OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablo 8holby It. Long county At tornoy Jotforron County Bemmont, Toxu rubmitted in your lottor of March 7 La whl r0ii0ving questions: o Independent School 08 Valley Authority 8 for Intero~t and votorr of Rorodalo Independent uthorlze a tax rata r0r Local ntoremt and Slnklrq Fund ln 1.00 per hundred v8luatlon?” Art. VIII, 3ec. 2, Conatltutlon of Taxma, provider that “tho Loglrlatun may, by general 18.~1, exppt from taxa- tion pub110 property used for pub110 purporos. Art. 7150, V.A.C.S., provldom as rollowl gononble Shelbf 1;. Long, Page 2 "Tho r0ii0ving proporty rhll be lxampt rroai tax*t10n, to vltr '48. Dlatrlota 8nd Authorltl88, propert ori papnonta in lieu 0r kxoa.--All property reual or person81 belongIng 8xolurirel to DZatrlata 8nd Authoritlra oreatod dlnotl g$ A0t8 or th0 1sg18- lbtun purawmt to Art1010 , 8ootloa 59, 0r the Conatltutlon as 8genoloa 0r the st8t* 0r TOX88, and 811 property real or peraorml belonglag lxolu8Irol~ to DIatrIota 8nd Authoritloa oreatod or inoorporatod under l8vr la 8o to pursuant d to Sootlon 59, Artiolo XVI or the Conatitutlonj provided that Ii 84 ruch District or Authority ha heretofore 8oqulred or dooa hereafter aoqulra propertf vhlah at the time of such acquisition Is or ~88 then rubjoot to tax- ation, and la at tho time OS Its 8oqulaltlon be3ng used for gonezwting, tr8namlttlng, 8nd di8trlbutIng electrIo energy or pover, auah Dlatrlot or Author- ity ah811 at the tlmea preaorlbed by kv for the payment of 8d valorem hxea make 8 pawont in lieu 0r taxes to tho St8t.8 0r Tex88 8nd to tho oounty, city, and such taxing districts vlthla vhloh such property la altustodj such p8ymont la llou of tax08 to be ln tho amount vhlch would be re8lIxod by lovy- lng an ad valorer tax 8t the current rate for tho then current t8x year b8aod on tho 8aaoaaed veluo or auoh property for tho last ourrent kx rear be- tore bolng aoquired by such Dlatrlot or Authority; provided firthor that no payment ah811 b8 mado vlth reapeot to 84 property no longer ovnod by luah Dla- trlot or Authorit ior gonerating, tranamltting, or dlatrlbutlng llootrlo laorgy or povor. Suoh payment la lieu or tax08 shall be made out or tho revenues reoelved 61 luah DIatrIct or Authorltf from the gen- emtlon, tnnaatlaalon, or dIatrlbutloa or llootrlo povor and energy 8nd tho llablllt~ ror 88me ah811 oonatltuto 8 lion or enoumbnnoe only on the ROYO- nuea of such Dlatrlot or Authority, 8nd ah811 bo oonaldored as 8 part of the opentlng lxponaear SpeoIflo8lly, no paymeats ah811 be mdo In 110~ of taxoa with r8apeot to d8m8, dam altea, reaervolr areas, md vater dlatrlbutlng or lrrlg8tloa systema. It la the oxpressed leglal8tlvo lntrat of thIa Act th8t auoh Dlatrlota or Authorltler make paPent in ~onor8ble Shelbr I. Long, P@JJO 3 lieu of tux88 only vlth reapeot to proporti88 vhloh 8t th8 tim0 Of their 8O~UiSitiO~ VOrO OD the ad V@lOrOmkx rolls 0r the Stat0 0r Foxes or 0r 84 oouatf, oltr, or 84 other bx%ng Dla- trlot of tho 8kto of Toxea 8ad vhloh 8t tho tlmo or the loqulaltIan vore being uaod ror gen- lr8tlng, tr8namIttlng, or dlatrlbutIag lleotrlo pover and ener J prorldod furthor that it la the rxpreaard Foglaletlve latent tht no paymonta ah811 be umde in lieu of kxea vlth reapeot to dams, dam altee, r ea o r volirrO@S~ and vetor dla- trlbuting or Irrigation apatomal; belonging to 8ny luah Authority or District. Tho Lover feohea Valley Authority Is a governmental @genOJ, body polltIo lrnd corporate crwted under hrt. XVI, Sec. 59, constitution of Toxaa, end tho Enabling Aot of tho LegIal8turo puraunnt thereto, eppwriag es Aotr 1933, 43rd y& ;*p, p. 169, Ch. 63, as amended by Acts 1934, 43ti E::: Ch. 17, end Acts 1941, 47th Leg., R.S., Ch. 570. This k&lment, known as the 'Conarrvetlon Am8ndmentw provldoa for the creation of conaervatlon end reo1amatIon dia- trlcta as rollova: %O. 598. Th8 oonaervetIon end dovolopment 0r 811 0r tho aatur81 resources 0r this state, in- cluding th8 aontrol, @torIng, preaorvbtlon and dia- trlbutlon of Its storm end flood vatora, the vatora 0r Its rlmra end atroams, ror lrrIg8tlon, povor 8ad all other uaoful purpoaear the real8amtIon and IrrIg8tIon of Its aria, semi-arid &ad othor lands nO@ding lwig8tIon, the reoluaetion end drrirmge or Its overflovod lands, end other l8nda noodlng dreIn8ge, the oonsorvatlon 8nd devolopent of its forests, vater and hTdro-el8otrlo povor, tho nevl- getion of Its Inland 8nd ooaatal vatora, end the preservation 8nd oonaorvation of 811 such nrrturol reaourcoa Or the Stat0 8rY each md 811 hereby da- c&red pub110 rights ad dutioaJ 8nd the &gIal8- ture ah811 p8aa 811 auoh lava es m8y be lpproprleto thereto; “(b) FhOFO-7 b0 OIW@tOdV1th.b th0 6t8tO Of Texas, or tho State 887 be divided into, luoh nuaher %ononble Shelby II. Low, Page 4 of oonaorwtlon end reol8amtIon dlatrlota es m8~ b8 dotoninod to bo 8880ntl81 to the ecaom- pllalnont or the purpoaoa of this uendmont to tho oonatltutlon, vhloh dlatrIot ah811 bo govem- B@liit@l 8~OnOiOSand bodies VOlitiO 8nb vlth luoh Dover8 0r govornmont 8nd vith the lU- thorlty to lxorolao such right , D 1 11 g d ?unctlona oonoernlng tho l u b Jo :t Jt’lor’o:‘t& amendment es a8y be oonrorred by 18V.” (Ebpha- ala 8ddOd.J tie lbovo olted act cn@tIng tho Lover Iechoa Val- ley Authority deolaroa In Seotlon 1 thOA-@Orthe nature 8nd purposes 0r the authority to be es rollovar “sot. 1. There ah811 be and la hemby ore8tod 8 oonaorv8tIon 8nd reol8mation district by the name of 'Lover Iechoa Valley Authority', vhloh dlatrlot Is oreeted 8 a 8 governmental agency, body politic and corpor8te. Vested vlth all the authority es auoh under the Constitution and Lava of this State1 and vhloh shall hove and be reoognlxed to oxeroIae 811 0r the pcvera or auoh govermont 8gency and body polltlo end oorporete as Lre expressly euthorlsed in the pro- visions of tho Constitution, Sootion 59 OS Ar- tlolo 16, for dIatrIota oreeted to conserve, store, oontrol, proserve, utilize end distribute the atom end flood vatera end the vetera 0r the rivers end streams ot th8 State, 8nd luah povera es MJ bo oon- templ8tod end Implied by tho purposes of this pro- vision 0r tho Constitution, end es m8y be conferred by Oenoral l~v, es well es by tho provIaIona of this Aa t, lxoopt nothing herein contalnod shall luthorlze a8ld district to levy 8ny kxoa or ape- cl.81 eaaoaamenta, or to areato 84 dobt papablo out or t.ax8tIon; 8nd said dlatrlot ah811 h8ve 8nd be reoagnlzed to exeraiae 811 tho rights 8nd povora Or en Independent gov8rnmont8l egonay; body poll- tlo end oorporato, to oonatruot, a185.ntaI.nand oper- *to, In the velloya or the Roohea River 8nd Its trlbutarloa, vlthln or vlthout tho bound8rIoa of 549 gonorable Shelby K;. Low, two 5 auoh dir triot, 84 end 811 works deemed oaaen- tl81 to th0 operetlon Of tho dlatriot 8nd for Its ldminlat~tlon in the oontrol, storing, preservation 8nd dlatrlbution to 811 uao~l purposes of tho ntora of the Hoohoa River 8nd its tribukry ltreuo, InoludIng the atom end ri00d V8tOPS tbOZWOfJ end luoh dlatpiot ah811 hve 8nd be reoognlaod to ex8rOIae auoh euthor- Itr and powr of ooatrol 8x4 regul8tlan over luah vatora of the Noohea Jilvor8nd ltr tribu- tmloa es ai8f k lxorolaed br the Skto of Toxea, lubjeot to tho provisions of tho Conrtitutlon @Ad the’Acts 0r the LegIal8turo.” In the light 0r tha roNgoIng oonatItutlOMl and statutory provisions tho conclusion Is laoaoap8blo that the Lover lecher Valley Authorlt~ Is 8n Authority oreetod dlreat- ly by mot oi the l&glalaturo puraurnt to Artlole NL, Section 59, 0r the Conatltutlon es en lgenoy 0r the St8te 0r Toxra vlthin the tax eraptlon granted In Art. 7150, Bubdlv. &L, V.A.C.B., 8nd oonaoquontly OXempt fPOaI t8X8tlOn iOr 10~81 8aIntenanoo end for Interest and aInkIng fund on outstandIng bonded lndobtedneaa of Roaodelo Independent Sohool Dlatrlot. Since you at8to that none of th8 property of tho Authority v8a et the time oi Its aaquIaItlon being uaod for genozwtlng, transmitting, and dlatributlng lloatrlc energy or pover, the Authority is not obllgetod by bubdlv. 48, Art. 7150, V.A.C.S., to rke paymonta in lieu of taxoa to tho rohool district, but Is lp ec ir lo 8ll~lxompt thermwf8 by the r0110ving 18ngu8ge: “It is the 8xpreaaed legislative titont that no prysent at3811 be made In lieu of taxoa vlth reapoot to d8ma, d8m sites, re- aonol~ areas, upd v8tor dIatrlbutIng or lrrIg8tlon l~a tema , belonging to 8zir auoh luthorlt~ or Dirtriot." Tour questions one and tvo en therotore enavered In the 8rriXWttiVO. WO8LY onclosing 8 oopy Of Opinion HO. 0-5433 vhloh dlapoaoa of pur third question. Veq truly yours ATTORFIEY OEKRRAL OF !JEXAS hgan Dlokaon Aaalaknt .--,