DocketNumber: O-6281
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL govorabls n. A. Javllvon,Celmlmsianor, ntste n+artwnt of Bllrkhlg Austin, Tuaa pssr Mr. damlsonr 0pialm no. 0-aa81 Ro: Wb8tber IwJgb the ImeLoanBamk ntirawt pro- grw rhloh erl aore and vmplo7evs if the rariou batb8olYieaatl~ boon UtenQotl u8 benefita et tbo plan to be at d uplefscbo Of a nednal anwal prrim, d by tbo rploteeo and off%- tdafi6n and part to be psld pore all vvder a vpveial trumt rem adopted by duly dedgwtml . It39 l 1lvo prrrided in the pralum r7 be pm16 aoreria(l: the the offiaere snQ smplo~ees vhioh a mtber Iargo vutla7 of fwdn or sost 08 tbs p8rt of avmv of our lmsoalatlono. Speslfie~l- 17 in 8 amber df QUHS eomputatloaoP the prwlm that would bs due In order te vntvblivhbenefits cvw- wing prier s4tnlcrsr~gre~tas *we ``90eOOOd0to $40,000.00. .It becoaes pertinent for Us to deternine rhethsr or not guoh an inrootwnte if it bo am Sarvvtavnt,1s permittedh7 wr lavv and it w 80~0 direotion as to m lpprcpricte entry on the books of the 8smcaiatian cover- 359 povvrsbleFf=1. Jan1140r1 - Page 2 lag tbs WtlaJ of nlnds. The anbjeet matter 3s et suah lmportanoe and in the lC;gre@ata intolrem #b- mtnntlal amm oi money thst we are eonstralmea $e lttaeh hereto II baeklet rhtab aentaim the mfee and reffulationm applicable ta the retirument rrm4 of the Faderal Rome L4av Rank aatca as well an the by-laws vh¶sb hsre bean &Wptsd by- tbe trustearn of tbe fWd. 'Your rtttmtlon Iv dineted te aeatioll 88 4? #I4 building and lenn laws and apeoltiorl?7ta that por- tion of the seotioa whiah reeds be tolYovvI g'kWery avvoalatlonell@ble to bewme a member of a Federal Ilo# Loan Ilank under the groHdana of the A4t ef (kqreea kn~vv as tbe Fader81 iMa 11oab uank Aatr lppreved JuY7 W, 1922, am amnued ana an me7 hereefterbe enesul- autbarlaed to do 411 tblag4 a4 a7 Be w- qutred or permitt under u2d Aet, or auy amend- ment therote, ia or%sr W obtain, oeatlnue,or temlnate rmeh MPBermbipI an% to lem 4¶1 the dvt*ea, obll&atiensr revwvaelbllltfruvnd flds~l- itlee lnQ bee01114 entitled to all of tbe bemaflte pr``laed iQ aid Aetr aa uclat14de~3 8a ew hereafter be meadatY-" ,If the quotmd aeetloa ebould 144% legal aUpp0rt to the aat at an aemoaiatlon on mubaeribin@ for pw- tlalpatlenin the retiremsat fund alaathe pnymelbt af aeaemrly saouate to qu*llQ tbetetin%er e then we ehOt0% like rdrice as to the entry that ehrnld be made by the neuei8tiW an am OffSOt t0 tb4 044 Of tb4 fU4d4 tram- aitted to the trtmtae8 Sn behs~ltof the evplojee4 of the lemmlatlm, tor mush emtry vi11 bear ti lspf vlg- nlfleenae under stber meatlenmat the law vhlcrb have ta de vlth r4aewea# umllvided proflts avl qwratlnlt 4x- pan840* lTt It vhmld Tel3 ow tkat pmrt¶olptlos in ~leb s pSan ns herein refarre% to is lawful under that portion of fieotion 38 hereinsbore qnota%* roe?% it foYY ov thr t the hnard ot dlrectorn ronld be autborlsed to oharge their romwe ar Wl%iti%S% plWfit lWtIS8t, pre8UdIl(t thmt the *ante Is in exdoea of the amount required b7 1sv aorerlva the vast of mash pvrtiolpatlem or would jt folYM that the tUktUm of th4 Wav4a8tfOU ia #UCh that the eharpe or ontry nn~Y% hare to he nabs,i$@nat f@nornbleII.A. Jomlean - page B the eperatln~ -ame leoouat? You vi11 no doubt reaognlae sonslderableirpartraae to this pbar of aur InqulrJ for if it abould be bald that the ooet of pxrtlelpetloala the plan met be aanvtruedl v an opereflng expenveI thev it light follav that a nm- bar of o urleaoa~atlonm aould not partloipste la tbe plan ror the abxorptlovol vuvb an apemae dnrlab: a alx or tvelre mtbs period rl@t be #&I& lo te lltb er amve a reilustlonin tbelr (Utldend rate or craw4 the aemolatiom to oenalude aat to ~rtlelpte in the pm- ?F-• "Tbur In snmaryr we are inquiring atito vhatber or net i State abartered UTjIbg4 aad lean anmQeiathm 08x1psrtlolpak la the retlrammt plon af tba U’odml ilaw Loan Bank Syatom and If ea vbethet or mot tba soot of ~rtlsipetien muet be abergod te tb8 aeaoaia- tion’m opentIn erpenme leeemt or a7 It be eba* to th e lesaeiati~a'e tmdiTided prefit or weewe 8b @aunt pIWTi48d eveb 8eaouate are In lxeeee at mte premedbed by lrv lnQ tbe lberse ma rde will net 10- dam6 tha to munte Wee tb88 la prewribed b7 law.* Yen baTa eerreetly 4tetaU t&e parfluent p@rtlOne of 8eotlaa 91, Artlale (Ibla, of the krleed aTi1 8htatee (Vernea' Cedliiastlor),thu cane belag eanklrnd la Lkb&lrleiw 8 tbereaf. Ihs Retirament Rmd mentlaaed b7 7an appear0 te be areated and adminlrtered unQer a aealaretlaaof tlw& *blab la xv unlnwrponted lawvlatlon , aompamatl of sertaln nsmetlloderal Ew~LoanBank*~ butvitb 4 plPTidOmfar tba l4mleeleu efatber Bow Low Ba8ke 8meeMiag to the lgremnt 6 ¶¶I¶@ dee1autian OP tcuetr loaordiag to the printed g r o a p a etns loeampnayln~ your inqul~7, sontelas the pmtiden:. Vbemsv tbe eetxbllvbmentat tbe uld Retl:reatemtton4 of tbe Fa&~rat llwe Loan IBaulrbjete& and the rules *ad reguPIatieme la aormeetlantharcn3tb hate boon duly lppr@Ted BT the Pe&enl IhO Lean Bank A&mlnlvfratfan~gvhlah we interpret tv mew the urr~ertsklng haa been duly SppraT4d by t?m Fedsrvl Fkmv bean Bnnk Boar% of tbv vtatuts. tU.s.C*A. Title l*, 8eo* 1437) It In the opinion of this depsrtment tbet the qme,$ed portion of 6eatlon .Tphoreinabere vet out 8a(lvsatharixe State- @hertared nrlags ad low lmsoaletions to pwti6ipote In the RotlrvmentPlan at the Federal llomeLean Bank Byntea b1p611belag 4Ilgible an8 beaeemin~ a momber of s Pedsral Home LOW Bank4 t ” 361 newerable He A. J&non - pa,g~ 4 T h is lnrerm par flr mti8qairye We apoak nm with rempeat to your meoond laqu*ry. fhlr lntalret~a question ot bookkeeplsK prlmarlly, perhaps, but nmerthelems a qw8tlon of law , a0 you lndioate, la prob- ably imo1rsB. It im the eplnloa et thlm departmettt that the de- dw&lonn frea the rlarlom a? apleyeoo lheuld~ of eourae. be earrled In the leaeuntm am an eperatlag expeamo~ ier in- dlmput8blJ it Is a part at malarleo proper. Llkewlme, we tbialrtbo oentributlonoof the apleyor nbould be oarried am 0pratlnR exporr```` mob itw im in the nature et a mlary, &tee It lm a part ot the emoYant?tfor tbe mnlee, a8eb eelrtrllmtion, along rlth the doduotion ?rem ulary, going te enIreup the fund. It la wrmly a deforrod fttrtltar wra- tlon for tbe amplo7ee's menloe. The oplnlen la Byrd 7. Qltf of DmlYam, 0 1. V. (8) WBR, mupp6rtm thlm reamobing~ In @tat opiaion it la uldt "Thor0 la ttoreamea why a olty say net * gagm ltm mewanta and 0mpIoyoem upon 8th~ tema o f p a y m elnt oaeptah?o ta beth prtloa. The plm autborlmed by the Matute wtttaplates in '10-l offoat tbmt a# wwpmartlon t&o ltiieer~ and e ple7eoa naamd mha3l~reeol~otho rlarlea lgued upon to bo paid perlodlaally and &al1 be en- titled to ~rtSofpto tn the fund prevldod far pen*lous lcoordlttgto the rtatutoryplan. The Yaw pertaInin* to maob ample-at lm neoemmarily 8 pm-t of the eontmet of ~loymont and lo read loto the eoatraat aa ialIt as thaq#! it had beon lstua?1~ lnoorpawatedtherein 0 l l e When an l ottlow or eapleyu ooaln6 Within the mtatute 1s mplojed and ovldenoem hle amsent to the pendon lbhame, he thowapan bmm a blnd%a# oontrast ritb his exaployep for the ltimlatod ularY and llko- wlme fo be 'entitled to partlelpati'la the had upon the term6 premsrlbetl~ .l%e right te partlolpte in web irraa1s theretoro not a gratuity or donatlon In any menae. It la au RUOR a prrt of the lgreed eompenmtlon a8 1~ the aonthlr otlpend.' jpmorable ti.A. Janleon - page !! Tbo fund lnrol+sd in that 6ame was a cltr pnalon find, and dmllar In Ituralefieot t,a the one unfler con- ret-y ~ideration. Trusting that what we hrts maltlis euifieient mower to your ~nquirlor~we are A nwi s&.&at