OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. G. 8. Williamson County Attorney lZrath Qounty Stephenrills, Texas, Dear Mz. Wllliamonr Ye have reoelred lo and quote rr0m mme droll , Qh oanafiable get8 that pirt OS ,~$8 Prooed~e 0i t2u State of TeXW, ln part 88 iolloaat *The ~r0iia feaa 8haiJ.l be allow04 the sheriff, or other pa&o& 0Sf9 oec pf#tiOLg the die fM!Vloa in misdemeanor``aa~aes, to be tats& a@.nat the Qatenb- ant on oonvlotfQllt %on. G. El. willlamson - Page 2 Artdole 951, Vernonqa Anaotatad 00&e et Or5dnal Prooedurs of the State of Texao, Berlolon o? 1925, provides a8 roiiowot “The eheriff or other otfioer, eroept; a juot$.oe of the peace or hi8 olerk, who collsoto money for the EItate or oounty, exoept jwy ieeo, under ally prorialo~ of thla Code, ohoU be entitLed to retatm rive or oent thereof when ooU.eote&* (mphaoia a&&e& B nrtiole 3892, Vernon!0 AnnotateQ air11 atatuteo a0 amndaoab 1930 bg th6 blot L~iolatwe, prwldao a0 r0110wm *Any ofrloer mantloned In thio Ohopta! rho does not oolloot the maxlmua amount-of hle gee8 for any ilaoal year and who reports delinquent feea Sor that year, ohall be enti8letl to retain, when ooUeote4, luoh part oi.ouoh Q~llnpuqnt is@0 80 lo ouiWlent tietwapletiethe aiu%mm 0 (LuShbrided by Arti )86),, 388)-a, the gear in whioh lkdiqaent Seer were ahoqod and aloo rskln the ag``\mt of ~x~eoo Sear autrflorf&ed by law, anil the re- saaaaw ~0s. ~a* deelhquma i ioqr r!az .that ilcaal .Jr*er ohdl be p&d a8 h6rel.n piw$&wl ier whqm oeU.eateQj gr~vlbatk, the.piyT&aieM Bt %Bio Utl#Ze oh&k net apply to say eri&aer a$%@?oao year irem lib dgta he cmaeeo to hold the. orriae ~:tie uh&eh ang doliq+aeat te0 lo due, and in the *teas fhe .3atri0~r oaalag Oha tee8 that aTo doliqmti pa8 a06 ee%leoted oha oam ulthin treare mm&ho liiirr.&o aeo#eo to.hold the of- rlos, the awqat of feeo OolLoOted ohall be paid Js- Sm*idea, houere~,, IihoO no- Kozi (2. H. Williamson c Page3 3 Qaoh dietriot,oounty en4 reoieot offlosr, at the olose of eaoh $looal year s Dsoember 31at) #hall aaics to the dlstriot court of tile county in whioh ha reoideo a owom otatement in triplicate (on forma dasigncd 054 approved by the State Audi- tor) a oopy ot whisk rtatomnt shall be ronfarded to tha Ejtote Audllwr by the olerk of the diatrlct oaurt of #aid oounty within thirty (30) &aye attcrr the onme has been iii634 in hlo 0rrl06, and one oopy to be i'lled with the aouuty auditor, if any; other- rioe oai4 oopy shall be tiled with the GorPmieoloasri* c o ,ur ti l sa t4 report rhall nhow the ammint of a11 teal, 04main8loao and oaaponsatlonowhaterar earned by amid biftloerduring the rloosl year and OeoonQly, ~ohall rhew the amount or r080, tmaml~o iam anU oaq- penaatioao @..Leoted by hipl 4u~lq the rlaO8l year; %hlrQlg, a&Q report Ohall 00ntala an iterl&s(l rtatament of rli f*eo, eommlanlsaoand.aoqensatleno uraotl &Ma& the Clooal gaar wh%crhwe?* nat.ceUooteQ, MgoWer~ulM the aLpar .iYfthe part o*lng; u&B ?a* 04Mml*@loaa aAa eodapeaootloM. i Q %wpert ahall bo LIlr ti$rrd acit~';La+o~ thaa IIebrsary l.ab &~lls*%iag the &mo or th6't$#oa& year and tar oaoh 6ay aiber aal4 4ata Dc+Alqro,ah&&i w be reoorered bo 'theoopaty in a otit breuah% ~ter mob piupaoeo, an8 in a64ifiion lald ot~loer NmUbe sub let to remval troa ottlor, (A8 8iaWW A*$8 193..ii U8t La& 4th Q. 8. QS 30, 5@ ;;93,8 1935, 44Bh Let., 2nd 0. 8,; PP*W2, . provliilagrtm(lror public ofSicer8`` kltaPu?ire otrlokly oonohued, Viador the ~retioleno oi Axtial@ 3@97, oup, %h* ettleor IO mpatred to rake I morn report at tiwb al&e et @*ah fireal yoat amI tha stat&e requirea, uuuL(I &yaf?$foi aaf *ho “;4”“” oholl ooataln an itualaob btatr eeo, tbdo @no and o~enoa0leao earnedI during the tiara1 gear whi6h were nmt ooUe~tM, tegathsr with the Arttile 3692, authsrieeo the otiioar to retain dolin- puent*?seo for one year oolleate4 in a eubaeguent yeax pro- vided the delinquent P-8 are reported for ths year @aid teer were 0arneQ. In thi0 reOpM%, thio depar%aMt held iA Opbim NO. O-703 ea iollower I.-. . . Zion. 0. H. Willianaon - Page 5 ue eodloae herewith oopier 02 our Oplniono m+ O-703 and No. O-26&, whiah, togother With this opinion, we believe oeverrevery phaas of your problemi 8