DocketNumber: O-6100
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
452 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYS GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN reaouiitrblo:ar i icre of oiilac+, or a fee that ma be retaind by $ha . oounty attommy. i the Rmvi~a& 8tatute8,’ hat. the Etato Bmrd of tf Or ~iBtri&l CtttWA89 Ung a alaim X5 robate oouaty or dibtr Pot tea peroent deeion an the aleo prorldre thnt the oountp tohey may rafueo to~sot, in other words, ke it nmndrtorf that they shmll aot in this 0~ per aent oollsoted ae oaranic~f~lOnnr by the oounty attmnay nooouatable a8 face of offlo~ or individual iasP Sa?tian 5, of Artlolm 3196A, V.A.C.S., prqldsrt "Upon the written request of the stats mara of Control, the oounty or dietriot attorney or in oane of the reruaal or inability of both to aot,ths Attorney Cknsrsi, ahall rsprsaent the Stnta in ffl- ing a olaka in probate court or e petition fn P oaurt of aompetwit ``urlsdlotfon, wherein .-the_iprdlan __ 453 for hi8 support, may be oltsd to appear then and the?8 to show ORUSB why the State ohould not haro jtigxent ncainot him or them ior the srmount due it for the SU~FQV t, aaintenanoo and trerrtmsnt of ouch patient; and, upon suftlolemt shawlng, judg- sent my be entered a4aZnst otmh guardian or other persons for thQ amount found to be due the State, whioh Ju&qaent may be mtaPoo4 as in other oaseo. A verified aocouht, ouorn to by the ouperlhtendent of the respeotioe hospitals OT poyohopathlo hoopl- talo whereln suah patient lo being treated or ha8 been treated, as to the anmnt .4ue rho11 be sui- rid6nt eofUonoe to authorfse the oonrt to rondar judgment therein. The oounty or dlstrlot attorney represehtin4 the Stste oholl be ontltlod to a OOIWI~M~M of tsn (10%) per gent 0r ths amount ool- leoted. All a~onlso oo oollootsd, leso ouch oonuulo- oion, shall be, by the osl4 attorney, paid to the State Board of Control, uhioh shall roooito ond receipt for the oamo and oholl Issue ‘the name ior the maintenonoe an4 lmprwaoent of #aid lnotitutlon 01: lnotitutloho in whloh oald patients ohall have bseh oonf lmd .* ‘Ihe foregoing otatute authorlseo the State Board oi Control to request the oounty or dlotrlot .attornoy in wrltia4 to represent the Ytote in fillng a ala&o in probate court or, o petition in 8 oourt of oompeteat jurlo4iotlon wherein the gaardlaa of a pationt ond/ot other person io logall~ llablo iOr hia SuppOrt. This ototute allowo the ootity or dlatrlot attorney representing the State a lO$ oommloolon cb the oeou& oollecte4. Generally opoaklng, a r00 or any oomponoatlon pal4 a pub110 ofifoe~ for the poriormcrnooo or a duty cspjolnod bY statute is a fee or oompensatloh oolleote4 in on 0rfiolQi oepaclty. (See the cnse o? hueors County ?o. Cerrin&on, et a, 162 S. ‘i. 24, 087, and the authoritleo dlted tberoin.) Artiole 3891, V. A. C. S., reeda, in part, 88 followo: I.. . .The oompehoetlono, llaitatlons en4 amrlaumo horain flrsd in this aot for orfiaero shall lncludo tin% epply to ~11 ofrloers mentlonsd herein mnd eaab - and every county at this State, and it .I8 heroby de- olared to be the intention of the Le&io~eture that the proYlolans 0r this Aot ohall applp to each or *al4 orfioero, and aqp opeoial or general low lnoonsiotent Kith the prwlslono hsreof lo hereby oxpress repeal84 Insofar as the same may bs fnoonofotent with th3.8 AOLw 454 hon. G. Zarl Eutahlngs, pace 3 “The compensation, llmltstlone and ;~axl;~ums herein fixed shall also apply to all reaa and conpensatlons whatsoever onllected by aald of- ficers in their offiol~l aapacity, whether ao- aountable SCIfees of oif’lce under the present ?e,w, and my law, general or epealal, to tho orantrary, Is hereby expressly repealsd, The o::ly kind and charooter or oonpensatlon exempt from the provisions of this hot ah611 be rewards re- ceived by eberlrfe for apprehension of orl.mlnale or fugltlvea from juutlar snd for the reoovory of stolen property and monlea receifed by county judges .end justloss or Lhe pssoe ror perioraing marriage oerenonles, whloh au9 shsll not be ao- countsble for end not required to be reported a18 rees Or orme.* Young County hae a population OS 19,001, inhabitants, aooordlng to the 1940 Federal Census and me are lnrormed by the C~ptroller*s ofrice that the ``mml~sioners~aoitrt0r Young county has determined that the county-~oifloers In euoh county shall be compensated for their serr1ge.s by the payment of an annual salary. Your attention la directed to Seotlons ,zia: “,fo 5; or Artlole 39126, V.A.C.S., and it ~111 be noted . or Art. 39120, aupra, makes it the duty of all offloera to’ohargs and oolleot ln the manner authorized by law all fees and c~v&slons which are permitted by law to be ;;rsbd and ooll6oted ror all orriolal servloes perrormed by . And when ruoh fees are oolleoted, they ahall be de- ~poelted in the ofrloero~ ealary fund or runda provlded in the act. The Supreme Court of Texas, in the oaso of Nlaholn, et al, vs. Galveston County, 228, 9. ;k;. 547, quoting frcm the cane of Zard vs. Harrlaon County, 209 S. “:.793, said: We cannot agree with appellants In their contention that the oommlsslona received by the county judpe for the sale of Harris oounty drainage dlstrlat honds are not included lr. the term ‘feea or all klndav ss thet ters 1s used In Artlale 3881, Vernon’s Saylea’ Civil Statutes, Plxlnp the s?arxialu~% aoapensation allowed county officers. Cn the oontrary, ~6 think the dealslcna of our Suprgile Court end Courta of Cl011 Apooals settle this qusstl~n ndveraely to eppellants* contention. The eerernl purpose of the naximwn fee bill was to limit the compensation reoslved by the officer8 named therein .. 455 non. G. Earl ?Mx.hl~a, page 4 - ror the pertorslanceof their oiflclal duties, and the term 'reas of all kinda* as used ln that not, has been sxpresaly held to lneluda commissions allowed by law ior the perrormanoe ot official duty, the oonuals,slon 80 allowed not bein& exoepted from the msxlmum roe bill by any provlalons or the statute." (Also 860 the oase of Taylor, et al, vsJWms~ttsrCounty, 144 S. %. 314.) In view or the iore%olAg authorities,you are respaotfullyedtlaed that it la the oplnlon of this department that the lG$ oolleotedes commls8lonby the oounty attorney under Sm. 5, of Art. 3168A 1s aeoounta- blo as e tee 0r 0rri00 aed aunt be grid into the orrloerd ralary ruad. Stated airrer0ntlJ, the oounty attornef 18 not legally authorlztid t0 per&Bna~lyW&sin this O(IPml88ioll. Ardell Mlllsm Assistant AV: rt ,: