OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN anorablo P. 0. dtanrord County Irttornrp,Yoakua County Plaln8, Toxa, Dew Sir: \*a arm in mceip r of a(ayp, 1944, in whloh you request an oginl or not 1t mcila 0r Art1 be in tlolatloll oa’8 ianotatd Penal Cob, Sor a lady cbool whose bmther- M-law 18 trustee OS 8 reeented 18 whether the per8on mention e tru8toe within the 8ecowl degree by ef the third drgree by oonsen- guialty. Enolos8d herewith fOr0, Our OpiniOn that th8 OI8plOlp8IIt Of lo 8ohool Who80 brother-ln-law i8 trustee ~o*d~htlon of ``rtlole8438 and 458, YOiW8VeZ7 truly ,rZi;6 :ti’