nties,cities, towns,~end oloctlm .md school districts. %nder Ax&le 5, Section 29, of ourState Constttution,supra, the Legislature Is given the ~' power to create the office,of distz4ct attorxneyln such districtsas it may deem neccosary and to de- J fine the powers and duties of such ol'flcc?s.This section of the Csnstltuticnwould also authorize the Legislatureto create tho office OS district at- torney ln a specific judicial district by its name or.any other fozn of do&nation and by the 3ame token it would authopiee the allou ~the district attorney of a particularnamed dl~t:~lc~t to employ assistanta. . " our opinion that bur State Cdnstltutlon does not prohibit the tsgislaturofrom enactlng a local or opocial law creating the ofSice of assist- ant district attorney. Tho Constitutiona009 pro- ~hlbittho creation of county, city, toxin,election district andnschGGl district offices by local or ~. opeclal lav; ; krticle.25,. Code of .CrlminalProcedure of the State of’ '..,~Texas,'.~preacri~es't~;e!dutles ofCistrl$t Attorneys as follows: %auh distr``t~attornagah&: reProcent'~the State ln all ,'.. crlmlrzl``cascaln'the d.lotN.ctcGurt3 of his dlstrlct, 0 except iu~cnses vhero hc has .becn,before his election, '. " I, < Hon. C. Ii.Cavness, Page 15 .employedadversely. Ifhenany crinhal proceeding Is had before an exanfnlng court In his district or before a judge upon bsbeas corpus, and he is not%- ; , fied of the sane, and is at the tine within the ;. county where such pmccsdlng is had, he ,shallrep- resent the Stats therein,unless prevented by other officialduties." Acts of,the 47th Legislature, 1941, Ch. 148, p. 207, con- tainod the JudiciaryAppropriation,a part of which was as follows:. "Be it enacted by the Lcgis1otur.e of the State of Texas "Section 1. Thzt the several sum of nokey .herelnspecifledor so much thereof as may be coc- easary, are hereby approprLatedout of any moneys 'in the State Treasuq, not otherwiseappropriated, for the purposes herein Indicated as follows:' ". . . ‘%or the Years Endlng August 31, Aw-$ 31, (I < '. ~ 1942 . . .~ . :Xi, Cmpensation of on0 As- ststant'DistrictAttor- > neg or one SpecLal In- ventigator for each of the follonlngJudicial Districts:Thirtieth and Seventy-necond,at$1;800. per .year.........,....;....3,600.00 "11. Salary of Assists.& District Attorney in Forty-seventh Mstric,t............~.....2,510.00 2,510.OO .. " . . .." In the case of Terre11 vs. Sparks,135 S.W. 519
, the Supreuc Court had mder considerationthe pouer of the Attorney Gonsml to employ an attorney to assist him in performing certain duties, said attorney not b&.ng an AssistantAttorney General and the only authority for his enployment being fomd In a bill ap- propriatingsuds for said purpose. Sec. 1 of said appropriation bill reads as follous: non. C. II,Cavnesa, Page 16 ‘For the purpose of enforcingany and all laws of the.state of Texas, and for the purpose of paying any and all necessary cxpenscs in, ;:. bringing suits or paying cxponses in prosecuting same, there is hereby appropriatedout of any money In the stc?tc treasury,not othoruiseap- propriated,the sirzi of $25,ooo.oa or 50 much thereofas map be necessary, to bo cxpendcd under the dlrcction of the Attorney Goncral by and with the approval of the ,Govcrnor,ana to be paid upon warrants drawn by the coqtrollar of public accounts on vouchers approved by the Attorney Gcnoral.I’ In holding that the Attornog General uas authorized by .saidappropriationbill to employ an attorney to asslst’in the performanceof said duties, the court la.aiddovn the following principles,oflaw vhhloh.are applkable here: “The next important question that arises in the case is: .3&dGou. Campbell and Atty. Gen. Lightfootauthority under the statute to employ Terre11 as special counsel to assist the Attorney General 5.nthe grosccutl@n of the cases named and other cases which might arise? The pouer to make the contract must be derived from the statuto lt- self; thereforewe must construs its terms to as- certain whether ,or not that authority is given. For the rule of constructionby \zhLchwe aro to be governed, we copy from Sutherlandon Statutory Construction,11341, as follous: whmonovcra paver is given by statute, everythingnecessary .tomake it effectual or requisite to attdn the ” end Is implied. It in a well-establishedprln- ciple that statutes containinggrants of power are to be constrdod so as to .lncludethe author- ity to do all thirgs necessary to accotipllshthe object.of the grant. The grant of an express pouer carries with it by neceosnry implicationev- ery other power necessary and proper to the cxe- cution of the potrerexpressly granted. Where the law commands anything to be done, it authorizes the performance of whatever may be necessary for executing.its commands.1 ‘By.the texms of the statute of the Thirty- First Eeglolrturobefore copied, tho duty is in- poocd upon the Attorney Ganeral and the pouicr10 Bon/C. H. Cavncss, page 17 , conferredupon him to prosecute suits against those who are unlawfully claiml,nGthe public lands of the state, for it Is evident from the torms of the;act that it was in the mind of the LeGlslaturewhenit en- acted this law that condltloiis required a vl~orous prosecutionof tinestate's claims against those who were lnfrlr@n~ upon the rights in the public lands of the state. In view of this duty, tha lanDago, 'and for the purpose of paying any and all necessary ~expensesin brin$ng suits OP payln,gexpenses in pro3ecutlnGsame,( empowers the Attorney Gsncral, with the concurrenceof the Governor, to expend the sum appropriatedor so imuchthereof as may be neces- i'sary to accomplish the purpose specified in the act, and the cost of whatever might be necessary l.nthe discharge of the duties tlmo Imposed upon him Is ln- eluded in the term 'expense.' The second section of the act shows that in the mind of the Legislature there was an immediatenecessity for theAttorney General to make applicationof this fund to the .pro- tectlon of the.publiclands of the state. Suits were authoriced~to be brought by ~thelan@age, 'to pay the expense of.brin&ng suits and also ln prosecut-; j IT@ the seine.''Cut of this requirement there arose the necessity and the power of said officers to do, the thl.n~sthat were required to be dane in order to instituteand to prosecute those suits, and It re- quires no argument to show that the services of at- torneys wer$ necassary to the performance of,this duty. . . ; The law imposes certain duties upon a District Attorney. In the performanceof said duties, he may, or he may not, need tho services of someone'clse. When the Legislature passed the appro- priation blll here under consideration,it 1s evident that It was in the mfnd of the Legislaturethat the conditions were such that the District Attorneys in the districts named were in need of as- sistance in the performance of the duties placed upon them by law. Therefore,even though it was not set forth in said appropriation bill what the qualificationsof said assistants should be, or what duties they Vare to perform, said District Attorneys were authorizedby said approprlatlonsto expend the suus appropriated, or so much thereofas might be necessary for such purpose, in per- formlng the duties of thciroffices by employing the assistants therein provided for. Hon. C. Pi.Cavness, Page 18 Thare is no general'statutocreating the office of Assist- ant District Attorney that is applicable to all District Attorneys. There ara numerous statutes creating the ofSice of Assistant Dis- trict Attorney and Assist-antCriminal District Attorney that are applicableto districtsnpecificallynamed or identlfied,byother descriptionssuch as populationbrackets, or number of counties embraced theredn,etc. It Is our opinion that, where the only authority conferredupon the DistrictAttorney of a designated district to appoint an Assistant District Attorney is Sound in an appropriationbill vhich makes an appropriationto pay the salory of an Assistant DistrictAttorney, the assistant thus authorieed to be appointed is not in fact an officer with all the powers and dutios OS his prlncipl, bec~usc no such office hs3 bepn, or can be thus, created by the Legislature. The mere appropriationby the Legislatureof money for the payment of compensationto the incumbentof a specifiedposj.tiondoes not have the affect of creatingan office, or of glvlng such'lncumbent~ the character of an officer. Tho only way an oSfice can be created by the &egisla- ture Is by a statute duly passed for .thatpurpose& Such an assist- ant as is here bea considered is merely an employee, and not an officer since he is given none of the powers of his principal and is not authorized to perform any of the duties of his principal. Therefore,since this position is not an office and the person appointed thereto Is only an employee,his compensationmay prop- erly be provided for In the appropdation bill, and suoh appropria- tion bill is sufficientauthority for such appointmentand for the State to pay .theappointee the salary provided thcrein.~ , ,Xthisouropinio$,therefore, that each and,all of the appropriatlons'harelnabove referred to were in all things legal, which conclusion-makesit unnecessarySor us to answer any of the other questions~propounded by you. fruoting that this satisfactorilyanswers your inquiry, we remain, Your8 very ~truly, I ATTORHEX CEXMAL OF - .