Grover Sellers Hon. W. J. Townsend Opinion No. O-6349 County Attorney Re: Passenger automobile used as Angelina County commercial motor vehicle must be Lufkln, Texas registered as commercial motor ve- hicle, and operator of said auto- mobile Is required to hold a com- Dear Sir: mercial operator’s license. We have received your recent request for an opinion, quoted as follows: “1 beg ” . leave . . to ~advise that ._ there . . Is a citizen 01. cnis county operating nis ,passenger automobile on the state hlghways,of thfs section of the state, transporting and delivering mer- chandise therefrom to merchants only. “1 have advised him that it is Illegal for him to thus use his passenger automobile, licensed as such, for the purposes of transporting and de- livering merchandise therefrom and that in order .for him to use or drive any ~motor vehicle lawfully for the purpose of transporting and delivering mer- chandise therefrom to merchants, that he must first have license as a ~Commerclal Operator’, as shown by paragraph (N) of the Texas Highway laws.. “Please advise me as to your construction of this law. May any one use lawfully his ~passenger automobile, as a vehicle for the transporting and delivering merchandise therefrom over the highways of this state, without first taking out a ‘Commer-~ cial Operators’ license?” Article 6675-,(i), Vernon’s Annotated Civil Stat- utes defines a 81commerclal motor vehicle” as %ny motor vehi- cle [other than a motorcycle or passenger car) designed or used primarily for the transportation of p.roperty, including any passenger car which has been reconstructed so as to be used, and which is beina use& primarily for delivery purposes with the exception of passenger cars used in the delivery of ihe United States mails.” (underscoring added) Hon. W. J. Townsend, page 2 (o-6349) Art. 6687b, Ssctlon 1, (n) V.A.C.S. mercial operator” as ‘Ievery person who is the Arc% : iI%& The said next above articles are Uin pari materiaw, and will therefore, be taken, read and construed together~ and any con&at between their provisions will be harmonized, if possible. See 39 Tex.Jur. 2% OUr Opinion No. 0-3936 holds in r‘egard to a similar question that the test to be applied under the foregoi “iso; of a ,I;0lmmercial operator” Is the use to which th 2 V z%t- 2 einit mu We believe this test is also aoclicable to the foregoing de; ‘inition of a %ommercial motor b v&icle.v We here- with enclose a copy of said Opinion No. O-31936. Th; qy;tion to decld; is whether the vehicle is beiq ysed orimari Y o C&UQ,QZimercial o elivery marDose in the t an - portatlon of ~uronertvf This fact we leave to the determina&.oi of the proper authorities In each case* Therefore, it is our opinion that a passenger automo- bile which is being used primarily as a commercial motor vehicle, sho 3 d be registered as a commercial motor vehicle, and the oper- ator of same is reqtired to hold a commercial operator’s license. We trust the foregoing fully answers your question. I. APPROVEDMAY12, 1945 Yours very truly /s/ Carlos C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTART ATTORNEY GENRMLOF TEXAS ATTORNEY GENFRAL By /s/ Robert L. Lattlmore, Jr. APPROVED.:;X’&iI~;C);~TTB Robert L. Lattlmore, Jr., BY: , Assistant RLL:LJ;wb