OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iionoreble Boner Carrtaon, 3.x., Dfrector Departmnt or Fubllo Safety csq ?iFabry Austin 9, Tmxar A'l'l'XXTIOl?~ ti. Clan H. HoUughlin, Chiet Bureau of Identlfloatlon and Rsoord Dear sir: Your rooent opinio ter reoeired by us, and whlah, St8 inr03-538ti0n as to rhethe preparetion nould ion, under the Texas o into thlo -letter,ae h Le&3lsturr, la Soot ion ouae Bill 440 or the Forty- ?e will rpproeiate it wry muah lr you will inr- nieb us with an opinion aisto the present atatur of the narootio law a8 applied to exempt praparationa, and rhothar or not the onoloeed deaorlbed preparation ia or 18 not oonmidered an lumpt proparrtion.n Ronorabls Romsr Garrison, Jr., psgs e The mattar shout which you inquire is governed by the Aots 1941, 47th La ., p. 647, oh. 391! 384. 1, (Sea. 0, Art. 72Sb, V. A. P. 0. 7 whloh read8 as foiloari *ltxoopt 48 otharwf8. in thf8 Aot 4p4airlo4liy prorldsd, thi8 AOt shall not spply to ths rollowiiq oa8esi mAdmiAi8t4ring, dlspsn8fng, or sslli~g,St rot411 of sny m4dlolnel preparation that oontsins In on8 (1) rluld ou~oe, or lr a 8olld or aspi-solid prepsratlon, In one (1) avolrdupoi8 ounos, not 3y)re than one (1) grain or oodrlns or 0r any 0r lta ralts. CThe sxe%ptlon aut‘,orlzedby thin Sotion aball be subjaot to tbe fOilOwing oondition8; (1) met the msdlolnel preparation administered, dl~p``~a\l,or sold, shall oontain In addition to the narootlo drug in it, 8o2e drug or drugs oo&srrlng upon It medlolnsl qualities other than those po4844asd by the Aarootlo drug alone; end (8) thst auoh preparation shall be admlnlstered, dispsnssd, and eold in good ialtt as a nedlolne, end A& ror the purpose 0r svadlng the provl4lon4 or this Rat. Tfothing in thf8 reotion shall be oonstrued to lkxlt the kind end quantjty of snp nsrootlo drug tbet nay be prssorUmd, adslni8tered, diapenssd, or sold, to any psreoa or ror the uas or snf person or snix81, when it 18 preaorlbad adsinlstered, dispensed, or rold, iA oo3yllsnce w 1th the gansral prov~alons 0r this Aat." Your OOdUsiDp in this astter 14 under8tandable. Ths provlslon quoted above was enaoted as 3eation 1, oh. 39Z, p. 648, Aots, 1941, 47th 14gislnturs. 3eotlon l-a 0r ths lu8 sot re- pealed Seotlon 1, but ZOotlon 1 bsoams sifeatlvs 90 days rrom July 5, 1941, while SootfOA l-4, the repealing protlslon was not to be erreotlve until :$sptsrber1, 1943. Before the re- Foaling seotion , ?%otlon l-a,bsasnaeeifeotlve the Legislature la turn rspsalsd It, thus leaving In srrect the Original pro- Vision quoted shove. Seotlon l-s has repealed by zuotion 2, Oh. 225, p. 346, Aots 1943, 48th Leek lsture, whliohbecans stre0tire 90 day8 sitar Kay 11, 1943. TionorableIloner Oarrlson, Jr., page 3 Ys hope thet M hare sssfsted you ln olearlne up tbe questIon about the rppllosble Itatute, but u4 ar4 of the opinion that the rearinin portion or your inqulrJ rslatea to a question of ohm f oel feat whloh yes oamiot under- tsks to 8nsiwr. BY FA: zd