DocketNumber: O-6205
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorable Sidney Latham senretaiy of state Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Do. O-6205 Re: Whether the joint action of the two county committees is sufficient to constitute a nomination under Art. 3165, V..IL.C.S., under the facts stated, and related questions. Your letter of recent date, requesting the opinion of this department on the questions stated therein is, in part, 8s follows~ "Honorable Penn J. Jackson of Cleburne, Texas, was nominated for the office of State Senator of the 12th Senatorial District at the Democratic Primary held this year. Judge 0.E. MoPherson was nominated Judge of the 18th Judicial District at the same time and has since died. "The County Executive Committees of Johnson and Somervell Counties, which comprise the 18th Judicial District, have undertaken to nominate Penn J. Jackson as the Demooratic nominee for Judge of the 18th Judicial District. "Articles 2979 and 3165 presoribe the procedure in the event of death or declination of a nominee. Article 3165 prescribps that the dealination be delivered 'to the officer with whom the certificate of his nomination is filed.' Mr. Jackson has filed his declination in this office. "Article 3138 provides that certificates of nomination of State candidates only shall be filed with the Secretary of State, while particle3127 provides that nominees for district offices certified to the county clerks of the proper distriot. "The certificats of nomination of Mr. Jackson was executed by George L. Murphy as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Johnson County and L. G. Kirk a8 ,Chairmanof the Democratic lilxeoutive Committee of Somervell County, and those two were ,joinedby numerous members of both County Hon. Sidney Latham, page 2 O-6206 Kxecutive Committees. Neither county chairmen exeouted the certificate in his capacity as an ex officio member of the District Exeoutive Committee, which position each occupies by virtue of Article 3118, but the certificate recites in its body that the two county chairmen constitute the District Committee. "Article 3165 provides that such nomination shall be made by the Exeoutive Committee 'for the Sta,te,district or county as the office to be nominated may requires. This would seem to indicate that the district committee should make the nomination. Apparently it has been made in this instance by the joint action of ho county corn- mittees. "In the light of the above facts, will you please advise this department upon the following inquiries: "1 I) Is the declination of nomination of the office of State Senator sufficient when filed in this office rather than with the county clerks of the counties comprising the district? "2 * Is the joint action of two County Committees sufficient to constitute a nomination under Article 3165 where neither County Chairman exeoutes the oertif- ioate in his capacity as an e.xofficio member of the District Comm~.ttee? Article 3118, Vernon's Anno,tatedCivil Statutes, reads as follow% 'There shall be for each political party required by this law to hold primary elections for nomination of its candidates a county executive committee, to be oomposed of a county chairman, and one member from each e:leo,tion pre- cinct of such county3 the committeeman from suoh election precinct shall be chairman of his election precinct, and the said county chairman shall be cleated on the general primary election day; the county chairman by the qualified voters of the whole county, and the precinct chairman by the qualified voters of the respective eleation precincts. Said county and preainct chairman shall assume the duties of the respective offices on Saturday following the NR- off primary immediately after the committee has declared the results of the run-off primary election, Said county ohairman shall be ex-officio a member of the executive cmittee for all distriots of tihichhis county is a part, and the district committee thus formed shall elect its own chairman. Any vacancy in the office of ohairman,~ county or precinct, or any member of suah oommittee shall Hon. Sidney Latham, page 3 O-6205 be filled by a majority vote of said executive committee, The list of election precinct ohairmen and the county chairmen so elected, shall be certified by the county convention to the county clerk, along with the other nominees of said party. If there are no requests filed for candidates for oounty and precinct chairman, a blank spaoe shall be left on the tiaket beneath the designation of such position." Artiole 3165. Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provides: "A nominee may decline and annul his nomination by deliv- ering to the officer with whonrthe certificate of his nom- ination is filed, ten days before the election, if it be for a city offioe, and twenty days in other cases0 a dec- laration in writing, signed by him before some officer au- thorized to take acknowledgments. Upon such declination (or in ease of death of the nominee) the executive comni,t- tee of the party, or a majority of them for the State, district or oounty, as the officer to be nominated may require, may nominate a candidate to supply the vacancy by filing with the Seoretary of State in the case of State or district officers, or with the county judge in the case of county or preoinct officers, a oertificate duly signed and aoknorledged by them, setting forth the cause of the vaoanoy, the name of the new nominee, the office for which he was nomi~natedand when and how he was nominated. Xo executive committee shall ever have power to nominate, except where a nominee has died or declined the nomination as provided in this krtiole." It will be noted that under Article3165, supra
, a nominee may decline his nomination by delivering a dealaration in writing, signed by him before some offioer authorized to take aoknowledpents, to the officer with whom the certificate of his nomination is filed, The declaration must he filed within the time prescribed by said statute, "In the event any candidate for a distriat office received in the first primary the necessary vote to nominate, the State Exeautive Committee will certify the name of such candidate to the county clerks of the proper district to be printed upon the official ballot for the general election as a candidate of the party for said office." (Art. 3127) Mr. Jackson received the necessary vote to nominate him for the offiae of State Senator in the First Primary, As we understand your inquiry, nominations for State Senator are certified to the county olerks of the counties oomprising the Senatorial District, and suoh nominations are not certified to the Secretary of State by the State Executive Committee. Apparently, Article 3136, is applicable only to Hon. Sidney Latham, page 4 O-6205 nominations where the vote cast of the entire State for a candidato is involved. Therefore, it is our opinion that a person nominated for ,the office of State Senator in order to decline his nomination should file his declination with the county clerks of the counties comprising his Senatorial District. It is our further opinion that the declination of a nomination to the offiae of State Senator is not sufficient when filed with the Secretary of State, rather than with the county olerks of the oounties comprising his senatorial district. Therefore, your first question is respectfully answered in the negative. With reference to your second question, you are respeatfully advised that it is the opinion of this department that the nomination involved in your inquiry must be made by the district exeoutive oonnnit- tee of the judicial district composed of Johnson and Somervell Counties, Ihe certificate of nomination provides, in part, as follows: It . . . At such meeting the majority of the members of such Executive Coimnitteeof Johnson County voted for the nominee above named, and a majority of the Democratic Executive Committee of &nerve11 County voted for the nominee above named, whereupon the said George L, Murphy and L, G, !Cirk,Chairman of the Demooratic Executive Commi~tteesof the two oounties composing said District, together constituting the District Democratic Exeoutive Committee, voted for the nomination of the nominee above named; srrdupon such facts we hereby certify that he was duly nominated as the Democratic nominee for the office of Distriat Judge of the 16th Judicial District of Texas," The executive committee will consist of the county chairman of Johnson County and of Somervell fwnty. The nomination. to be effec- tive, must be made by members of the district executive committee, or a majority of them. The fact that members of both county executive com- mittees joined in the action of the distriot conm&ttee composed of ,the various county chairmen is immaterial. As the certificate mentioned in your letter recites in its body that the two county chairmen constitute the district committee, and both of them voted for Nlr,Jackson, it is our opinion that their action is sufficient to constitute a nomination under Articled3165, supra
. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENEIUL OF TMAS AW;rt two By s/Ardell Williams Ardell Williams APPROVED SEP. 15, 1944 s/ Grover Sellers, Assistant ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Approved Opinion Committee By BWB Chairman