DocketNumber: O-6225
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ..TTORNEY GCNERAL iioaorable L. A. Van Slyka couaty AttorMy i I i?orGBend ccunty .uchmoad, Texas ed at the same eleatlolr bela to determine WhethaP or not an Iamlaa0rpoFat.d --. 'd two -1 ba iaeorporateb uader tha aomnlseloa form Of govsraaeat? the ballot for tb eltatloa of suah ofilarra. '.,_ .. I Yeur reaimt ~ettm’r*lNlte to the calllw of an election to determlnm WhBChemor not a towa ok village hav- lag a population of 200 to 1,000 ahall be lacorporated aa provided by Article 1158i- et oeq., Revlred Civil Statuter, 1925, requer`` thb deptmeatbr opLolorr oothe follovlng quemt 1OM: 1. Ir lo nmadatorr uader Artlole 1158, R.C.S., 1925, for the county Judge at the lacarporatlon election to also crll for the electloa of l ma y o r awl two cammlrrlvaers? 2. Xou aad ulth whom do ruch candidate8 file for office and hou 1s the ballot pewed? Artiole 1158, R. C. Y., 1925, reads an follwrr "At such election tbcre shall be elected tuo conmissioners, vho shall serve until the Cust Tuesday in April folloviag, Sad Ia said UoiacoP- rora~ed cities and tvvas, aad unhevxwvraced tovna ILonorsble L. A. VaO Slyka, paSC 2 The mym 9t the laaorporatei end lnaorporatad twar aad vlllagaa, adopting the comlssloa farn Of govaraMnt aball coatlsue to hold his offloc for the tarn for ublah be raa eleatad. The aara of crflca of the map? and a 0mlsa la M r alx8opt , the flrrt llecteb Iwar the provlaloaa hereof, shall bs tvo yawa, and they shall ba c-:actad oa the first Tuesday lo iIgrl1 every two years.” (Oadarraorlag ours) Thla statute, YO believe, c&car it amdatory ror the coukty Jud$e at the 88``6 electloa ca2led to daoida OIY ;i,t lacorporaeloo to &so call Sor the election of a myvr oad 2~0 comlsaioaars. Ansuarlag your ascoad questloot UC hava cya- fully checkad the atatutea aad ma umbla to firrd any atatu- TIOF~directiona as to hou the oudldataa Sor such office ille EOJ vlch vhoa, aor a6 hau they get thalr mm8 on the iallot aor as to the prapa.ratloa of the ballot. "It la . . . well settled , . . that a law which confers a poweror hpoaea m duty upon an officer or board oarrlaa vlth it by i,mpllc8tloa tha au- thority to do ruch tblw8 es are reasonably nacas- sery to carry into eiltat the pouar grmtitad Q the duty imposed.’ Public Officers, 34 Tex. A@. 444, par. 68 ne 7. It’ia therefore OLWopinion thmt alaca tha st*Outea are silent as to hou o caadldata for elthsr the office of myor or city comalaaloaer eey get his ama oa the offloLa ballot that the couutg judge m8y adopt any reasonable rule for that porpoae, auoh aa glvlng aotlce that he will accept applications -#ior to 8 glvea data. If ao candidate reqwsta his aamo be placed on the ballot, 0~ if not as mny as two ca&idates do not file for the offlae OS comal8aioner, he pap print the oases of those that do apply and leave a blnnak qoce f3r MIIS or names to be urltten la by the voters. S6 ::morabla L. A. VCa SlYkC, pge 3 The rloket 8houldh8va plotad on lt tha laforma- ;?x that r,uoiu4 to be electedaVIWl8SlOMrSso that each ~rde.r may kaw as to thmt offlceha say crotafw two paogle. Your6 very truly