OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Graver SELLERS . A,T````v GLNC~AL :~ Bonorabls mar mtohlar COUleT Mitorlwy gunt county Greenrlllr, TOra8 Dear 31~8 an oplnlon~rroc this a est .forth’. in $-our on d : tktic%~ or ~88 There has boon and ‘nor ~6 it re- a year that the taxes the foreoloeure in 1930 ~blc rccdltlon of the p-operty reridition was pld on for each of t5e yeara. The ren- ad tte btlsls for thlr t&x fore- b8Cs ClrtCellS3 86 efi errjneous -Itic rq O~lnlOll lr. oiex of the abovo etute Of facts that the MitirC forco~osure proceedln~ b0caz.c void, 4r.d that the .Aerlff ‘r Caed to t&c State of Texas 1s q void deed. T!;la deed howover ,300 Bonorable Edger Putohins, Page, 2 . doer oonrtitute (I aloud upon the owner’8 titb to the &ad rhloh the Oountf and State b obll- gated to remote. Under the present statutes pro- viding for n re-adrertlaement of property bid in in the name oi the Stbts it is oontemplated that the foreoloaure wa8 rblld and that II tax lien aotually exlrted. In this ease where no tax lien aotualy lxlrted we wantto know what prooedure is woomary ia order to olerr thlr title. . . .* Artliale ‘IZQl of Vernon*8 Annotated d3rl.l Statute8 of Texas, lQf28, da amended, provider a8 fOllOw8; “Tba owner of real rotate rhloh ha8 been bought in by the State for taxers, or his heir8 or a6Si@8, nay redeem the ame at eny time prior to th& zsle thereof, by the payment to the ool- leotor Of the oountf 3x1whioh 8uoh real estate is situated, or to the Comptrtiller, if in an anor- ganlted oounty, of the amunt desi@ated by the Comptroller a8 due thereon ritilioosts of sdrer- tisement~ and if it 8h&ll at any tims appear to the astisteation oi the Colqptroller that any land haa been rold to the State for taxes whioh have been paid, or. that the sale has not been made ln aooorbrnoe with the law aothorieinC the aele oi land -for taxoa, he shall upon thb payment of the amount that may be due thereon, osnoel.~suoh salei and deliver to the owner of the gland, or his agent, a oertlfloete under seal OS his department, set- tlng rorth the taot~ that suoh land has been Fe- deemed, or that suoh sale ha8 been oenoelled; whloh oertltloate ahall releaee the Interest of the State end the scime may be reoorded in the proper oounty aa other oonveyenoee of r,eal estate are rsoorded.n Artlole 7292, Vernon’s bnnotafkd Civil Ztotutes of Texas, 1925, aa amended, provldee.1 Tceoh oo.xt?llssloaers oourt shall, at the regu- lar terms of. said oourts sit es a court of inciuiry in oases where. land ha8 been erroneously rendered ror taxes; and any land owner whose land has been or may be sold to the State for texae mey appear before said oourt in person or by proxy and show ml. nonoreble Edgar Hutohlns, Page 3 to the 8atl~factlon of a maJority of aaid o ourt that the taxerr for vihloh hia lend8 hare been rold hare been paid, although the same wa6 rendered In an lnoorreot rbstreot number or surrey or orI&nsl gantes; thereupon said oourt aball issue to said land ov:ner a oertlfloete settine forth fully @aId faotfi, whioh OertlfIcate shall be signed otfI~lally by the oountf dud&e of said oounty; and, upon pro- 8entetIon of #bid oertlfioete to the Comptroller, he shall exeoute and deliver to #old lend owner II Valid deed relinquishing all the right, tlfle end Intereet the State may hare aoqulrtd In a;ld to said land by reason of 8uoh tsx Bale.” you are edvieed that you map prooeed under either of the sboie quoted statute6 In order to remove any enoum- brenoe oreated by the tax able In ouestlon. As e praotloal matter, we understand the Comptroller’s Depertment operates under Art1010 ?291, but tn order to 8atIsfy Itself there- under, requir88 the OommIssIonars * court to Issue a oertifl- cate es provide6 In ArtIole 7292. *Very truly yours OF TX&AS ATTOMWXCIEXERAL Robert 0. Koch Aaeietant