DocketNumber: O-6461
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
, .~ . . . . .. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ]:oaorablef!.T. Dribble” CGWty izttGl%iy, Jmla county (xll&th~r;e ite, Texas near Sirs itll.eUire end then con the County Attorney, County Clerk County Judge aske a eharse apsinst tho County for their regular miodmeanor feceslike cases end op;roVed by the Comnfssioners aourt under t:k.atLu% is ahar@+able under and oan logally .aol.loat tha 88x8 thet way your log,alopi,nionio r-.nntadr. . ” _ :,. nonorable A. T. 'Fribble, page'2 ..' Yills County, TOXCS, 00s 3 populatloh of loss than tmnty thousand.(20,COO) lnhabltsnts 6caordlnS to tho 1940 Federal hV3US, 8Q(f ita OOWIty OffioeSa. ax6 cOqmnS6ted on a fee basis. Said Senata Bill 44,.6non(!othit? things, ohongys the cl6ssiPla3tlon of a juvenile ~rooeodln~ Srorrthat OS a orluinal noturs to thot of a aivil 0866.' Z6 bave csrefu&ly oxmilned CInato .Bill 44 atid~TOUSC ~113.830 of the 40th Leglslaturo of Tcxns and find that neither of thaz author168 the county to pay esy r68S to any officers tar their servfaes lr'juvenilo oag6s. . Article 6124; vernon~sA6nototed Texas Civil 3t6tutes authorSxes the aouctf.frozn?ihich 6 6610 tima 16 oo~vlttaa to .' any State txalntnF school to pay to tbe officer coriveylng8ucb male child to any State training,sohool tho actual treveling 6x~onseo of such officer and child end .f~v6``dollers(:$S.OO)additional. Artlcle.bl36, VerncWs Annotated T2ies.Civil Statutea, authorizesthe aounty fro% whiah a girl juvonilc .ls aomitted to the Qirls* Tralning.Sahool to pay'the actual and .neoessaryex- penses of the party aonvepiap.aridthe &lrl~oonveged.~ This atstute.further provldes.the court shall desi968t.esome reputa- ble womm to oonvey the CgUl to th6 lastltutlon. Opinion Eo..O-5602 of this department, a oogy of rhlch ia onolosad herewith, ep6olrloally pasces'on o ,poltiooof'your request fo*.opinlon 3nd spaaifically holds that S. 6. 44,.svpra, does not authorize the county to pa: eny $%ba-to any officelsOf~ the ~oounty uourt for their services in juvenile a38es. X6 con- firm the holdlag. .: Llke~lae, It la our'further opinkm that B. FL 63C, Wpra, does not authorize'the county to pay any fees to officer3 of the oounty oourt for their aervioos in .juvGmile cd8es. : Honarable A. -T. Pribble, pose 3 :. _ ?:etherefore holdr 1. Koither S. B. 44~nor B, 13. 630, supre, authorizes the ~county to pay any fees to any offioere . ot the county court for their services In juvenile CQSBQ. There -Is no authority under whiah oouoty judpes ookty~attornsys and oounty clerks oen collect If& &om. the county in juvmila cases. (Forzerly and @Or to the enaot2ent or S. B.44, supra
, aounty judces mm entftled to collect a three (,3.00) dollar $rlaL fee in juvenile oases under Article 1062, V:A. C. C. P., es II_arirz.inel case tri,edand rinrlly dhposed of-by the 00,urt. See opinion x0. o-917 or this aepertreot, dated June 14th, 1939, 8 oopy or whioh is enclosed. Ilowevar, thle opinion 1s now no longer ap;?licable8s the I.e&is- loture in s. B. 4?, supra, in 1943, chongad the alassifid oetion or juvenile Oa8ia from oridnal oases to civil oasss.) .- l 3.. The sheriff or other ofrfaer conveylne.a nelo child to any State trelning school is entltled to oolloct from the comittlng oounty the a&-ml treveling~ expens:~s0r such orriO?r and cbfld epd rive dollerq ($5.00) edd5tlcnaf., .,. 4. Actuel end’neaeasary eqmnsee of the perty conveying a ~gir1 comittad t:.the Girls’ Troininp,Sohool end of the p,irloonveyod should be psid by the oouuty from l+hichthe girl lo conwitted to the pereon oonveying the girl. Art. 5136, Dupre, furthor provide8 thet the court’shell desi(mste aorpereputtrble:aoaanan to convey the girl to tho Inst5~tutlon. Your8 VdlFYtruly ‘38’:zd mol.