OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEYGENERAL Honorable 3. C. SIPith County Attorney Bdirque County Meridian, Texas Dear 81x-r are summrlzied from t filed and t your county 01 dlstriut# ior period beglmlng uember 31, 1938. eressor-aolleotor de- n escrow in a loaal bank ior the hlr willingneee to pIy may awe ally colleatlble from him. The n mrch 17, 1939. 60 fuurthw o eecablleh the llablllty of -collector or to reach the 8um v until October, 1944, when the widow and aole heir oi the now deaeaaed fax aaeeaeor- aolleator filed suit to determine vhat, if an3, part of the f'un8 held In eecrow ehould be returned to her. You have prepared and rubmi.ttecI to the truetees of the affected common school dietriots an oplnlon in Hon. S. C. Smith - Page 2 vhlch you axpreae your belief that the tvo year lialta.tlonr statute (Artlale 5526, V.A.C.S.) 1s applicable to iheee claim, 4 you have requeeted this departrem to review your opinion end to advlee you vhr,ther or not we feel that. it 10 correct. on the barb of the authorltlea and reasoning embodied in your opinion, we feel ~hr. raid opinion le an eminently corroot rxposltlon of the lav relative to thi8 eitwtlon. tba aaae OS Bexar County As f;:)‘::g”[ v. I(overlalc, 159 S. W. error nfuaed) holdr square- ly that the tvo year limltatiau8 rtatute 18 applloablo to this typo of olalm, vhlle the oaae oi Mexican Coal 84 Coke Company v. Ruakman, 229 9. W. 347, demonstrator that the plaalng of fmdr in oacrov to lndloate a vlllingnem to pay doer not toll the operation of the llnitatlonr etatutom. coneequent1y, vo eoncur in your oonalu8lon thmt the dolay of the rahool dir- triate in ootabllahing their alalma, if any they hnd, has alloved the statutes of lisitatlonr to bar euoh @lam. Trwtlng that tho foregoing ratiriaatorlly anwora your inquiry, we are Yours very truly ,“”